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anybody else notice that 2 players from one country seem to get the same achievement almost simultaneously? I don't see how the sense of 'achievement' is felt there to be honest.
It has been suggested before (even if it was as a joke...). Why not an achievement for not spending an hour of vacation (with auto-vacation mode on) during the whole year, or if it's easier to "achieve" don't lose a game by timeout during a year
Aangepast door joshi tm (10. november 2011, 16:41:06)
Gror: The funny thing is, I earned the achievement, I think for a game WITH auto pass ;)
In this game, Kloongammon (goseji - joshi tm) my opponent has the doubling cube, so he always has a move - double or not -, 10 times he rolled the dice and failed to move out, and I earned my 10 Achievement points ;) Apperantly the system counts rolling the dice or doubling as a move, so even in an Autopass game you can win the achievement :D I still haven't received recognition for these achievements.
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Marshmud: It also depends on how you got the black rook I believe - I know I don't have that achievement since I took advantage of the "1/2" price deal, which is not in the database the same as a true black rook... or something like that. I think it was discussed in this board awhile back.
Does anyone know when the achievement bonus begun? I have so many I have achieved without the bonus like the Lifetime dedication or the Black Rook that has a 50 point bonus. I see other Black Rooks have the bonus. I think we go a few years back, but this achievement was in the past year.
2/10 Win 100 public tournaments in 10 games -> should be 3/10 (Connect6, Five in line, Pente) 9/50 Win 50 public tournaments in 50 games -> should be 15/10 (Connect6, Line4, Dice Chess, Five in line, Pro FiL, Swap FiL, Keryo Pente, Open Keryo Pente, Open Pente, Linetris, Small Keryo Pente, Small Pente, Spider Line4, Pente, Spider Linetris)
Onderwerp: Re: Win 1 public tournament in 100 games.
aaru: You have played and won so many tournaments, it would be hard for most of us to double check for you!
I guess I would just ask, are you sure they were all "public tournaments". From my understanding, won "fellowship tournaments" would not count toward this total.
rod03801: The one mentioned below was the only one I finished today. Looking back through my event messages, it looks like the last time I won a Froglet game of any type was November 24th (and I did have blue frogs).
lizrising: Yeah, looks like a bug. You lost, but you did indeed not jump any blue frogs. Did you maybe finish another game right at around the same time, and that achievement was for that one?
I just got the Against a Bluescreen achievement, but I don't think I should have. I got the notice after I finished this game: Anti Froglet (lizrising vs. elio80) This is an Anti Froglet game that I lost. I checked all the Froglet and Sphere Froglet games that I have won (it's not that many) and I have never won without jumping a blue frog.
I know this is not exactly a ranking table, but shouldn't the players that have been removed by a certain time period be removed from the achievements list?
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