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16. november 2003, 21:14:56
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: You guys are too picky
I am not sure to what you are referring. My guess is that Fencer moderated something?

Perhaps you should discuss this with him privately.

16. november 2003, 20:02:28
I've created another prize tournament.
8x10 battles!

16. november 2003, 19:48:19
I will have to improve the board system.
And now, please, let's discuss tournament topics only.

16. november 2003, 19:45:39
Onderwerp: Thank you
for your explanation.

16. november 2003, 19:44:14
Grim Reaper 
When it was first posed as a question, I do not think anyone knew what was the exact cause. It had not been observed previously.

But when messages are hidden, the counter increments external to the board, but the messages will not appear.

We all know this now, and nobody, myself included, was aware of this yesterday. I thought maybe a poster deleted the posts and that could account for the discrepancy.

16. november 2003, 19:38:52
Onderwerp: Herforder says
(also 16. November 2003, 19:24:52)

the posts are not deleted. He sees them. They are hidden.

I've heard also, Mister Trice will have
(why for goodness must it be italic, Dano?)
an innocent explanation for his false assert,
when yesterday this gentleman stated here,
Herforder himself had deleted three posts.

A post off-topic and, belonging to the jokes-board
whereto it even might be pasted, one of these days.

16. november 2003, 01:30:54
GothicInventor 15. November 2003, 16:23:53
sLaMdAnCe13Km masturbates every time he copies then re-posts something that I post in the Flame Pit discussion board.

15. november 2003, 21:33:28
GothicInventor The environment is changing 15. November 2003, 10:33:17
In case you have not noticed. Everyone has been given a clear slate at ths point in time. Dano was warned about his posts, which were unwarranted, and now he is gone.

He keeps making mention of manipulated posts. I am not sure what he means by that. I occasionally make typo corrections or punctuation changes at the tournament board, if this is manipulation, so be it.

Yes, I posted that I would help everyone playing Dano in Gothic Chess to win. I was letting off steam, but I really meant it when I said it. Logistically, does anyone really believe this was possible? In fact, nobody took me up on my offer, as those who were members of the fellowship recall. They all wanted to try and give him a drubbing by their own hands, win, lose, or draw.

I posted it mostly because I knew it would agitate dano when it leaked, so the spies helped me immensely, and I thank you for it.

It was an impossible task to do (play every move for every opponent against dano) but knowing the way his paranoia is manifest, I knew it would send him over the deep end.

So what had I actually done?

I made a post, then took no action on it. How many times a day do we each do similar things? You see a beautiful woman walking down the street, do you think "I wonder if she likes doing Crossword Puzzles?" If you see an armored car making a cash pickup at a store, do you think "I wonder what kind of gas mileage it gets?"

No, we have fleeting thoughts about getting her in the sack, and tossing bags of money into the back seat and peeling off down the road. (Or maybe peeling off down the road with the girl in the back seat, and sleeping with the bags of money, whatever you prefer!)

The point being my previous fellowship was created for those to let off steam about dano, much as this one is most likely geared at letting steam off about me.

But does anyone really think I crashed the server just so dano, who won his section in the $3000 Gothic tournament, would not be able to continue on? Did he really think I was making all of those moves against him and he kept beating me game after game?

Folks, you have to face the fact that he was at least a little off his rocker. If nothing else, this must be conceeded.

The server crashed. That's all that happened.

A new policy is in place. It is one we can all live with. When I make a post about how the 4 kings in the deck of cards are not really modeled after those in antiquity that have permeated the culture, then someone calls me a prick for doing so, a line has been crossed. It was uncalled for.

Even now, I could of had this person banned, but I elected not to do so.

No more warnings will ever be issued, as the policy is any direct insult, in a private or public forum, will result in an immediate banning.

If it cannot be discussed without name calling, do us all a favor, and save yourself some keystrokes.

If you have read the hidden message I placed in this post, you know which 4 people will be banned next because they will most likely make snide remarks about this post. This is what I am hoping for. This is the bait.

15. november 2003, 20:51:53
Onderwerp: good that dano trained me on saving
he had to cope with all kind of deceitful attempts already.
hardened webbie, not fat, very low reaction time, elephante memory with
almost total recall - it's really senseless to try yet, Mr.

15. november 2003, 20:48:14
Onderwerp: yes - and snow white lived happily until her end
ask mrloupcity what happened to HIS messages.
mine are still here - completely. we know the liar.

15. november 2003, 18:42:03
DeaD man WalkiN 
Onderwerp: need 1 and 2
Fast play tourney for Backgammon need1 & Backgammon Race need 2 pls if u would like either game TNP

15. november 2003, 18:30:29
Onderwerp: yadda indeed but what do you expect mrloup
with a moderator who tends to post nothing but inessential remarks,
e.g. for hours last tuesday? still I do not see a tournament
announced between monkeys and typewriters as he pondered so extensively.

15. november 2003, 17:44:32
Onderwerp: oh new rules?
what had your impressions of english to do with tournaments?
merely take a few centuries to answer, you will need time I bet.

15. november 2003, 16:37:13
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: now I know
herforder, please explain what your post has to do with tournaments, or delete it.

15. november 2003, 16:33:57
Onderwerp: now I know
what dano called mental masturbation.
could be anything but no english for sure.

15. november 2003, 16:18:40
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: One question..
The parameters are still being discussed, but all entrants would have to send in a check, and sign a document as well. The document would cover all stipulations associated with the prize fund, including dispersements in the event of tragedies.

15. november 2003, 09:42:29
In only 4 days an epic battle begins. Are you looking for glory as you crush your opponent under your steel tracks? Then you must sign up for this tournament. That is unless your afraid.

KM Tanks A Lot

15. november 2003, 04:36:57
Onderwerp: One question..
With that $50.00 entrance fee.. would there be something in writting for those who enter the tournament which entitles those entrants to a full refund if another crash were to interrupt their play again? And do you offer a form in writting to those who do enter outlining the award to the winner.. or is this supposed to be taken at face value..?

Just curious..

Cathryn.. ;)

15. november 2003, 00:09:31
Linda J 
No my friend everyone.Join please

14. november 2003, 23:55:34
DeaD man WalkiN 
Onderwerp: Re: hey is this a tourney broad
Linda KM i thought it was for tv players

14. november 2003, 23:18:04
Linda J 
Onderwerp: Re: hey is this a tourney broad
I have a tounament mrloupcity that needs a few more players.Club webtv open for everyone with a 1 day time limit.

14. november 2003, 22:46:44
have I missed something?

14. november 2003, 22:04:39
Rogue Lion 
Onderwerp: Re: hey is this a tourney broad
mrloupcity KM : Go to "Tournaments" (left column) and click "Define New Tournament" (top of page).

14. november 2003, 20:51:53
DeaD man WalkiN 
Onderwerp: hey is this a tourney broad
any 1 have tourneys to add hehehe i don't know how to add, if some1 cares to message me and tell me where to get tourney # pls do

14. november 2003, 18:49:38
Onderwerp: first (as usual) there are a lot of gothic apologies pending
bet they won't be even half way excuses ...
so merely again start to misuse a public board.

We are not interested to see your porcupine jokes here. Please, finally
consider keepin your inessentials out. You gothic Mr. are definitely
beyond the last who should swell as reference for behaviour, here.

So better keep those mental masturbations privat ~*~

14. november 2003, 18:00:17
Onderwerp: Prize Tourny started
Thanks to those who have signed up, have fun and good luck :o)
Stevies Anti Reversi Prize Tourny 2nd try

Steve :o)

14. november 2003, 15:09:23
And you declined my invite, so thats not true LMAO

14. november 2003, 14:48:46
too close to the truth was it??????????????

14. november 2003, 14:35:30
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Just for clarity...
I did not delete the posts Filip is refering to. He did, however.

14. november 2003, 09:22:50
Onderwerp: Sorry for your mood
I could just offer a naughty joke in The Cave to cheer you up :")

the chess boards are my domain here
- as I stated repeatedly without success.
I know too well how it is when every now and then,
- there's of sudden noise around and you're told it's
about you, not only then I prefer to be left alone anyway - darn ...
I cannot please all folks either - not with every post after all.

good morning, chief :D
thanks for you have spoken ;)
guess Mr. Trice will not be pleased to hear that
you have made VERY clear that he cannot command
you around, here. He's really a bit hard on grasping. ~*~

14. november 2003, 04:56:58
Onderwerp: the core
<I complained about a deliberately canceled tournament
- I had already won my group and an announced prize thus ...

onto that I made a bit fun at a poll consisting of only 3 votes ... :P

big deal.
c'mon this is the tournament board we aren't in kindergarden are we ?? >8(

he could have left it by that one growling comment, my *promises promises*
and end of my debate. no not so mister obsessive nerd. he started
an endless chain of uncreative and illiterate provocations like
he did also - out of the blue - last weekend at the bk.com board
(violating any intelligence, remember guys ? I was supposed to have
taken illigitimate advantage by uhhhm double vacancy days .... :O huh ??
so because I had official vacancy days while the server was down anyway,
I gained advantage ?? no way to play so why should I waste vacancy ...)

I succeeded in lightmindedly dodging that ridicoulous assaults beyond
any niveau and intelligent observation - not without help of course
- from the Holy Lotos and ... :D ... Auntie Margarete ... :P ... ~*~

14. november 2003, 04:13:22
Onderwerp: Billy Joel
we didn't start the fire. ~*~

14. november 2003, 03:15:37
Onderwerp: well Filip
you should better try that with the notorious goatic cheater !
who's always off topic when behaving like a wildboar to
waste the boards and, who rabies-like attacks erraneously
when screwing up periodicly as many here have had to suffer.
(do you want me forwarding the complete board of yesterday
before he started his uhhmm selective deleting to blur traces ?
insulted me continuously, hours ! while I dodged like a boarero.)

about two dozens complaints about his bullying, to his domain
here at your server, have also been deleted silently - ah blah !!

He offered 'unlimited' cheater support to all my opponents and,
you dare to warn me for documenting where the money stinks ?

Careful, deadend of culture, I sadly have to warn you. :(


if somebody doesn't show firm resistance against cheaters, he
might be pulled into the unfortunate twilight of cheaters as well ...

you cannot have 'just a bit' honesty, neither you cAn
have just 'a bit' peace, corruption or, pregnancy period ~*~

saved as usual Ed, fiddling in my message again would be futile.

14. november 2003, 00:47:52
Hey Dano,
your last posts on this board are definitely off-topic and it's a miracle that Ed still don't use his moderator functions [ban/hide].
Provocations don't work anywhere on BrainKing and never will do. Please don't make me try the "account suspension" feature on you [someone must be the first to try it on him]. I think that we had a deal from the recent past. Take it as the last warning.

13. november 2003, 22:24:18
Onderwerp: oops b4 eye 4get
you seem to stand easily losses of data.

but would be a bad idea next time when it comes to losing a gothic game
against a Janus expert, instead of again exposing the same strange amnesia
you suffered last time - dunno whether you have green teeth, but that's no
bluetooth yet - anyway when server-crashes should continue to have direct
impact, on your own memory too, you probably should stay disconnected
- i.e. sheer technically - oh yes, from sportsmanship you cAn,
easily of course, since long, as we know. good job for a start ... :P ... ~*~

13. november 2003, 22:08:46
Onderwerp: still wondering
what has poor Auntie Margarete done to you ? 0:)
ah blah, you have been a rude rowdy anyway - all the time
that's not auntie's fault - now Uncle Theodor is solely your problem ... ~*~

13. november 2003, 20:53:19
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion
I imagine some of the tidbits were interesting to the general readership, but I did not want it evolving into a "the variant I like best is better than the variant you like best" contest.

Both have strong advocates that have at least tried the game more than occasionally. Both have strong followings in their own countries.

Since tournaments were discussed in the midst of the diatribe, this is correct place for the postings. But now I think all that needed to be said was said.

13. november 2003, 19:04:45
Onderwerp: Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion
I thought it was quite interesting, Ed. :o) I found out some facts I didn't know before.

13. november 2003, 17:35:22
Onderwerp: Re: Stevies Anti reversi Prize Tourny 2nd try
Hi all, as part of the KM November sponsor a pawn campaign just before the crash. So here we go again, it would be nice to see the same players sign up. There were 20 before, so if we get more this time, the more the merrier :o)
Stevies Anti Reversi Prize Tourny 2nd try
Have fun :o)

13. november 2003, 17:31:11
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Cleanup
Some of the posts were not even remotely on topic, and they were removed. Some were still off topic and were left here for no apparent reason, just to keep happy those who view DBs as "permanent archives" of sorts.

Shall we dispense of the Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion?

13. november 2003, 14:47:40
Onderwerp: well even single german grandmasters cAn be very dense
as Huebner prooved vs Korchnoj ... :P ... ~*~

13. november 2003, 14:27:02
Onderwerp: Re: gothic world championship
if it doesnt,Gothic...it must mean the Germans are better players??

Lets Start over Loop Chess .....
still plenty of openings!!!

13. november 2003, 14:08:54
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: gothic world championship
I still don't see the point Caissus. The density of Grandmasters does not, in any way, correspond to the popularity of a chess variant.

13. november 2003, 08:07:25
Onderwerp: Re: gothic world championship
36 Grandmasters in the USA and 55 Grandmasters in in the much smaller Germany shows the difference.
After new hard- and software is installed I will try to bring one of them to play here a simultan event,perhaps in Janus or Gothic.

13. november 2003, 07:56:40
Open to any and all BK members.

KM Czech Checker Prize Tourny

13. november 2003, 07:13:54
Onderwerp: that does not count for auntie margarete
and I hereby ban all speculations about how long
she was taken into the spheres of rumour ... :P ~*~

13. november 2003, 06:09:46
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: Re: those who signed in
The vote was taken over a 3-day period, not at night. Get your facts straight.

13. november 2003, 02:08:00
Onderwerp: those who signed in
to the tournament cAn merely be
counted as willing to continue in general ...

explicitely contradicting only was required here.
- who didn't, agreed to play on thus. dozens.

if I draw a quick poll at night when only
Auntie Margerete is awake yet I get funny results too ...

ah blah promises promises ~*~

13. november 2003, 01:47:57
Grim Reaper 
Onderwerp: To Whoever Said There Was Only One Vote...
I count 3 for stopping the tournament, and 1 recent one for continuing it.

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

12. November 2003, 15:36:17

I vote b

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

10. November 2003, 13:53:59
thanks for asking, Ed
I for one find myself with far too many ongoing GC games from previous tournaments to start new commitments right now.

Re: Vote on 2003 World Championship

9. November 2003, 18:12:01

I think that it's fair to everyone that the tournament be started over in 2004! I had 6 wins and 1 game to be decided, so I think I would be affected more than anyone since I had already made it to the 2nd round!!

So my VOTE=A

Vote on 2003 World Championship

9. November 2003, 16:47:25

My message box was full of mail about people who were winning whose games were lost, etc. So, should we just scrap the whole event and just run one in 2004?


A - delete the 2003 Tournament
B - keep it, but start it when we get back to 32 rooks and 48 pawns.

My vote = A

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