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Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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3. november 2004, 16:35:31

3. november 2004, 18:38:16
Even playing only 50 moves a day is $0.50. Over a year that's about $180...

3. november 2004, 18:53:02
All right, who wants to be the first volunteer of this system? :-)

3. november 2004, 19:13:26
No, I said 1/10th of a cent.

That would be 5c, or $18 per year.


3. november 2004, 20:35:07
Filip - I think you should offer first - set an example ;0)

3. november 2004, 20:43:16
Dont know if this has been suggested before, but how about an "Introductory Level" 3 month Rook membership? (Available to a pawn upgrading for the first time only) with the benefits of a Rook - i.e. number of games/tournaments etc but without the creation of a Fellowship facility (incase they dont renew).

A smaller price (and time period) may tempt would-be pawns and once they get the benefits and see how good the site is, any subsequent renewal should be a minimum 6 months as usual....? It wouldnt cost the site any loss of revenue but potentially gives an affordable taster to those who dont want to commit to a full 6 months....

4. november 2004, 00:05:23
I believe something similar was suggested months ago but I think Fencer stated it was not economically viable at that time due to PayPal's charges.

4. november 2004, 00:34:52
ahh, right. Cheers Bumble. Bleedin good idea though!! lol

4. november 2004, 00:39:29
Fencer might reconsider now that the methods of payment have changed a bit.

4. november 2004, 02:37:42
jOIn My dAMn bG tOuRnEy.

4. november 2004, 02:38:27
sLaM'z " oH mAn! i'Ve bEEn bAnNed... aGaiN."

4. november 2004, 03:15:05
ROFL, I swore I wouldnt start any more tourneys for a while, but I cannot pass up that name! LOL@sLaMz

4. november 2004, 07:55:59
*fiGHt cLUb*

4. november 2004, 13:13:16
Onderwerp: 3 month rook
I think this would be disasterous to the fellowships.

4. november 2004, 13:14:11
what would the price have to be ?
you can already have a half year knight membership for only 10 euro .. isnt that cheap enough ?

4. november 2004, 17:13:59
Onderwerp: Red Squirrel History Group Tournament
Red Squirrel Anti Nuts

Open to anyone who wants to play!

4. november 2004, 21:21:58
Hrqls - yes - but ideally it would be better if people were Rooks in my eyes. That would quell all the discussions re Knights in Fellowships and numbers of games allowed etc (see posts at the bottom of this page and just before...)

bwild - why?

4. november 2004, 22:37:24
Aangepast door bwildman (4. november 2004, 22:38:27)
as a rook,they can form fellowships...if they lapse after 3 monthes,there would be an open fellowship.I would think that with the existing numer of fellowships(some members have more than 2) the fellowship increase and subsequent abuse,would defeat the purpose.

5. november 2004, 02:23:08
Onderwerp: Joust at the Realm #3
Congrats to Matarilevich for winning the Joust!!
Well done! Thanks for everyone else for playing in the Tournament!
Joust at the Realm #3

5. november 2004, 02:32:54
Onderwerp: Tournaments to sign up for :

5. november 2004, 08:00:48
Aangepast door Bry (5. november 2004, 08:01:30)
bwild - my suggestion earlier was the 3 month Rook wouldnt be able to form a Fellowship - for your exact reason, but would just have the access to more games and more tournaments - tempting them to get into playing loads of games and multiple tournaments - hopefully encouraging them to renew at the end of 3 monts for a full 6 months package - then getting full Rook benefits.....

5. november 2004, 10:17:33
Onderwerp: Nooks and Crannies
Is looking for two more players to join its anti~froglet team for the forthcoming team Tournament, would anyone like to join in?

Nooks and Crannies

5. november 2004, 14:36:23
Onderwerp: Bry
guess I missed that part of your suggestion.

5. november 2004, 15:19:09
I have no idea how much a pack of cigarettes costs. How about expressing it in terms of pints of beer or grams of pot instead.

5. november 2004, 15:21:09
Aangepast door bwildman (5. november 2004, 15:22:08)
quarter ounce in this area ;-)_~~~

5. november 2004, 15:29:49
what the #$% is an ounce? ;)

5. november 2004, 15:33:22
4 ounces=a pound
7grams ;-)

5. november 2004, 17:09:43
I thought 16 oz was a pound... Hmmm..

5. november 2004, 18:37:19
I think bwild meant 4oz = a quarter pound (lb), Scarlet.

5. november 2004, 19:42:37
Onderwerp: ughaibu
- I totally agree - hence I got a Rook pretty much straight away after first logon. What I am trying to suggest is targetting those people who are sceptic about paying for membership to games sites, or those who dont want to pay for such a time period of 6 months. You could even make it a month for a few Euro's.

My betting is once they get a load of games going, get into see Fellowships and the chat board, they will have faith in the site and renew for the 6 months at full price. I also said it should be a one off offer for pawns only.

5. november 2004, 19:55:08
Why would we need a special rook membership without the ability to create fellowships - we have that, it's called a Knight membership basicly!

Maybe a "trial" 2 month Knight for 5 EUR or something?

5. november 2004, 21:05:07
eagle eye 
Onderwerp: nuber of free slots in the second round
How many free slots I have to have for a second round in a tournament when there is 1 winner in section 1 and 2 winners in section 2.


5. november 2004, 21:26:05
A second round will start even if you do not have enough slots available.

So with a second round starting, it is possible to be over your game limit. (of course you would then not be able to start any new games until you are under the limit.)

5. november 2004, 22:59:30
Onderwerp: Re:
Yes.. I should have guessed.. men generally try to make women think something is larger or bigger than it really is.. for example with a road map.. they try to convince everyone that an inch is equal to a mile.. lol

6. november 2004, 01:20:48
Aangepast door Bry (6. november 2004, 11:15:39)
BBW - but a trial 2 month Knight membership will not "open" eyes to the real benefits to being a "Rook". What I am trying to say is that if someone gets chance to pay a little to try a 1 month, 2 month or 3 month Rook (without creating fellowships) - meaning they are able to play all tourneys and seeing all Discussion Boards, they are more likely to extend it for the 6 months Rook Filip wants, once they are "hooked". Those of us who have been here a while (and are Rooks and have extended membership or even taken Gold Rook) would agree that it is good value and the site/personal service is excellent.

But unless you are a Rook, and experienced the benefits.... you wouldnt know.....

A lot of people dont want to pay memberships on t'internet.... for 6 months minimum membership, whatever to small price (to some), but a taster of it may tempt them....


6. november 2004, 09:19:36
ROFL! t'internet?! Your accent is showing there, Bry!! :oD

6. november 2004, 11:06:25
Peter Kay fan.... ;0)

6. november 2004, 11:19:04
...and 12 pints of Boddingtons followed by a curry. :D

6. november 2004, 11:50:12
john smiths - 'av it....

6. november 2004, 12:16:34
top bombing

6. november 2004, 13:36:55
Peter Kay makes me homesick! I sometimes wonder how funny people think he is who don't live in Bolton though!

Oh, and HOME needs players for Berolina chess tourney! (see, I'm on topic!)

6. november 2004, 15:10:05
does anyone else think this auto-vacation is garbage?

6. november 2004, 15:14:58
Onderwerp: Re:
Only me

6. november 2004, 15:21:41
me too

6. november 2004, 16:20:23
what would you think if there was a limit of 4 or 5 days for autovacation to take at one time?

6. november 2004, 16:45:07
how about one day? That should solve for what it was intended to solve, namely some emergency.

6. november 2004, 16:50:30
Most emergencies will probable take more then 1 day. I also think that having it unlimited is a little too much (up to 30 days + weekends and such for rooks). With a limit of 4 or 5, it will give about a week extra time - which I think would not be too much to ask for people in an emergency.

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