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user cookies on their central server, which makes it
almost usable for serious purposes like my private
hide cookie, noting 51 new msgs, showing 10 indeed. ~*~
frolind: sometimes it's due to judge "the maniacs" mildly.
perhaps someone is going for the record-amount of moves
for the day and just doesn't want to leave out a count ... ... ~*~
but what preliminaries have let one getting on two's enemy list. . I have faced so
many surprised on boards where you have to wait for a first vent to hide as well, but
since I'm a prophet I use block well even before the troublemaker starts it as forseen ... ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (30. juni 2005, 21:07:39)
bumble: nonsense - if you get anyone to that courtesy, congrats though
- but for me it's just a silly interpretation not covered by rules whatsoever
that's why I don't claim the adults-rule for moving pieces out, either - who cares ... ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (30. juni 2005, 04:34:48)
if I cAn shoot a goal and that is the goal of the game, I'd be stupid not to do so - your
belief is inessential here & even about rules there are divergences - like the very silly kindergarten move-out, "internationally" allowed, anything but sportsmanship for pros. ~*~
Onderwerp: funny after you confessed having no idea
Aangepast door danoschek (30. juni 2005, 04:02:54)
if you do not have a minimum of style either, you better
should not talk in public altogether ... welcome on my
hidelist and - read the rules before your next spamming ... ~*~
wayney: a known edge ... this nifty feature here allows different
variations of socalled international rules - now that you know you may
wish to find a courtesy with your opponent before the game ... ... ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (28. juni 2005, 03:57:20)
a peninsula, south part german ... here the wikipedia entry about - my hometown kiel
outlines the fjord between the sub-peninsulae schwansen and angeln - go figure what
lingo anglish ppl spoke - but the brits mis-spelled when we urged them to learn it ... ~*~
ah ja .. .. well if you have socially aimed at me asking to repeat your msg please
(as I was so fascinated that it reduced to a colourful scrolleffect) it was uncensored
indeed after all. ... and if holland is gammon, then juetland is backgammon north. ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (25. juni 2005, 12:49:56)
when the darkness is complaining again - it happens everyday and will
remain futile ... looking forward to some dogmatics suffering a very short circuit
when they need a draw to avoid a draw in an evennumber-games match ... ... ~*~
would enable ideas like putting all the mechanistic computer clubber
into a file for those interested in iterative boredom and put just a link here. ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (25. juni 2005, 02:28:39)
... it merely was meant to expose blonde attitude of those obsessed by computers
meanwhile trying to program mankind to silly and unworthy machine standards, too
- not to generalize our nice frisk neighbourhood from south of texel to north of juetland ... ... ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (24. juni 2005, 17:15:53)
even if liberty becomes ashcrofted and criminalized in some countries meanwhile
it will remain elementary and futile to fight it in the free world existing globally yet ... ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (24. juni 2005, 17:07:23)
we need a totalitarian system where the fantasyless ones spend 24/7 to
fight creativity and a totally blonde tournament creator to find something
objectable whatsoever finally in the provenly great option of a draw ... . ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (24. juni 2005, 17:01:52)
too funny - irrigardlessly I described a different situtation in which a draw doesn't
harm anyone unlike in the perverted form that comes on his mind as first (funny too)
soon draws will be criminal sure. lacking fantasy cAn get a sickness if so notorious I say ~*~
Onderwerp: sometimes it's better to hide severed silliness
Aangepast door danoschek (24. juni 2005, 00:07:21)
before it just stresses my patience or universe-outreaching tolerance granting everyone
to be happy even without the obvious thrills and benefits of a draw as described earlier
any attempts to make lacking fantasy obligatory are ridiculous and abnominal of course ~*~
a draw is very acceptable and senseful. e.g. your opponent offers draw,
you accept because you forsee to lose this set in a bg match - half a point.
for players with a bit of fantasy that effect is half a cube too ... . ~*~
Aangepast door danoschek (23. juni 2005, 12:38:12)
e.g. to win a tournament when the other has no chance anymor hence just wants out ...
and in matches with a fixed, even amount of games a draw will always be possible -
taking a draw in a set of a bg match may even gain the thrill of the lacking cube ... ~*~
whoo hoo. 30 - 40 would have made it worth an objection
still the same dimension thus and not at all touching
the core of the sense. checked a year ago last time btw ... ~*~
which has no impact in backgammon - some game types aren't that crowded ...
in small pente I am so far ahead, there are only 3-4 players within 400 points
- still I bother to play for a team to be available sometimes after all ... ~*~
should be only an additional value - why punish serious players who play continuously ?
irrigardlessly a penalty rating for inactive players seems reasonable after a while,
let's say 100 down after 3 months not giving a flying stuff at challenges ... ~*~
that newbees should have an approbation time and completed some games
before they get the privilege of unveiling what they are here for, on the boards . check also my prophecy from 2ds ago on mem-only, advising how to set up filters . .. ~*~
I shall comply with the rules of the tournament I choose to sign up for - very easy.
and although it's almost alienmath for me to make milespergallon from liters per
hundred kilometers I shall do it whenever an american friend needs a favour. ~*~
I derogate that so called standard ...
here you got to play according to our standard rules or
to stay out of the standard tournaments - fully free choice. ~*~
the anti-fiddling rule about highest triangle counts not earlier than
you removed your first piece ... you may freely arrange the house until
you decide to move out - but from that moment on, sorting is required ... ~*~
yeah that's exactly what I have been suggesting since two years - btw faced just
worthless babbling back from the same pertinent source as latestly - won't control now if
again he used his default insults calling everybody with some fantasy moron or paranoic
hehehe - could be ... for me it was surprising how little it's known in the states,
since we all play that way and our main minority the turks use to use the same rules ... :)
it levels the disadvantage of the backhold strategy compared to 'fast' and 'blockade' ~*~
nope that's okay - but if you have five checkers 3x on 5, 1x on 3 and 1x on 2
and roll 5/1 then you take 5 out once but must not make the others safe by moving 3-2 ...
still 5 is the highest triangle and you have to move from there i.e. 5-4 - no fiddling. ~*~
basically it's what I mean. you may choose which of the dice to use first freely, no need
to bother with hypothetical impossibilities later, that's just part of the game. moving only
from the topmost triangle means AFTER you started moving out stones from the board- ~*~
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