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yes this has ocuured to me.i have been testing a few games on a backgaamon board re these 2 ways:
it refreezes
it does not re-freeze..unless hit on by ANOTHER opponents blot.
it seems the 2nd way makes for a more logical game.
although,this makes it a bit more complicated than I originally thought.
I have thought about need not be ANY different from backgammon,except that instead of removing a blot,it turns blue,is frozen for 2 moves(as for space availability,stacking blots is not a problem,same as usual backgammon).on the 3rd move,the blot returns to its regular color & can be moved.what you think?
...I cut pasted this post I had sent to fencer n a game,what do the other gammon players think?:
fencer,I know this isnt the place for this..but just like crowded backgammon..I have another inspiration for a new backgammon variation.
how about frozen backgammon.
played exacly like backgammon,except instead of a hit blot being sent back to the bar.
it changes colour to blue & is frozen(that is cant make a move)for 2 turns..and then can move on the 3rd turn after being frozen.
what do you think?
Sorry for the delay Steve.
It's not a bad idea. Maybe if you post it to Backgammon discussion board, some more experienced players than me would show their opinions.
(verberg) Zin in een vlugge partij die gegarandeerd binnen 2 uur klaar is? Zet dan in de gewenste spelsoort een nieuwe partij op en stel de tijd in op 0 dagen / 1 uur, de extra tijd op 0 dagen / 0 uur en de limiet op 0 dagen / 1 uur. (TeamBundy) (laat alle tips zien)