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Toezichthouder: Walter Montego 
 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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9. juli 2004, 21:41:55
I7ve known Walter for around four years and I think he'll probably make a good moderator, expertise in the subject under discussion on the board isn't a necessary qualification.

9. juli 2004, 21:33:29
Onderwerp: Re: Fencer.. I can't believe you sometimes..
I would think someone who is more into chess and has been on the site a bit longer would have been more suited for the moderator's position..

No offense Walter.. really.. but, I am just surprised that the first person that comes on to this board and says he would do it.. would be given the job.. without Fencer even knowing more about that person..

9. juli 2004, 19:44:30
Onderwerp: Re: Hey, I'm a moderator
Good luck in your new position, Walter. I suspect it will be boring, just as a moderator's position should be. ;-)

I am glad someone new has been put in the position of moderator of this board, however, I am disappointed to see Ed leave completely. Perhaps, after a bit, he will calm down and come back and continue to promote gothic chess. His posts on the game itself will certainly be missed. Oh well.


9. juli 2004, 18:01:26

9. juli 2004, 17:59:19
Onderwerp: Good luck Kevin!
Tough to lose a competitor like Ed Trice, but I do think a change was due after the draconian way simple disagreements were mishandled. I think you're the right guy for the job.

9. juli 2004, 15:22:56
Onderwerp: Re: Re Hey, I'm a moderator
Walter,good luck in this new endeavor!:)
You may want to look into joining my :Shooting Fish in a Barrel Gothic Chess tourny.Its for players with bkr's of 1700 or less.I think its a great oportunity for newer players to get some even compittion,and apply some of the skills they've learned from playing tougher compittion.

9. juli 2004, 10:43:18
The Listener 
Onderwerp: Re: Hey, I'm a moderator
A better choice for this particular role -- strut away mon tego ;)

              ~ SF

9. juli 2004, 10:37:56
Onderwerp: danoschek please
so much time must be. 8) ... good luck, Walter ... ~*~

9. juli 2004, 10:37:21
Onderwerp: Re Hey, I'm a moderator
Congrats and good luck, Walter Montego!

9. juli 2004, 10:32:24
Walter Montego 
Onderwerp: Hey, I'm a moderator
Hi all. I'll mostly stay in the sidelines though I will post from time to time. I suppose I'll eventually find out what went down on the other board, but in the meantime feel free to type about Gothic Chess and related subjects on this board. You may certainly send private messages to me too.
I'm new to playing Gothic Chess, and I'm up for learning a few things about it. I've finished seven games and have picked up a few things about the relative strengths of the pieces on the larger board and the two new pieces and the two extra Pawns. I also visited the previous regime's Gothic Chess web site and viewed a few pages to see what's happening over there. Dark Chess is still my best game on this site, though that doesn't make it my favorite game! As I get acquainted with my role as moderator and various subjects that come up, I'll try to do what I can to keep information flowing. Hopefully some of the stronger or more experienced players will kick in the answers regarding strategy and tactics.
Seeing how the inventor and the highest rated player on this site has left this site, we'll miss some of his commentary about those aspects of the game.
From the sounds of the way he responded to some of the posts he probably should have asked me or someone else to be moderator. Kind of reminds me of a Keryo Pente discussion board a couple of years back.
Thad's post of----
Conflict of interest 5. July 2004, 14:19:03
--is exactly what comes to my mind. That shouldn't happen with me being the moderator. I shall try not to edit anything, nor ban anyone. From what I've seen that will be nearly impossible to implement, but hey I'm easy and I'll give it a go. At the moment I don't know what powers and controls I have over the posts or people allowed to post here, but I will learn. As dictator of all that I see, I still see very little. Fencer just switched moderators as far as I can tell. If that means all of the settings and people who are banned are still the same, that's what it means then. I will start with a clean slate in a little while. If someone is having a problem posting let me know. I have no enemies on my list at this time for incoming mail. As far as I can tell, there's one master control for allowing: all posts, paid membership, or my approval before the posts hit the board. I also see that each individual post gives me an option to ban or to hide the author and edit or delete their posts. Hmm, well, I suppose that dictator or perhaps czar is what the position is. I shall endeavor to be a benevolent moderator then. If it turns into a task I find disagreeable, I can always abdictate. We'll have a draft danocheck party! :)

Currently the settings are:
Everyone can post
No one is banned
No one is hidden

9. juli 2004, 10:18:12
The Listener 
Onderwerp: GCI go bye bye

"The tide is turning..."

9. juli 2004, 09:31:28
You've got it.

9. juli 2004, 09:29:38
Walter Montego 
Onderwerp: Scrolling down to see the hubbub!
My oh my, good bye GothicInventor.
Hey, I'll take the job of moderator. Sure it can't be that hard, and I'm sure the need for censorship won't arise all that much under my tenure.

9. juli 2004, 09:18:59
Walter Montego's link

I'm on AOL, you should be able to do links.

9. juli 2004, 09:18:26
Walter Montego 
Onderwerp: Re: To All
That's a shame you're leaving, even though I don't know the particulars between you and Fencer. I just learned how to play this Gothic Chess and had been looking forward to playing a couple of games sometime. Oh well, maybe next time.

9. juli 2004, 09:16:39
Walter Montego 
Onderwerp: Re: Crazy Position
I'd make a hyperlink, but it appears that AOL's browser doesn't do it inside web pages.:(
Anyway, for a crazy position you might want to play along with this game. Lots of trades for different pieces and threats of checkmate for a few moves.

8. juli 2004, 02:14:43
What is sleep?

8. juli 2004, 02:09:41
I hope to see you there ugh.I'll make a convert of you yet!

8. juli 2004, 02:06:58
Onderwerp: Bwildman
"Fish" you had the chance to say, Hope everyone joins and has fin!

8. juli 2004, 02:00:40
Onderwerp: the Shooting Fish in a Barrel gothic chess tourny..
is for players with a 1700 bkr or lower.Hope everyone joins and has fun!

7. juli 2004, 21:26:34
He's not banned from posting here, just on the BrainKing Board.

7. juli 2004, 21:21:55
Onderwerp: Re: To All
I hope to change your decision. Why Fencer banned you from posting here? And i hope that Gothic Chess will remain in this site........

7. juli 2004, 19:00:07
Onderwerp: Well - seems Law and Order settled down here.
So we should look mildly over intercultural differences
due to the language barrier and try to keep it straight
at business ... Shortly, good to have a Gothic Chess DB finally. ~*~

7. juli 2004, 18:33:49
I can post again :o)
Maybe Dano :o)

Not purple ;oÞ

7. juli 2004, 18:31:30
Onderwerp: Geez.. I wonder who will moderate this board then..

6. juli 2004, 00:20:46
Aangepast door Chessmaster1000 (6. juli 2004, 00:27:46)
!!!!!!!!!!!! GREECE WON EURO-2004 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was away from Brainking for 5-6 days and now i'm back. So i don't know the whole conversation and i will try to read it later. As Ed said: "This board is for Gothic Chess."
So let's start something on topic:

Since Gothic Chess positions, with KQKC has been solved, i want to know how much % are the White's win positions, the Black's win positions and the drawn positions, if we suppose that White has the Queen, and it's White's turn. And how much are all these when it is Black's turn?

This endgame is very interesting and i'm suprised to see (in http://www.gothicchess.org/databases.html) that both sides (the one with Queen and the other with Chancellor) can win by playing first and giving a check (I don't mean they win 100% if they play first and give a check).
I assume that if King is near Queen or Chancellor that the game is draw (Except of course from some rare positions). Is this true?

I would also like to ask Ed, what happened the page with the endgame statistics?
Also what happened this link: http://www.worldchampionshipcheckers.com ?

!!!!!!!!!! GREECE WON EURO-2004 !!!!!!!!!!!!

6. juli 2004, 00:15:31
Ok let me say this in a different way. Why do you treat everyone who dosn't share your point of views that way then. It almost seems like you take everything that is said that you don't agree with personaly. I just don't understand that mentality. It's like a 10 year old kid shooting hoops with his friends. If something happens that he dosn't like, he takes his ball and goes home. That's the attitude I see comming from you and I'm just trying to understand it.

5. juli 2004, 23:59:15
Onderwerp: "You have to admit though, having the 'gothic chess' board moderated by the guy who invented it is pretty cool!"
That would be true, if he was a nice guy about it. Ed, I'm not great at gothic yet, but give me alittle time. Your "I'm better than you" attitude isn't helping anything at all. Your good at the game. And??? You feel the need to rub that in people's faces??? I'm not trying to start anything with this post BTW. I'm asking you a direct question. Why do you treat all the other people on this site like dirt?

5. juli 2004, 23:46:44
You have to admit though, having the 'gothic chess' board moderated by the guy who invented it is pretty cool!

5. juli 2004, 23:19:03
Onderwerp: Conflict of interest
I have read this post for quite some time. I have kept quite about this issue for almost as long, but it seems that it should be addressed. Ed, it seems to me that your position as moderator and position as just another use posting here are in great confilct. To me, several of your posts are pretty much just arguementative and therefore do not belong here. A different moderator might consider banning you as well as those with whom you have been bantering! And you have banned them!!

I know you want only the best for the Gothic Chess Community. Your passion for the game is great, but I think it is hurting more than helping in this situation. I think turning the position of moderator of this board over to someone less baised about the game itself would be a good thing. Short of banning us all, it is the only way to end all this rhetoric & nonsense.

I would be happy to moderate it myself, although I don't think I can, since I am only a pawn. I'm sure there are others out there who can do a fine job.


5. juli 2004, 22:49:18
Onderwerp: Re: Just a friendly opinion..
Aangepast door PrettyBlueEyes (5. juli 2004, 22:52:11)
Sorry but I see a double standard here..
You ban some one for saying 'Moron' & 'Poop' LOL
I dont really see the logic in that.. :)
But you yourself said 'piss off' ...
To me that was more offensive.. :)
But that's just my humble opinion!!!
Runs off before she gets banned...

5. juli 2004, 22:43:38
Not exactly the perfect end to a perfect evening, in fact pretty disappointing but I guess I'd choose to be the stream, myself.

5. juli 2004, 21:58:58
The conversation is meaningless unless one assumes the game will take place. I understand it's holiday season at present in the US, scheduling could be troublesome for both of you.

5. juli 2004, 21:31:34
Is Danoschek presently banned? If so could you un-ban him just to answer the question as to whether or not he'll take up the position should the situation arise, please. It's quite nonsense for the game to involve unrealisable stakes from either side, and Fencer's complicity is rather obscure to me at this point. (I dont see which Danoschek post you mean.)

5. juli 2004, 21:23:53
Onderwerp: Re: Stevie and bwildman
Aangepast door Stevie (5. juli 2004, 21:24:37)
One or two words could have been diferent BUT They were not as bad as you make out. Considering you were saying things about Dano himself, but he is not allowed to reply

My vote is YES

edit to correct spelling error

5. juli 2004, 21:22:37
As hinted at before, I'm not privy to your conflabs with Fencer, my present state of knowledge is that if Bwildman wins, Danoschek will be moderator for six months, it's difficult to see how he could perform that function while banned. On the question of retractions perhaps you'd like to set the ball rolling with an apology for your "dont have the talent" post.

5. juli 2004, 21:22:20
Onderwerp: YES
Aangepast door bwildman (5. juli 2004, 22:54:12)

5. juli 2004, 21:14:18
Ed....you really should get out more!! I see nothing wrong with those posts...and perhaps if several could have been addressed,rather than hid...well...here I go speculating! LOL:)
guess I'm on hide too?

5. juli 2004, 21:13:59
Onderwerp: Dano
To be honest, I dont see anything wrong with his posts that are worthy of banning him from the board.
At least he his a gothic player ;o)

5. juli 2004, 21:05:49
Firstly I need to know what you've discussed, I also need independent confirmation from Fencer, then please tell me what I have said that I should admit I was mistaken about. My best wishes that you enjoy the game?

5. juli 2004, 20:54:01
I pointed out a flaw in your post, if you cant deal with that I suggest Fencer re-remove you as moderator.

5. juli 2004, 20:52:58
Onderwerp: my my my...this used to be such a quite place!
what ever happened to freedom of speech? Putting Dano on hide was a red flag from the get go.We all saw what he said.I thought the idea behind this discussion board was to "help" players...not set yourself up as "once and future king"!

5. juli 2004, 20:39:26
The permanence of the ban is yet to be decided.

5. juli 2004, 20:31:27
Onderwerp: you're wrong as usual
several fellowships have deselected your clumsy slapstick though,
after enjoying for a short while how carelessly you hang yourself.
hehehe ... ~*~

PS: Like I'm afraid chickenmacfiddle.

5. juli 2004, 19:36:17
So, which game would be most likely to be longest, if it were played to checkmate:
Master vs. Master
Master vs. Beginner
Beginner vs. Beginner

By the way, does the Gothic Chess Federation give out titles like master or grandmaster?

5. juli 2004, 18:34:32
Onderwerp: tyeppers eddieboy
keep busy looking at all you won't ever possibly be.
Interesting that is :D ...
irrigardless how desperate you try ~*~

5. juli 2004, 18:12:31
Onderwerp: b4 eye 4get

5. juli 2004, 16:53:43
Onderwerp: My T Shirt says
I told Jesus where the stones were placed in Genezareth. ~*~

5. juli 2004, 16:52:43
Onderwerp: GOOD LUCK ROB
sorry Ed,but these chores have already been there too long..its been a busy week,and I'm liable to mow my grass and find someones boat!! We can play tomorrow.

5. juli 2004, 16:50:59
Onderwerp: I strongly recommend
that you wash your hands first. ~*~

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