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anastasia: This one was actually pretty popular when released - i heard it lots on the regular radio - i was happy to hear her being played and she gained some new fans...
im going to go check Alice by the Coctea Twins now....
anastasia: Thats great! singing whatever needs to come out in the moment... im a big fan of Lorenna McKennit too - and with your recommendation - ill be checking out the others too! thanks! - wait - i think Inkubus Sukkubus sounds familiar... hmmm - lol - im tired too i guess...
redfrog: Thats actually a REALLY good take on them!! I found them when I found my spiritual path...they have alot of wonderful things to meditate to!! I read an interview done with,oh,I'm sorry,it's late,I'm tired and the lead male singers name just slipped my noodle...I know I will remember it as I am falling alseep,lol..anywho,they asked him WHAT language Lisa sometimes sang in,he started laughing and said,I dunno,you'll have to ask her,she sings what the mood tell her to sing.What a BEAUTIFUL concept that is,don't you think!!??
Since you like DCD..have you ever listened to anything by the Cocteau Twins, Loreena McKennit,or Inkubus Sukkubus?? I know that DCD and Coctea Twins have done a few things together...Alice is one of my favorites by should check it out!!
anastasia: Well - first - like i said - its not really a bad thing - what i was getting at is their approach to music - its so deep and spiritual - watching their vids and listening to their music as i have for years now - its obvious to me - that this group - among many others, but foremost in my experience - truly submerge their entire being into the music - its not an art - or a performance - its an opening of the soul.... living in that environment - performing and exposing that inner side of things (like the title of the song i posted "towards the within") cant help but force a different view of the world and life on themselves and those that truly listen.... how many people go through life exposed and open - letting others see their inside.... the reality is - not many... so - is it a bad thing they are out of touch with what most call reality? i dont believe so....
anyway - just my thoughts - btw - can you tell i like this group? or maybe its what they do to me that makes me like it so much.....
redfrog: just curious...why you think they are a little out of touch with reality??? I enjoyed that video,thank you....I have a TON of their stuff on my iPod!
anastasia: Ive been a fan of this group for years - their music always has found a way inside of me to places i think are mostly untouched. The interview at the end of the song tells a little about their own motivations - and i think they just might be a little out of touch with what we would call reality - but is that actually a bad thing? I enjoy this song - its a great sample of what they do..... i hope you enjoy it and listen...
Sure is some great stuff up here to welcome me b ack. I can't match any of it at this point. I have precious little time these days. Hopefully soon, the mania will end.
awesome, if you limit me to 5 years, you might as well kill me now. Which allows me to address Dandy-Pie's comment about oldsters being stagnated in their time. When have you ever known me to shut out any music of any period?
Ewe, do you think we could get Newton Faulkner to sing us to sleep every night? Truly a strong voice - talented guy.
awesome: excellent question,it may depend on the age of the person.I would probably pick 69-74,but that may be splitting hairs.This is an example from that era,and yes,her mention of God's hockey team (THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS) did influence my selection.
awesome: Love Bowie!! Hmm Im not sure which 5 years I choose....Id have to think more about that! Would I choose for purely the great music or for sentimental value???
Jim Dandy: I'm curious what others would pick if you were told that you had a 5 year span of music and were not able to listen to anything else as sad as that sounds...,what would others here select ? I'd go with 1967-1972....
TexasToest: I've always felt that I'll have entered the generation gap once I don't understand what the kids are listening to.I remember making fun of my elders when they'd harken to the olden days of music,their record collections frozen on a specific date.I hope I never become so detached from the present music scene that I miss (or ignore) true genius.
Aangepast door The Col (27. januari 2008, 21:09:11)
Ewe: Not a bad tune,shall we have Newton administer your required spanking for prolonged absence? ...............I still don't understand why this guy isn't huge
is the only DVD I've ever been inclined to buy. It IS heartfelt and sincere, heartfelt sincerity in all how-many-ever people performed in that concert. Never will that kind of empathy die, as long as we who still remember are alive. Thank you, Dandy Sweets.
Martin Luther King was assassinated the next day. No, he will not get there with us. He has already gotten there. And, because of the technology we have today, he speaks to us for eternity..
awesome: Heavens YES! It night be that we were inundated with so much innovation in music at that time it was hard to digest some of it. But, I loved being a part of it, didn't you?
Nice collage, and thank you so much for opening the MLK window. That was my intent for this day, but I have been handling some administrative issues.
In my opinion. what Martin Luther Kind did was open the door. It may be centires before the transvformation is finished. Meanwhile, we still have racial stresses in this country. I, as a woman, have him to thank for opening the eyes of wo many people. I believe his work not only benefitted the African Americans in this country, but minorities everywhere. His work has just begun. It is up to us to live his legacy.
do you have any musical groups that you didn't like when they were first out ,but you do now ? Cory Wells from 3 dog night grew up a couple streets over from me and I never appreciated how good they were...until recently
I'm on Wolfgang's Vault as I type listening to a Paul Carrack concert. It's a real feel-good far. But, it has been his voice all along. How does one describe thrilling and soothing in the same breath? You could owe it to yourself to scoot on over there and take a listen. Just search for Paul Carrack. It's a 1988 show at the Ritz in NY, NY. Nice venue.
Oh! And, while you're prowling around there, he brought in a new Grateful Dead concert that's pretty nice grooving while you play your games. He also has established a liason with Daytrotter. Daytrotter is putting the necessary components to allow indies to do their thing. It looks like an interesting place to discover. I think I'll be spending a little time there. Stay tuned. OR, you could go and deliver us a report.
Aangepast door TexasToest (20. januari 2008, 21:57:18)
Sgtranger things have happened, but to my knowledge the same three guys were the Kingston Trio from chilchood. Give me a few minutes on that.
Oooops, I'm terribly wrong about that. They started out in 1957 with Dave Guard, Bob Shane and Nick Reynolds, John Stewart joined and lead the group starting in 1961, when Guard left. Since then, they've been through all kinds of transformations, none of which included John Phillips. But, the trio is now none of the original three.
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