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7. oktober 2007, 23:30:58
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Rolling Thunder Review,Cow Palace
awesome: can I sniff your ticket stub?

7. oktober 2007, 23:21:10
The Col 
Onderwerp: When they were good,they were VERY GOOD

7. oktober 2007, 22:59:05
The Col 
Onderwerp: sorry cubs fans,I feel your pain

7. oktober 2007, 00:16:49
Onderwerp: Lounge Lizard!!
Ok heres a track from what Ive been listening to tonight....Morcheeba
Im off to bed now, good night everyone


6. oktober 2007, 23:50:31
Onderwerp: Re:
TexasToest: Ohhh thats so kind & sweet of you to say, thank you, but really I havent contributed that much (plus I cant do proper links lol)

6. oktober 2007, 23:45:33
Onderwerp: Re:
Ewe:  Thank you, Ewe.  Let me tell you that you are a large part of what makes it a great place.  Thank you so much for your contributions!!  It wouldn't be the same without you.

6. oktober 2007, 23:42:17
Onderwerp: Re:
TexasToest: This is a great board! So pleased its here!

6. oktober 2007, 23:40:42
Onderwerp: Re:
"Snoopy":  I don't know if there is a "supposed" to sign anywhere, but it sounded like music to me.  Thanks for posting it here.  I, personnaly got a lot of joy from their little smiles, and voices.  Please post again.

6. oktober 2007, 18:01:32
Aangepast door ScrambledEggs (6. oktober 2007, 18:04:51)
wasnt sure which board i should post this on here or thoughts and prayers
i managed to see these beautiful children perform at a local church a couple of times
and i cryed then as i cryed just now watching this video

6. oktober 2007, 17:41:19
Onderwerp: Re: Rolling Thunder Review
awesome:  You're that old??????  Hahaha!  Just kidding.  That must have been AWESOME (not the person, the experience!  I'll give it a listen.

6. oktober 2007, 17:38:38
Onderwerp: Re: Rolling Thunder Review

thanks for the memories.... that is one fantasic site (especially the concert vault)...I was fortunate enough to be at the :

Cow Palace
Allman Brothers

6. oktober 2007, 06:16:34
Onderwerp: Rolling Thunder Review
In it's entirety - not just samples.  Enjoy.

6. oktober 2007, 05:01:27
Ewe:  In my opinion, who cannot love Bob Dylan?  He's like an institution in the music world.  And, people said he couldn't sing.  Hahahahahaha!

Jim Dandy:   Rolling Thunder Review - Me too.  I'm not even sure that one came here.  If it makes the rounds again, you want to go?  As IF!! --- Guess Who - what a voice.  One forgets when (s)he doesn't hear a band all the time.  ---  Tough Darts - it's so cool that people still hire bands to play private parties like that.  That WAS a find

Radiant2007 :-)
:  Nostalgia from the 80s - Cute guy, may I have him? --- Billy Joel - such a strong talent.  His voice is so clear, and powerful.  Really nice video.

6. oktober 2007, 04:06:23
The Col 
Onderwerp: What a find! one of my fave new wave bands playing a backyard bbq

5. oktober 2007, 23:47:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: More nostalgy
Great song of the legend: Billy Joel

5. oktober 2007, 23:38:41
The Col 
Onderwerp: Filmed shortly after Bachman left,Kurt Winter on lead

Radiant2007 :-): When I'm working I'm all business,that's why Arby's hired me

5. oktober 2007, 23:34:32
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
Jim Dandy: Let me guess.... you are in the Oven Mitt... Did you see anything of the game by any chance? ;)

5. oktober 2007, 23:31:46
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
Radiant2007 :-): Here I am at a baseball game


5. oktober 2007, 23:26:23
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
Aangepast door Radiant2008 :-) (5. oktober 2007, 23:28:48)

5. oktober 2007, 23:13:07
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: European Corner #1
Nostalgy from the 80-ties - i think I bought this album in Paris! Hmmm.. Nice memories

5. oktober 2007, 23:11:48
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
TexasToest: One of my regrets is missing The Rolling Thunder Revue,what a tour that was.

Radiant2007 :-): shhhh,I'm on the Arbys payroll now

5. oktober 2007, 23:11:28
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
TexasToest: I love Bob Dylan! My baby son is called Dylan too
Glad you enjoyed the Levellers! Yes they are very energetic!! Political & passionate...

P.s Im a 70's child  

5. oktober 2007, 23:04:24
Onderwerp: Re: Levellers
Ewe:  Those guys put out a lot of energy.  That's how they get the joint jumping.  Nice combination of instruments - great sounds coming from them.  Thanks for sharing!!! 

Oh, and nostalgia is allowed here.  Don't you see the rest of us going back to the 50s, 60s..., pulling out our faves? 

F'rinstance.....My heart throb from 1964 - NOW

And, we have stayed forever young.

5. oktober 2007, 22:57:31
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Jim Dandy got married!
Jim: I was actually laughing, because your BK names appears to be the title of a song!

5. oktober 2007, 22:49:16
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Jim Dandy got married!
Radiant2007 :-): My first wife felt much the same

awesome: That was awsome

5. oktober 2007, 22:26:59
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Jim Dandy got married!
awesome: LOL this is soo funny!

5. oktober 2007, 21:56:53
Heres a live one by them....you can see how they get the place bouncing!!


5. oktober 2007, 21:51:53
Onderwerp: Levellers
Aangepast door Ewe (5. oktober 2007, 21:53:01)
Good evening folks! Im having a nostalgic moment...Ive travelled back to my student days at Uni...this is a band that were the best for me then, some fantastic times. Ive seen them no less than 11 times live! lol
Levelling the Land is the first & most brilliant album by them...its the Levellers & here is one of my favourite tracks...hope you enjoy!


5. oktober 2007, 18:50:26
Onderwerp: Re:
awesome:  Hahahahahaha!  That was rich.  Thanks, for I'm smiling now!

5. oktober 2007, 18:46:27
Onderwerp: How come all us old rockers are old?
A little visit with Steve Miller, 64 years old today. 

5. oktober 2007, 18:27:01

5. oktober 2007, 10:58:39
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Jim Dandy: Oh my Gosh!!! *turns green*

5. oktober 2007, 10:55:45
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Jim Dandy: Yes, that is a beautiful song - Phil Collins that is. Thank you for sharing! And I am glad you enjoyed the B-day song.

Texas: Awww *hugs* You keep wishing? You should keep hoping; those in Him hope in Him! We can talk about that offline, if you want :-)

5. oktober 2007, 09:02:59
Onderwerp: Re: (God's Name is) I AM - Nichole Nordeman - Psalm 139
Radiant2007 :-): I am not able to view this.
Thanks anyway for thinking of me. :)

5. oktober 2007, 06:43:53
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Jim Dandy:  Yikes!  I can see why.

5. oktober 2007, 06:39:43
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
TexasToest: this one always slices me apart

5. oktober 2007, 06:19:18
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Dolittle:  Not in my life.  And, I've surely given it a chance.  I guess my assessment that I am too mean and too ugly gets born out there.

Jim Dandy   Beautiful song.  That's the way it's been for me too.  But, I keep wishing.

5. oktober 2007, 06:07:39
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Aangepast door The Col (5. oktober 2007, 06:08:05)
Radiant2007 :-): You're such a sweetheart,thank you so much.I guess this was the last love song that really connected with me


5. oktober 2007, 05:45:53
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
TexasToest:Sure it does!!

5. oktober 2007, 05:20:43
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Radiant2007 :-):  I'm not sure that kind of love exists anhmore.

5. oktober 2007, 01:42:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
TexasToest: He mentioned his b-day only today and I thought I'd surprise him

Yes, when I listened to that song and watched that trailer, I was very much moved as well... Ahhhh, to experience such love.... wow!!

5. oktober 2007, 01:38:59
Onderwerp: Re: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)
Radiant2007 :-):  If he hasn't seen your greeting, I'm sure he'll be happy you remembered his birthday, no matter that it's late. 

What a love song!  I had to wipe my tears out of my eyes a few times on that one.  Thanks.

5. oktober 2007, 01:38:07
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: (God's Name is) I AM - Nichole Nordeman - Psalm 139

5. oktober 2007, 01:09:07
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Love the romantic in this...
beautiful movie from TV & Love song together :-)

5. oktober 2007, 01:01:09
Radiant2008 :-) 
Onderwerp: Happy Belated Birthday Jim Dandy :-)

4. oktober 2007, 13:32:16
Onderwerp: Re: Easy listening blue eyed soul
Jim Dandy: Yes agreed! Noel is the better brother!
Glad you enjoyed.

4. oktober 2007, 04:42:08
Onderwerp: Re: He would have been Fifty - Three years old today.....
Jim Dandy:  Oh my!  Do tell!  Inquiring minds want to know.

4. oktober 2007, 03:25:44
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: He would have been Fifty - Three years old today.....
TexasToest: I was 15,they bumped April Wine,there was a big scandel when Margret Trudeau(our then Prime Minister's wife) came down to party with them,apparently she was quite the welcome wagon

4. oktober 2007, 03:16:54
Onderwerp: Re: He would have been Fifty - Three years old today.....
Jim Dandy:  Hahaha!  Now, why am I not surprised?  I'm surprised you didn't go down there, and walk in and out the door.  Hahahahaha!  You could have feigned nausea, and asked to use the restroom. 

I know he's an international treasure, but I get to claim him all I want.  You can too, I'll share.

4. oktober 2007, 03:11:18
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: He would have been Fifty - Three years old today.....
Aangepast door The Col (4. oktober 2007, 03:14:26)
TexasToest: sweet,but yo home boy ventured into my area code to lay down that fine feast,a very special man and artis......that cub's a 10 minute cab ride from me.The night the Stones played that club I phoned them just to hear the Stones playing in the background

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