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"Doom is upon us", Torg having had enough of Mrs Wartzog quickly touched her with the amulet, turning her into a kind and caring person, as she made her way through the crowd she could be heard saying comforting things to all...
Now Torg could turn his attention to....
diamonds and rubies, this he handed to the small boy, who had shouted, who than took it to Torg....
Torg recieved the amulet, and touching the child on the shoulder, revealed him to be a strong man, who could lead the colony...
Torg then took the amulet and placed it on the wall, it fit much like a jigsaw puzzle would fit, he turned it to the left, and in a great flash of light the room turned into....
Torg looked around now at all of these people who had gathered to journey with him...Now they must decide where they will go, a button is pressed and out of the floor rises a huge round ball. As Torg taps on the ball pictures appear, finally a picture of the most wonderful place appears...
"My friends he shouts, we are off to.....
(verberg) Geen zin meer om voor elk potje Zeeslag of Spionage steeds weer alle stukken te moeten plaatsen? Ga dan naar Spelbouwers om daar een paar van uw favoriete beginopstellingen voor toekomstig gebruik op te slaan. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)