Discuss about interesting chess variants that are not implemented on BrainKing yet.
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The "Great Chess 10x10" was invented in Germany by Erwin Ortlauf and first published in the German chess magazine `ROCHADE Europa` 08/1997 as "Das Grosse Schach 10x10".
Fencer: I agree, because the many pawns make the game perhaps a little bit viscously.Why not"wild 3" ? The game is very originally and you need no new pieces.Game examles are below.
... are games with random positions similar to FRC or Corner Chess.A very interesting wild variant is "Style 3" at USCL:
" In this variant the set of pieces is randomly chosen (subject to the constraint that there is one king of each color).It is quite possible to get more than the normal number of a given piece, such as three rooks or two queens. The pieces are
placed on the first rank behind the pawns, the position of Black's pieces mirrors White's placement, and castling is not allowed."
Three game examples played by me with a time of three minutes each player for the whole game:
AbigailII: Yes it is interesting too and playable also at ICC,USCL and Chessnet as "Wild 3":
"Style 3: In this variant the set of pieces is randomly chosen (subject to the constraint that there is one king of each color). It is quite possible to get more than the normal number of a given piece, such as three rooks or two queens. The pieces are placed on the first rank behind the pawns, the position of Black's pieces mirrors White's placement, and castling is not allowed."
Fencer: Hm,interesting Fritz 7 gives White an advatage about +2,72. This is very much...
Chessvariants, where the strong computerprograms can not be used should have at least one fairy chess condition,a bigger board or a fairy piece or something.Another setup with the standard pieces and the standard board is not enough.
Chessvariants.com has many good ideas and I have suggested some of them in the past.
Will look if I can find them :-)
Fencer: I cannot see why this game should be not balanced,only because of one forced move sequence,which you must not choose.
Most chesservers like ICC,USCL,Chessnet have this game also.
But for myself I prefer chessvariants,where regular strong chessprograms cannot be used.And in this game you can use them.
Walter Montego: I don`t know it exactly.
But I know it was at first Bobby`s idea. But he had forgotten to patent it . And other important chesspeople had the idea to rename this game to "Chess960". And now if you look about some events people speak mostly about "Chess960". But there is not a protected name!
Onderwerp: Re: Generated positions for tournaments
I also think we should not exclude special positions. And I disbelieve,that there are positions which are especially bad for the one or for the other side. Or can give anybody an example for such a position?
Fencer: But Fencer,don`t you think that you can get more paying members with a more known game for example with Chinese Chess (best would be with western and eastern chesspieces) or with bughouse,which are also free?
Aangepast door Caissus (12. december 2004, 09:12:04)
can be seen and bought on the interesting page of the french fairy chess enthusiast Jean-Louis Cazaux :
http://history.chess.free.fr/staunton.htm These pieces can also be used as Janus, Chancellor, Archbishop and Amazon, which are not available here in Europe.
Does anybody know,where you can buy a chessboard 10x8 and 10x10? The single field should have about 5 -5,5 cm.
Hi Jose, could you please explain the activities of your email-chessclub? How many members has it and would they play perhaps here mainly and become paying members? This would allow you to organize special FRC-tournements and create FRC-fellowships.
In Pardubice happened this year the 15th championship of Chess,Bridge and other games (Go,Backgammon,Checkers etc) with 3600 players from 46 countries.Chess was played as blitz,tandem,with problems and fisher-random chess.Those who are interested can find more here:www.czechopen.net and www.czechtour.net.
Not absolutely.It should be only another suggestion to make this game playable for the players from the western world.I think would be enough if we could choose between the eastern and the western pieces.
I want publish today 8 interesting chessvariants with regular set and board, but with some changed rules.
I hope we can play some of them on Brainking perhaps soon,if easy to implement :-).
1. Cylinderchess : The right and the left row are connected
2. Amazonechess: Queen is replaced by an amazone (=Queen +knight)
3. Benedictchess: At the end of a move the attacked pieces are changing their colours
4. Biformchess: the pieces are moving and taking in a different way
5. Cannibalchess: When a piece takes another piece, its gets the movement abilities of the piece it has taken.
6. Chameleonchess: In each turn the rank of the moved piece changes.
Figur www.chessvariants.com/other.dir/chameleonchess.html
7. Berliner Chess: Pawns are moving diagonally and are takeing by moving one square straight
8. Emperorchess. The king may move to any square but must have a defender.
You could add two or three pawns to White or replace one queen by a rook on Black`s side or something,but I am not sure if this is interesting and originally enough for an own variant.
Reza, your suggested startposition is not balanced. "Fritz" sees Black with a big advantage:
- + 2,72 ,that means winposition for Black!
I addition to it,I would recommend to add such chessvariants,with those the very strong computerprograms cannot be used!
I will publish in the next time a list with interesting variations,with regular board and regular chesset but with a little bit changed rules.
Antichess - this game seems to be very analyzed and many variants are determined.
How,if we could have a variant like "Shuffle-antichess"?
The rules could be the same with the difference, that the pieces on the 1th/8th row are placed randomly.
WhisperzQ,I have bought this chessset at Erwin Ortlauf (the inventor),it was the last one.:).At this time he has looked for a company,which wants produce the chesset and the board in series. But I don`t know if he has found one.
These chess-applets are not a good reference, Nasmichael.If you want to play against computer you can use much better "Zillions of games".There is a zrf-data file available.You can also play at the mailserver at "chessvariants.com" against other people.
:) Whisperz,that`s why this variation is not very prevalent until yet. But I can say after some time you can become familiar also with these new pieces..
Btw I have the real pieceset of this game and you can see some pics on my page Caissus Chess
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