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danoschek: Yea that's what I mean. My husband and I sell puters for a living so I know the prices and my first system cost me $3800 but that was yearrrrrss ago. To rig up one with top o the line everything - best sound card, best vid card, 19" flat screen, full o ram plus burner and even dvd burner it wont add it up to $4000Ca
5 or 6 Years ago they sold for $4200 with all the bells an whistles but I think it would be pretty hard to spend that much on a dell now days with the way prices are dropping.
reza: Mine was set to 75 and I just set it to 85 (now I will wait to see the difference). I was told if you change your settings to a higher refresh rate than your monitor can handle it can destroy the monitor. So if you have a very high end vid card and an older monitor dont set the refresh rate too high!
reza: Thanks for the input. I only recently switched to 1024x768 and it is an adjustment for me from 800x600 but at least now the full BK page loads with no left to right scroll anymore
640x480 1?
800x600 5
1024x768 8
OR higher 2
To post a link on BK for a link with in the site you type this
(note there is a . before each less then symbol and must be removed or you wont see the code)
<.a href="/Board?bc=535"> what ever your link is called<./a> this will show the computer board..
with internal links you cant use the entire h.ttp:// portion of the URL or it wont work..
External links to other sites YOU must use the full URL of the website.
Thanks BBW my sites have stats as well. I was looking for stats from our BK users. I do appreciate your stats tho. I'm finding more and more people are switching to a higher res than 800x600 and I didn't think anyone used 640x480 at all anymore.
I'm assuming most folks who used to use 15 in monitors have upgraded them to 17 in or higher which would eleminiate the use for 640x480.
I'm trying to find out todays most used screen resolution. Would you folks mind participating in a survey for me? What resolution is your monitor set to:
BIG BAD WOLF: I'm liking that feature big time. I have messages, games and boards in diff tabs! Then you can have other sites open in other windows. Way kool!
Ok so it only took months of Fencer telling us all to get this that I finally got it going! WOOOHOO
Exactly! that 'shuffle' is weird but for some reason not as bad as it was when I first came on a few hours ago.. It is like the browser is learning to conform with BK! LOL
BIG BAD WOLF: Thanks dude. I cant get a quicker net connection. I have the fastest high speed cable available in my province. My machine is super fast etc.. As Volant says it will go away so I will wait and see if it calms down. It is sooo annoying on some games! LOL
Summertop: Thanks for the info friend. I think I may give it a whirl! Im not happy with Ad-aware at all and so far Spybot just isnt' removing them all and there are registry ones that I'm not about to try to delete. Last time I tried to delete files from my reg I crashed hard!
Thanks again!
Using firefox for the first time playing here at BK. Any one else get this strange occurrance?
When you click your game move the page and board appear to the right(not far right just not centre) then quickly shift over to the left once the friends online list appears? Really annoying when playing dark boats and you try to fire in succession and the board's moving around.
Summertop: How long have you been using it if you dont mind me asking? I find spybot ok but there are soo many files it wont delete that I wonder if there is a better program out there to try.
MagicDragon: No hun. if you are going for high speed then dont bother buying a modem as u wont need it unless u you want to make faxes. You need the network card in order to get the highspeed connected to your computer. So when you go to purchase your system tell them you need a network card included in the system (expect to pay about 15 bucks for them) But in order to get your highspeed connection you need this one card, purchased one time for your system. Its where you will plug your highspeed in to your system. Hope this helps!
MagicDragon: Not dumb at all. If you want to go with a phone dial up connection then your phone line has to be connected to it.. there are programs all over that you can install to let you know when a call is coming in an who it is ( If you have that service presently on your phone )
you may want to lookin to DSL or Cable modem which is separate from the phone.
when you go to buy the machine KNOW what type of net connection you want so that you can either get a phone modem installed with it ( they arent usually added to machines anymore with out asking for them, they used to be standard) or if you are going with a high speed connection you will need to have a network card et al.
Andersp: Cheaper then any phone call and much clearer over seas! I got a new set of headphones the other day for Skype. It actually says on the box 'Skype Certified'! lol You know they are getting big when....
Is it possible to make macros in XP for IE
such as making a macro that says Good luck? I did a search in google an all I see to find is software to make macros.
Depends Bumble on the operating system. XP has a type of self repairing thing. If you leave it on all the time it is better for the system. With other operating systems other then XP I would suggest shutting them down overnight. With 98 or ME the reboot gives the machine a chance to look at the files on reboot and make sure everything is working ok.
There is a battery on the motherboard.. If you notice the time slowing down if you shut the machine off over nite then when u turn it on the time is wrong/ slow then u need to change the battery. But if you are losing time and you dont shut down over night it might not be the battery but it may be something wrong with the motherboard. Its usually not a big deal other then having to reset the clock alot.
<If you are using windows there is something called a Character map on your system.. in XP you go to
Programs> accessories> system tools> character map. U can learn what goes with the Alt key to produce those different characters
If your ME is an upgrade version from 98 then there is an uninstall in add remove programs. If it was a full installof ME then you have no other choice but to do a format, then install 98.
That is your registry Gooner. Be very very careful playing with files in there. If you arent sure what you are doing get a tech to look in to it. I and many others I know have gone in to the registry to fix things and crashed the machine to the point of no return.. it isnt a place on the machine to be messing with if you dont know what yer doing.. just a lil note there!
One great feature to the service pack 2. Auto stop annoying pop up ads on sites. Great feature!
Seems this new service pack is centered around security issues which is kool too. A must get for all on XP I would say.
From what I am told NSTC is North American and PAL is European format. This goes for dvd, play station games, vhs movies as well. I had someone send me a VHS from the UK and it wasnt playable in my machine here.
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