U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Loper.
Dear Brainking support team, Since a few days, perhaps a week or so, I've noticed that from time to time, when I click on a piece to play, a pop up raises inviting me to install "systemdoctor" on my computer. Such an ad generated by Brainking is not nice. I assume many users will think it's a system message and will then click on it. I think Brainking should be careful on these kind of things or the image of this site will be quickly fall down. (sorry if my english is not perfect)
(verberg) Houdt uw Postbus schoon door belangrijke berichten te archiveren en regelmatig de Verwijder-alle-berichtenknop in uw instellingen. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)