Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
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scoobydoo.. please never feel bad about falling off the wagon.... We have all done it at sometime...We wouldn't be human otherwise.... Tomorrow is another day.... a fresh start.. The more you worry about it... the harder it becaomes.. its like a battle going on in our heads.. we know what we are supposed to be doing... but just cant quite get the hang of it...
OMG i'm due Nov 27 lol.A cannolli is a round hard shell with Ricotta cheese in it,the cheese has sugar ,vanilla,cherries,and bits of choc.We usually make them but i haven't lately,i buy the shells already made.Now don't tell my Gram on me.The cheese can be low fat and sugar free,but you got to leave out the choc and the cherries.
That's ok if you do that but don't break your arm!!LOL
Have you heard that saying that your horn don't get tooted if you don't toot it yourself?
Carry on musiclover..you have a right to brag a little!!
Joe always insists on going for a fishfry on Friday or to a restaurant Saturday or Sunday. I have found a way to combat the calories by eating only part of it and doggy bagging the rest for take home. I do good all week but then the weekend I have to be so careful and eat way too much no matter how much will power I have. I have now lost 14 lbs total so I must be doing something right. Keep your fingers crossed for me so I continue. I told Joe I am cooking tomorrow and probably Sunday as I can control portions, carbs and calories that way. Thanks for your good wishes sissie.
That is also my downfall the weekends:( I can do good all week then totaly lose it all one the weekends! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you:) do you mind me asking how much more you want to get off? You donot have to answer if you don't want to:)
Yes Music I know well what you mean!! I am still 110 lbs to go:( and I have gained back this same 5 lbs that I lost last week! I have no idea what is up with this!!
Onderwerp: I have these tapes I need to listen to again....
Sissie, I have tapes that say your body has a set weight and no matter what, goes back to that unless you reset it. It tells how and when to reset it and I will re-listen to them, will tell you how.
Thanks Music I would like to hear more about this!
Great scooby! You can do it! I am still doing good with my water. It is the eatting that keeps getting me:(
Onderwerp: Did not mean to SPAM message boards; not my intention.
I am sorry and it will not happen again. I thought maybe my opinion about peace and love to all was worth something and wanted everyone to see it. I shall watch my etiquette more carefully from now on and maybe keep my opinions to myself. Did not mean to start anything. I thought it might help; instead it is causing more problems. Oh well, live and learn something new each day. Thank you for taking the time to give me your message.
I did some searching and found nothing,now this drove me nuts.My husband took a can of mushrooms out of our cupboard and there it was.lol......Mushrooms have Vit C D and Iron in them it was in black and white in front of me.lol
I found loads of stuff.. try doing a search on 'mushrooms nutritional value'
A great site that can tell you the nutrient value of almost any food is:
Type in mushrooms or mushroom and hit return. Select the mushroom you want and hit return :-)
But very basically otherwise, I found this :-
mushrooms contain essential nutrients. They are a great source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and selenium, nutrients often lacking in our
high-processed-food diets. In addition, mushrooms contain virtually no fat or cholesterol.
They are also naturally low in sodium and a good source of fibre.
Calories:20 Calories, Zero from Fat
% Daily Value
Total Fat: 0g 0 %
Saturated Fat: 0g 0 %
Cholesterol: 0 mg 0%
Sodium: 0 mg 0%
Potassium: 280 mg 8%
Total Carbohydrate: 3g 1%
Dietary Fiber: 0g 0%
Sugars: 0g
Protein: 2g
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have lost 18 pounds since deciding to lose weight. I have made a few changes in my diet, and it seems to be showing! Well, everyone let the board know how well you arre coming along in your weightloss efforts. I am so glad to have a board like this to go to!!!!
weigh to go scooby!!! thats great. i havent lost any weight at all, but i did just find out that im hypothyroid, so that might explain things! im hoping now that that going to be corrected, ill have more success with my weight loss!
Well, Antje. I'm sorry for the no weight loss, but at least you have a reason for it now. I bet it was driving you crazy not losing, and not knowing why. I'm pullin for you to get the help and support you nedd to help you on your weight loss journey!!!
Aangepast door PowerPygmie (7. september 2004, 02:32:45)
Lose weight?? I'm actually rounding out in the belly. I should think I'm gaining weight, but the scales tell me I've actually lost some. But then, who can trust those truck stop scales, anyway? lol
Aangepast door musiclover (9. september 2004, 05:23:44)
Niki, thanks for posting that info. I have always liked mushrooms and now that I am sure of its nutritional value, will enjoy them more. I already have listed in my favorites the site you mentioned and will refer to it often. Since July 11th, Joe and I are neck in neck losing but since his brief stay in the hospital for his angioplasty to insert a stent in the circumflex artery to the aorta that was 99% clogged, he is now ahead of me by 2 lbs. So far, he has lost 14 and I have lost 12. He is more conscious of his eating habits now that he still has 2 more clogged arteries and it is a matter of life and death to him. His chest pains have deminished, thank God. We are eating lots of salads, veggies and have limited our intake of meats although we were only eating chicken and fish. The freezer is full of veggie burgers, soy breakfast links instead of small sausages, skim milk, etc. etc. We find that we are eating more with less calories and the substitutes are really very tasty. Try them everyone as they are good and good for you. Edited for additional info.
I am on the south beach diet! It is wonderful! It is simple and easy! What they don't promote enough is that once you are on it for 10 to 14 days you quit! I mean QUIT craving carbs! All carbs! Well I did and I can sit down at one sitting and devour a box of choc. covered cherries and a diet coke ! Now I could care less if i ever see candy again! HONEST! P A' L E A S E look into SouthBeach!
Hello Clay from Nashville..way to go! I too have been on the South Beach Diet since Jan.1 and the carbs are not a problem for me either. I lost about 25 lbs and 5 in. off the waistline. Have kept the weight off and that feels good. My doctor highly approves the South Beach Diet also!!
Keep up the good eating!!
My blood pressure dropped back to normal too! Had plenty of clothes already.........had surgery and couldnt exercise and thats when i gained all the weight! I'm back finally where I needed to be!
That diet does wonders for a lot of things. I had been diagnosed as diabetic..since I started the diet, my blood work is all fine. I will continue on it too!!
hmm .. the problem is i often think of my food after my break is over .. my break is only 30 minutes .. and i play brainking for the first 40 minutes .. and then think of food :)
i am not sure if they are sandwiches .. they are slices of bread with something in between .. which changes every day (not by itself :)) ... today i had 2 with peanut butter, 2 with chocolate cream, 2 with liver-pate (?), 2 with chocolate 'vlokken' (?) :)
I've always heard that you should only eat when you eat, not play or read... I'm not one to follow directions which is why I often have food on my mouse.
When do you get hungry? Not just thinking about food. That would be the time to eat or at least nibble on something healthy. I like to have snacks with me that I can nibble on if I get hungry between breaks.
i have 3 raw carrots with me to work .. when i get feel the urge to nibble i take one of those .. i love them :)
i eat when i feel light in the head
i dont have breakfast in the morning (which is bad i know) .. i get up at 5:30 am, am at work at 7am, have my first sandwich around 8am, first 'lunch' break at 9:30am and second one at 12:30 (each half an hour)
that doesnt sound too bad Hrqls. and vlokken i think are 'flakes'? sounds close to the german word for flakes anyway. and they all sound yummy to me.. i love nutella and liver pate :o)
if you wait til your light in your head, then you might fall before you get a chance to eat, so be careful :)
*nod* on my bike this morning i thought the same as well .. flakes sounds like 'vlokken' .. but i didnt want to write 'flakes' as it isnt related to corn flakes .. chocolate only .. i guess you know them though as you know nutella as well .. do they sell that in the usa ?
ah i didnt know coconut flakes were called coconut flakes :)
i would have a nightmare finding the foods i like :)
i would love it the first few months . but then want to have some old fashioned dutch food again :) ... although i probably would be eating a lot of foreign food which would be foreignn to the foreign country i would be emigrated to . if i would :)
lol .... one thing which i can do without on vacations is the foreign bread slices .. i always use 'baquettes' when i am on vacation .. the bread i am used to here in the netherlands is sometimes available in other countries .. but much more 'sour'
(we call that 'german bread' although i am not sure if thats correct ;))
you and your husband both immigrated didnt you ? you didnt have any problems with the food ? didnt miss anything ? ;)
Aangepast door Hrqls (30. november 2004, 08:59:36)
i am from alkmaar, little town about 60 km (40 miles for those wicked disunited americans ;)) north of amsterdam
(and next to the little (art) village Bergen which is known best by tourists for its beach and dunes)
(thats funny .. when you can get something easily .. you dont value it that high anymore .. i dont drink heineken .. i dont drink beer .. its too bitter for my taste .. i love cola (pepsi is better than coca ;)))
losing weight wouldnt be bad .. but i am not overweighted (in total, although my belly is :))
i am not actively losing weight though
the funny thing is when i am at work i eat far more than when i have the day off from work (or in the weekends) .. i have a sitting job (software engineer) but i eat much more (bread, not candy) .. when i am at home i am much more busy but eat far less
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