Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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Foxy Lady: I saw all sorts of kits at Wally World today.. Hanging strawberries.. and patio planters.. good thing I was just window shopping per say.. I could have spent a fortune!
I also found the kewlest grill only 297.00 it is huge.. LOL
Foxy Lady: I picked up two packets of seeds for Beefsteak.. and two packets for Cherry tomatoes.. whoo hoo.. I so can't wait.. we love munching on the cherry toms like they are candy so I will make sure to really plant the heck out of them.. :)
Eriisa: I know roses love to be pruned every spring.. did you try some Miracle grow to help them..
As far as acidic soils go.. can't you plant like Tomatoes next to the area you are wanting to grow the bamboo..?? I know that most gardeners rotate certain veggies due to balancing out the levels over the years..
harley: I ended up buying an artifical one last year.. it is 7 foot tall.. but, I still enjoy the smells of a real one.. who knows.. maybe I will just buy some fresh garland or something..
Thankies for all the suggestions.. every year I dread getting that real tree only to having to get a new one a week before Christmas... due to the first one drying out so much..
Either that.. or I wait till a week before to get a tree..
BerniceC: Those have to be the trees found in the stories of Winnie the Pooh!! cause Owl and Rabbit live in trees and inside their houses they have lots of room!
Foxy Lady: he was going to wait out the storm at home.. his family went to safety.. he stayed behind with the family pets.. I think he was online till the power went out.. or he went to sleep.. but, I would say power went out.. that was during the storm..
Foxy Lady: they have to be a label or they aren't good.. she has around 30 purses by the way.. to go with her shoes.. and whatever mood, or outfit she is wearing..
nobleheart: Thank you Steve.. as always I didn't wanna see her go.. but, I know she loves Dallas.. and she has a great man who missed her waiting on her..
baddessi: Yes.. I would dig em up.. separate them.. and even replant the bulbs in fall.. Some wait till the Spring I suppose but, they start blooming earlier when they are preplanted.. :O) just whatever your preferences are..
sorry so long to answer.. I am here in the West so I am not online at 5 am as you all show to be.. Yawn.. hehehe my time that is! LOL
Foxy Lady: Okay.. while we are sipping on wine.. *the bottle*.. we can have your hubby spray! Such a nice man he is.. I just don't wanna break a nail ya know! ;)
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