Land-Sea-Air, Land on this board and Sea for yourself what is going on in the motoring world and Air your views. Also ask for advice.
U hebt geen toestemming om berichten op dit forum achter te laten. Het minimaal vereiste lidmaatschap om berichten op dit forum achter te mogen laten is Brain Paard.
Backoff: It took me about 10 seconds into it to guess what was going to happen. The whole time, flashbacks of when I was 16/17, stuck in mud up to the doors on the side of a country road - not wanting to call my parents to help get me out.
Luckly someone lived near by and he STRONGLY recommended us digging in the mud to get to the read axil and not tie it onto something simple like the bumber - otherwise for how stuck i was, the same would have happened to us.
Carwash got a lot of my busnisness after getting unstuck.
I'm watching the first ARCA race in Daytona right now. Later tonight is the NASCAR Bud shootout at Daytona. In 8 days (Sunday) will be the first offical main NASCAR race. (Actually there is stuff happening all week at Daytona - watched many practices and such for the past couple of days.)
Actually there are 10 days of NASCAR related activities leadng up to next Sunday.