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Oh, yes it is crazy some of the amounts people bid even in the first rounds of the game.
The bonus is a means to an end, not an honor. :) The way things are now (with high bids in every game), it rarely makes sense to go for the bonus until the later rounds of the game, and then only when it is strategic to do so.
Jason: It is more than ridiculous to bid 1000 or 2000 or any high amount such as that on the first couple of rounds!! all it ends up doing is bringing that bidders points down greatly.. who cares if they get the bonus.. they will soon dwindle off..
ClayNashvilleTn: "Those are the people that are complaining! Getting the bonus with any kind of reasonable bid is almost impossible!"
a bonus is a bonus , sometimes getting a bonus by bidding higher than nessasary can alter everyones bidding ..lots of differnt tactics
33 hours and counting - That is when I will join the 10 win club! *grabs a banana and does a happy dance*
Oh, and I agree that the "you win the bonus message" is not really needed - it's kind of like if you get a message every time you are put in check in chess - something you will find out as soon as you look at the game.
does anybody else feel this way......why do we have to get a message to tell us that "you have won the round bonus"
I know that when i play the games as it says so on the top LOLOL
TOday i had 16 PM's telling me that I had (to me) is a nuisance and the only person that sees it is me...the Pond instigator doesnt care, so why does it happen.....waste of resourses to my way of thinking......I dont min the "you have fell in the pond" ones because that lets me know when i have been dissed LOLOLOL....any thougghts on this?
ClayNashvilleTn: No you will not drop, bidding down to zero does not automatically drop you.....since you got the 500 bonus, you did not have the lowest bid that round, and would still be in the game.
ClayNashvilleTn: Even a game like this "Run Around the Pond" game can get you hooked in a hurry. This game's play format is especially addicting in how it forces you to turn on the computer and check it out. If you're in more than one Pond and they have different time controls, it more or less forces you to play every day. Perhaps you should avoid this game in the interest of keeping your marriage intact? :)
ClayNashvilleTn: Your wife is right. You start playing at home and she'll never see you again. :) Just like a football widow except football has an off season and there isn't one here!
Vikings:Well we have a home computer, I would have used it all though it is sooooooo dang addictive I try not to! The problem with it is we cannot get on line. Wife is suppose to call comcast (lcl cable) but hasn't yet after 3 weeks. She says she is a computer widom! I think she has hidden motives!
Have you noticed how inexpensive lap tops have become?????????
ClayNashvilleTn: Stop by the library. Every one that I've been to has free internet access for a half hour. That's what I do when I travel. Most are open Saturdays, but Sunday might be harder to find except in a big city. IF you just want to make a quick move and don't mind paying for access, try an internet cafe. They usually charge around $10 an hour, but if you only use it 10 minutes you can get out with the minimum. Still cheaper than buying a computer and getting access at your home, but having it at the house is very convenient. To convenient, I think! :)
I trip on how some people use it at work only and then there's people like me where work is the one place I could never use a computer.
I honestly thought I was going to come in for a few hours Saturday morning so I just wasn't thinking! Thats what I will do from now on though! I hate to do that because you know your going to give up more points than if you could actually move! That can really be important towards the end!
grenv:Was a little confusing! I move only when I am at work! I was unable to get by the office as I had anticipated and "SPLAT" in I went!
I love this game more than I could have ever imagined..........Thats the only gripe I have about it! Well that and you cant look at players previous bids!
play it just the way you have for 2 more rounds and then worry about the bonus,It's going to be tough to win since you need to make up 1000 points, unless Rose beats herself
I'm just trying to figure out a good strategy for this game. This is the first time I've made it through this many rounds.
Obviously, at 2000 points per round, everyone would be out of points before they completed the # of rounds needed to complete the game. So the question is, when will the points start to drop?
Based on what was said about a different game, I see that as soon as the players with the least points start to drop off, we would have to bid only one more than the lowest player. But that's still a 2-3 rounds away, and I hate to run my points down that far.
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