Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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Purple.I agree with you.I don,t mean to take your post up.I have seen people change fellowships, change pictures why.I do not say much if peaple can not read the difference between the headlins between one fellowship and the other then i see now reason to answer.But soon you will be reading all my post.Slam shut up quick when he sees a name. check the clip ons.The red dots blow them up you will no the rest.I can pull a pearson out of a boat now.Your friend AL.You no they read the messages.Hope they read this one.Your good friend AL.UE Father.We will have fun with that new site.
(verberg) Als u op uw beurt aan het wachten bent en niet steeds op F5 wilt blijven drukken kunt u ook de pagina snel automatisch laten vernieuwen door op "Verander" naast "Verversen" te drukken op de Hoofdpagina, en de tijd hier in te stellen op bijvoorbeeld 30 seconden. (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)