It seems you refer to my game
Are you affiliated with player Aganju? The luckiest opponent I've ever played. He is on my block list for a reason. I wouldn't play with him if it wasn't for the Stairs. Utilizing the Resign Feature is encouraging, thanks. Please don't forget to use your right to react any way you feel proper if my timing does not meet your expectations. Blocking is such.
Mary does not address any of the points I brought up. Instead, she keeps ranting how wonderful person she is and how horrible I am. Her narcissistic personality cannot digest the idea that someone may not like her to a degree to carve her out of their life. Yet she keeps popping with her final revelations. Seems to me Mary is unwanted elsewhere too. Even if she did seek help, poor therapist must had given up on her hopeless nutcase.
(verberg) Als u op uw beurt aan het wachten bent en niet steeds op F5 wilt blijven drukken kunt u ook de pagina snel automatisch laten vernieuwen door op "Verander" naast "Verversen" te drukken op de Hoofdpagina, en de tijd hier in te stellen op bijvoorbeeld 30 seconden. (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)