*134*BIG BAD Bark BattleBoats Birthday Bash2*1248* (Nacht Zeeslag - toon spelregels) Dark Battleboats - Tournament #2!!!!!!
Guess who's Birthday is on October 19th????? I don't go by "BIG BAD WOLF" anymore, and I know I misspelled Bark/Dark - But whatever - this is a GAME site -- This place is suppose to be fun.
Guess who won #1? Well of course the BIG BAD Battleboats Fellowship... and we decided to share some of the cake with the co-winner, Republic of Uganda Fellowship.
So not only do I wish all teams Good Luck - also want to add HAVE FUN!!!! Terug naar de lijst met toernooien Matchtype: Normale partij Type toernooi (?): hele competitie: twee partijen (één met "zwart" en één met "wit") tegen elke tegenstander Minimum aantal teams: 4 Maximum aantal teams: oneindig Maximum aantal teams per groep: 20 Aantal teamleden: 6 Tijd (?): 4 dagen, standaard-vakantie Status: afgelopen
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