January 2015 KOTH Pente, 2 day moves! For the first 7 instances of this King Of The Hill tournament, I've only hosted it within the SPP fellowship. The last KOTH however I decided to open it up to the rest of BK so we could try and get all 20 slots filled up. This worked fairly well so I think I'll follow the same plan for this 9th version of the tournament.
The 9th KOTH will start on January 21 and will have a 2 day 1 hour move time limit with vacation allowed.
Please also keep in mind that up to 19 other players can sign up, this may equal a total of up to 38 games you may be playing on January 21! (MINIMUM of 14 Players required to start!) If you do not have enough open game slots for your membership level it is very likely you'll be auto-removed from the tournament at the start time.
Now is your chance to be the 2015 "King Of The Hill"! Remember though, only 20 people will be allowed to play in one BIG section. If you have any additional questions, feel free to PM me Brf message link. though you may want to sign up now just to make sure that you get one of the twenty available slots. Once all slots are gone the tourney is FULL, and you'll have to wait for next years KOTH to get in on the action!
Aside from enjoying the view from the top of the hill, whomever wins this tournament will have their name permanently added to the other fine champions listed below and on the main page in the SPP fellowship. Good luck to all players, it's going to be another fun tourney!
Matchtype: Normale partij Type toernooi (?): hele competitie: twee partijen (één met "zwart" en één met "wit") tegen elke tegenstander Lidmaatschapsniveau: Minimum aantal spelers: 10 Maximum aantal spelers: 20 Maximum aantal spelers per groep: 20 Uiteindelijke matchtype als slechts 2 spelers over zijn.: 3 winst match Tijd (?): 2 dagen 1 uur, standaard-vakantie Spelersrating: 1300 <= BKR <= 4000 Ratinglozen: nee Partijen zonder rating (de BKR zal niet veranderen door de uitslagen in dit toernooi): nee Privétoernooi (u stuurt persoonlijke uitnodigingen): nee Sorteer spelers naar BKR: ja Status: afgelopen
(verberg) Houdt uw Postbus schoon door belangrijke berichten te archiveren en regelmatig de Verwijder-alle-berichtenknop in uw instellingen. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)