*1244* pandemonium*1244* (8. maart 2009, 18:13:20) (Hypergammon - toon spelregels) Already the oldest legends we find stories of women's efforts to equality with men. Usually ends badly, so it is about women nevyprávěly itself. Meanwhile, their lives changed but unrecognizable. Technical advances postatně alleviating the burden that is always in the household tížilo, just think of the way today's laundry and compare it with hard work, to which the countryside has meant for our mothers. Man in the washing machine is now nothing neobyčejným, with washboard waiting for him but I'll utmost in satirical theater games and movies.
Working in the home is now less demanding on time and energy, today's women, however, aspire to more than just to facilitate this kind of worries. In Western society is growing awareness of the dignity of individuals and the resulting efforts of the new governance arrangements. It is only logical that they want to intervene and women and have no intention to settle only with the roles of mothers and housewives. The industrialization of the mass production of goods have played a role. It is now crucial wealth and prestige, while the rural and household face still deeper in its shadow. A woman who remains alone at home with children while the husband, "go to work", it may suddenly feel isolated and out of social events, which is not exactly a pleasant feeling.
Social change in the western world do not directly from the Gospel, but he is closely connected with him and have their roots in it. Christianity is the prodchnuto special respect for the woman, her efforts to equality are part of the program in advance and have therefore expected. The question however is what the results of these. What will be, for example, children in families where men and women fully employed outside the home? In Western countries to have led to the extension of full-time children stay in school until the evening to return home for too long before returning parents and mothers in particular. The men must take part of domestic responsibilities and thus become the basis for the relations between spouses.
Women are in year two holidays: May Mother's Day and International Women's Day in March. Meanwhile, among them is some tension, but advanced in mind that a woman can not just push into the role of mothers and housewives. On the other hand, employed a woman normally becomes a mother (and the man is a father!) And must address the problem of two conflicts of interest. Women-mothers to never easy, just look at their position in a poor third world countries, we realize how much worse that is, than women in the west. There is, however, separated from the employment of children, while in a traditional society to remain close. And if it is really so, that Mother's Day to introduce the men, while the International Women's Day to compel the women themselves, then it is time to reconcile them so as to align the business needs of women in employment with the role of mother. Equally concerned with the men, their family responsibilities and in the game is, of course, and the life of faith of all family members. Terug naar de lijst met spelsoorten Genootschap:*1244* pandemonium*1244* Matchtype: Normale partij Type toernooi (?): halve competitie: één partij per twee spelers Lidmaatschapsniveau: Minimum aantal spelers: 4 Maximum aantal spelers: 4 Maximum aantal spelers per groep: 5 Uiteindelijke matchtype als slechts 2 spelers over zijn.: 3 winst match Tijd (?): 5 dagen, geen vrije dagen Spelersrating: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Ratinglozen: ja Partijen zonder rating (de BKR zal niet veranderen door de uitslagen in dit toernooi): nee Privétoernooi (u stuurt persoonlijke uitnodigingen): nee Sorteer spelers naar BKR: ja Status: afgelopen Begindatum en -tijd: 11. maart 2009, 20:49:03 Einddatum en -tijd: 11. april 2009, 16:57:45
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