This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
Goodfoods and his wife went through hurricane Katrina.. their house withstood the winds.. they lost lots of trees.. and due to the power surges lost their A/C and their Refridge and Freezers.. amongst the smaller appliances.. which those smaller ones he says can be replaced easier.. he did mention though.. the larger appliances are a bit harder to afford at this time..
If any of you would like to help donate even 5 or 10 dollars would be of a great help.. and when we have reached the goal of getting him his needs perhaps the extra money can go to someone else in his area.. :)
TT and I, amongst others are anxious to help.. so please contact one of us privately to find out how you can help him and his family..
I took Bernices suggestion and wrote a letter to the editor to Picayune Item which is the one newspaper I found a link to earlier ..
I mentioned we were all here waiting anxiously to at least hear a quick I am fine message.. so maybe they will print up the article and hopefully GoodFoods sees it..
alexlee: Tammy went I think to a family members house.. yes.. she may have internet.. but, then she may be also looking for him.. or trying to get into the area.. I can't even imagine the devastion down there..
alexlee: I know.. I wish someone would at least pass me what they think his name is.. I would like to be able to know if any of the lists I am finding are showing them or not.. This is frustrating as all get out..
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