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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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5. mars 2006, 14:38:13
Emne: our new board
hello all...Tuesday and I had an idea for a board and well,here we are.I would like to give you an idea of our idea....we would like to here about your pets,lol....any and all pets!!! also though,I will be posting stories of goings ons with animals else where and they may bother some sensitive readers...I will try to post a warning in titles before that is done.Stories that are posted like that are NOT for some sick entertaining factor but rather to bring attention to animals that have no voice and cannot speak for themselves.I did volunteer work at a shelter and saw some terrible things while I was there and it broke my heart.To me,people that abuse or hurt animals are as low as people that hurt kids or the elderly and I have NO tolerance for it AT ALL.Have fun posting and sharing your pet tails...oh,no pun intended,lol....I know some debates over issues may start and that is fine,but lets keep it friendly,ok..Thanks for visiting!!!

5. mars 2006, 17:58:09
Emne: Congrats you two!
Kewl to see this type of board..

I received as a gift a pomeranian this past Holiday Season. She has been so spunky and jumpy it is kewt. She is a black pomeranian and is full of love. I feel like making her a tutu and training her to do acts. LOL

She has made friends with my parents dogs.. which are Golden Retriever Cross ??(not sure with what because it all happened so fast) but they are Black.. but it is cute sometimes how she sits and whines at the door when she hears the others dogs are outside.. she wants to go play..

5. mars 2006, 18:10:59
Emne: Re: Congrats you two!
ScarletRose: Thanks...when I get some more time I am going to get more posted..hope the word spreads about this board..I love animals,maybe more then people,lol.....We have a dalmatian.We got him when he was 6 months old and he is now 11 1/2 years and geting very tired.He is on meds for his hips (artheritis) and for his bladder (he dribbles pee all the time) so he also wears a wrap (denim so he is stylin' LOL) We almost lost him this past summer due to a nasty infection running through his body that we didn't know he had till it was almost to late.He lost about 15 pounds during his illness and we can't get him to put 1 pound on now,he is all skin and bones...but Dr. says his heart hi really strong.He is in early stages of alzhimers now too...I am hoping when it is his time that he will go peacefully in his sleep but if not our vet will come out to the house to put him down...I don't even want to think of that though!! His name is Patch but we call him everything from bobaloo to monkey butt,lol!! he is my baby!!

5. mars 2006, 18:12:37
Emne: Re: Congrats you two!
ScarletRose: oh,btw...HOW CUTE!!! Like wittle tiny balls of fuzz!!!!!!!!!!

5. mars 2006, 18:20:07
Emne: Re: Congrats you two!
anastasia: yes she was.. she is though getting her adult coat.. much more like a chow.. she is so sweet.. and demanding.. too funny

she bouncie bouncies all the time..

5. mars 2006, 18:34:05
Emne: Re: Congrats you two!
anastasia: aaaawwwwww sounds like you get to go through some special times now with him. That is what is always so scary for me.. Growing up we had a dog named Ginger.. she was a Golden Retriever.. We mated her not realizing she was actually too old to do so.. so her pups all had something wrong with them.. She had a total of 3 pups: one was a still born, one had a cleft palet and the third one had a blue heart?? I wonder if that is the correct term.. anyway.. her heart wasn't too good. We couldn't sell any of the pups due to their medical conditions.. when they were around 1.. my parents had gone away for 2 weeks and left my Older brother and I in charge of the house and dogs.. Amber, the one with the heart problems ended up dying.. and I was the one who found her.. It was sad.. I was 16.. my brother Tom was 18, but was at work.. I remember calling my boyfriend in tears.. he came over and helped take Amber to the vets to bury her.. Ginger, the mother.. Heck.. we ended up having to put her down in the end of the 80's I wanna say 89.. but I am not exactly sure.. she was so full of tumors.

5. mars 2006, 22:21:28
Emne: Hi!
Great new board!!

Im also passionate about animals. I will add this board to my favourites!

I have been a strict vegetarian for almost 2 decades due to the horrific meat industry.

I have adopted many rescued animals over the years, but at present I only have one cat, called Rabbit! She has lived with me for about 15 years.

One of the most exciting things I have done in my life was to be awarded a fellowship from Earthwatch to go to Costa Rica to help collect scientific data through field research on caimans, crocodiles & manatee.

I have also been an animal activist for many years and am opposed to hunting, especially for sport!

5. mars 2006, 22:41:56
Emne: Re: Hi!
Tuesday: (just read Baxtor Bulletin) aww those poor dogs!! thats horrendous!! 477 dogs!!!

5. mars 2006, 23:05:36
Emne: Re: Hi!
Tuesday: I know what Id like to do to people who abuse animals!!!

5. mars 2006, 23:07:02
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: OMG!!! 477 dogs!! aaaaawwwwwwwww

5. mars 2006, 23:21:38
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: I have heard the same..

5. mars 2006, 23:30:21
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: they are very rare as its actually a genetic defect!

5. mars 2006, 23:31:47
Emne: Calico cats...
Why Are Calico Cats Female?
By: Dr. Dawn Ruben

It is difficult to breed specifically for calico or tortoiseshell cats.
It is difficult to breed specifically for calico or tortoiseshell cats.
Section: The Secret of Calico Cats

Calico cats, with their orange, black and white coloration, are almost always female. So are black and orange tortoiseshells. Why?

The answer has to do with genetics. Every cat has 38 pairs of chromosomes; half of the pairs are from the mother, the other half is from the father. Within every chromosome there are thousands of different genes.

Every female cat receives one X chromosome from her mother and one X chromosome from her father, while a male receives one X chromosome from his mother and one Y chromosome from his father. Within the X chromosome is a gene for coat color.

In calicos and tortoiseshells, one X has the black gene; the other X has the orange gene. White coat color is associated with a completely separate gene.

At conception, the kitten is a one-celled organism, which divides until there are millions of cells that make up the final kitten. Each time a cell divides, it passes on its genetic material.

Gene Inactivation

For the sex chromosomes, there is a battle for power. This is especially true for the X chromosome. If two X chromosomes are present, which determines female sex, one X chromosome will become inactivated at some point in fetal development. When this happens, all the cells descended from the activated X chromosome will have the same characteristics, including coat color.

In calicos, if the X-chromosome that is left functioning carries the orange gene, then all the cells descended from it will result in an orange color. The same is true if the functioning X chromosome has the black gene. If both X-chromosomes carry the same color gene, then the calico pattern will not appear.

Since X chromosomes inactivate at various times in each individual cat, color patches vary.

The story is different for male cats. Males have only one X chromosome, and it is never inactivated. Whatever color gene is present on this X chromosome will determine the color of the cat. Males can be calico or tortoiseshell only if they are born with 2 X-chromosomes and a Y (XXY), allowing one X to be inactivated. This genetic defect (XXY) is very rare.

It's Difficult to Breed Calicos

It is difficult to breed specifically for calico or tortoiseshell cats. Breeding an orange cat to a black cat may increase the chances, but it all depends on whether the kitten is female and at what stage during development the X-chromosome becomes inactive. There is no way to predict or force an X chromosome to inactivate at a certain point in development.

5. mars 2006, 23:44:21
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Tuesday: I had'nt realised it was a defect either.......I had to look it up as when you mentioned them I got thinking why are they are predominantly female!

Not only that... my cat who died fairly recently was a female calico. Looked just like this one...

6. mars 2006, 00:00:41
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Tuesday: Rabbit, my cat I still have now, looks like this one...

What is a 'have a heart' trap? You did well to capture them & to have them neutered is very sensible too!
Yes they are very mysterious! I love that about them

6. mars 2006, 00:08:50
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Tuesday: My Rabbit looks just like your Dylan did?! Wow!!
Thanks, I guessed it may be something like that!

6. mars 2006, 00:13:44
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Tuesday: that pic wasnt 'actually' my cat but does look so similar it could be her! I will email you a pic of me with her!

6. mars 2006, 00:20:13
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Tuesday: Awww thats a cute name! x3! :o)

6. mars 2006, 03:16:07
Fitness Program

You've seen those ads on TV promising amazing results from all sorts of contraptions. Well, there's no need to invest in fancy equipment. If
you have (or can borrow) a dog, you have everything you need to get in shape now!!! The following exercises can be done anywhere, anytime.

Inner Thighs: Place the dog's favourite toy between thighs. Press tighter than the dog can pull. Do not attempt bare legged - dogs who favour shortcuts to success will just dig the toy out. You could be damaged.

Upper Body Strength: Lift the dog - off the couch, off the bed, out of the flower bed. Repeat, repeat, repeat. As the dog ages, this exercise is reversed - onto the couch, onto the bed, into the car and so on.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 1: Remove your puppy from unsuitable tight places. If they're too small for him, they're certainly too small for you.
Do it anyway!

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 2: Practice not falling when your dog bounds across the full length of the room, sails through the air, and slams both front paws into the back of your knees.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 3: (for use with multiple dogs) Remove all dogs from lap and answer the phone before it stops ringing.

Balance and Coordination, Exercise 4: (alternate) For older dogs, attempt to cross a room without tripping over the dog. Get off your
couch without crushing any part of a sleeping elderly dog.

Upper Arms: Throw the ball. Throw the squeaky toy. Throw the Frisbee. Repeat until nauseous.

Upper Arms: (alternate) Tug the rope. Tug the pull toy. Tug the sock. Repeat until your shoulder is dislocated or the dog gives up (we all know which comes first).

Hand Coordination: Remove foreign object from dog's locked jaw. This exercise is especially popular with puppy owners. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Remember, this is a timed exercise. Movements must be quick and precise (think
concert pianist) to prevent trips to the vet, which only offer the minimal exercise benefit of jaw firming clenches.

Calves: After the dog has worn out the rest of your body, hang a circular toy on your ankle and let the dog tug while you tug back.
WARNING: This is feasible only for those with strong bones and small dogs. Have you taken your
calcium supplement today?

Calves: (alternate) Run after dog - pick any reason, there are plenty. Dogs of any size can be used for this exercise. Greyhounds are inadvisable.

Neck Muscles: Attempt to outmanoeuvre the canine tongue headed for your ear, mouth, or eyeball. This is a lifelong fitness program. A dog is
never too old or too feeble to' French Kiss' you when you least expect it.

6. mars 2006, 03:23:40
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Lamby: I actually had a male calico!!! his name was Brutus..The mommy kitty came up to my parents house the one night during a rain storm and was HANGING onto our screen door..I asked Dad if we could bring her i out of the rain,he was a sucker for animals too..I can tell you some stories about HIM with the animals,lol..well,we kept her and the one day she got out,gone for three days,she was in heat when she got out..didn't relize for sure that she did get pregnant till she went into labor and started to scream.I got her out from under the hutch and pet her while she strated to come out but got stuck...good lord!!! lol,I had to help her deliver the little guy,she only had the one.She couldn't produce milk and tried to kill him right off the bat so I had to keep them seperate.From 1st feeding it was me with formula and a tiny tiny bottle..he grew and grew but then found out he had feline lukiemia..he died up at my parents house :( He was really cool while he was here though,lol.

6. mars 2006, 03:28:05
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: haha.. I was going through my email just a bit ago and ran accrossed that.. Thought it would bring a giggle..

6. mars 2006, 03:44:55
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Doris (6. mars 2006, 03:46:07)
ScarletRose: Great exercises...but I had to improvise, especially with this one"Calves: (alternate) Run after dog - pick any reason, there are plenty. Dogs of any size can be used for this exercise. Greyhounds are inadvisable.".....I have 4 Greyhounds

6. mars 2006, 07:08:56
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
Modifisert av Bernice (6. mars 2006, 07:09:43)
with reference to the fact that most calico cats are female...did you also know that most ginger cats are male?

here is the article where I got that information, it is also an australian site.

eshell, Calico and Ginger Cats

Cats come in a kaleidoscope of colours – sometimes all in the one litter, and among the most popular (and some owners would say the most attractive) are tortoiseshell and gingers. Tortoiseshell cats are considered lucky in Scotland and Ireland.

Tortoiseshell cats are a patchwork of black and orange in a random pattern. When tortoiseshells have white markings they are sometimes also known as calico cats.

Most tortoiseshell and calico cats are female. The gene for the red colour (O) is carried on the X chromosome and for this reason it is called a ‘sex linked’ colour. Females of all species have two X chromosomes and males an X and Y chromosome. If both X chromosomes carry the Red gene, then the cat will be Red. However, many females carry the Red gene on only one chromosome, which allows the blackbased pigmentation to show through in patches. This combination of red and black is called tortoiseshell. For a male to be a tortoiseshell, he must have a genetic mutation that causes the male to have two X and one Y chromosome that usually renders male tortoiseshell cats sterile. It is estimated that only one in about every 1,000 torties is male and that only one in 10,000 is fertile.

However normal males normally only have one X chromosome and so if a male carries the Red gene at all, he will be ginger.

It is possible to have a ginger female but since males only need to have the orange gene on one chromosome to become ginger, and females have to have it on two, ginger males outnumber females 3 to 1.

Mating together a red male and a red female can never give a tortoiseshell because the cats can only pass on the “O” genes to their kittens.

Tortoiseshell cats are fondly called ‘torties’ and are renown for their independent and resilient nature, although some people more unkindly call them temperamental! Perhaps their individual nature mimics their individual coat colour as no two torties will be identical in markings.

6. mars 2006, 07:16:12
Emne: Dog Urine :(
can anyone help me

My Bear (dog) (shih-tzu) has at some time piddled in my spare room, and I havent seen it until today when I smelt it....YUK POO!!!!!.

It had dried and all I could see was the outline of the original "wet spot". very strong urine smell

I have cleaned it with carpet cleaner and also have sprayed around room deodoriser to no avail :(

Are there any "home remedies" I can try??

thanks in advance...all suggestions, except getting rid of Bear, will be considered LOLOL

6. mars 2006, 10:47:01
Andre Faria 
Emne: Re: Hi!
For those who still believe on the perverse meat industry, it worths a look:

6. mars 2006, 10:48:45
Emne: Re: Dog Urine :(

Fuller's earth is great for this kind of thing. Wet the area concerned and sprinkle fuller's earth over it, allow to dry thoroughly and vaccuum. It absorbs the offending mess plus the smell.
It's also good with oil and petrol on lounge carpets!

6. mars 2006, 13:37:12

6. mars 2006, 14:04:29
Emne: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: the best stuff I ever used to get rid of animal pee (especially dry as it's more difficult to get rid of) was a special liquid from the vets. I can't remember what it was called but it has special enzymes in it which break down the smell & also stop the animal going back to the same spot to re-pee there!
It wasn't too expensive either!
So it might be just as well to try your vets to see if they sell anything like that........

6. mars 2006, 14:05:24
Emne: Re: Calico cats...
anastasia: awww that's sweet & sad too!

6. mars 2006, 14:36:59
Emne: Re: Dog Urine :(
Lamby: I have also used the stuff from the vet,I also cannot remember the name of it,but is squirt in onto the carpet and just let it soak down in...because I'm sure the urine has gone all the way down to the padding..then you clean it up.....also,not sure where you live but there is stuff called odo-ban that is teriffic...try the vets office first though,tell them what happened and they will know EXCATLY what you need :)

6. mars 2006, 14:39:53
Emne: Re: Dog Urine :(
anastasia: yes thats right! I had to pull my carpet up & scrub the floor boards too because the pee does sink right down :o(
Im in UK...havent heard of odo-ban but I'll have a look out for it...wonder if they have it where Bernice is?

6. mars 2006, 14:50:09
Emne: Re: Dog Urine :(
Lamby: odo ban is primarily sold at Sam's club,as far as I know...I promis though,that stuff from the vets will work,it's like magic in a bottle!! We had scrubbed our floors 4 times and still couldn't get the smell out,just overwhelming and I PRIDE MYSELF on my house NOT smelling like an animal,lol...went to vet,he has 4 dogs,like 3 cats a goat and some ducks and chickens..only dogs and cats are in house,lol...he said try this,it's what we use and WOW!!! Let us know how it works for you!

6. mars 2006, 22:09:27
Emne: Awesome board!
Sorry it took so long to find your new board ladies!
Trying to catch up on the posts now.
Bernice, we have a product called ProSolve that takes the stink right outta anything even furniture! No clue if you can get it down there tho!

As for calico's Torties and gingers, well I have one of each! Yup the Calico an Tortie are both female and the ginger is male. I call him our special cat cuz if he could wear a helmet he would ( as in really special) I wonder if it is possible for a cat to have downssyndrome?)
We have 11 cats in all right now ( cat rescuers but we fall hard for em when we take em in to heal em up an get em fed then refuse to find homes for them)
Our latest adoptee is a Maine Coon cat who I just adore. She was emaciated, had very little fur on her and beside flea bites was just a wreck. The SPCA said if they took her they would put her down cuz she was far gone in their books. Well today she is a fat, sassy beauty who sits on my desk or monitor all day long with me! Can't imagine her not being part of our family!

7. mars 2006, 11:07:33
Modifisert av Nirvana (7. mars 2006, 16:33:19)
No cat will do something if it doesn't want to.

This was amongst my emails today:
Amazing acrobatic cats

(the advertisements at the beginning are irritating, but thankfully short)

For those with webtv or without Internet explorer who can't access it:

it's a video of this:

Amazing acrobatic cats

7. mars 2006, 14:36:36
Emne: Re:
Nirvana: I don't like circus's of anykind...but it seems a bit different when you are talking about having a cat play with a ball comparred to taking an elephant,keeping it shackeled for 18 hours a day and making it do things like stand on a barrel or something.

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