ikkentobi: It doesn't work for me. Each time I copy and paste the moves, it shows an error message that something is wrong with the move list. Anyway, I just wanted to use it to generate a sample SGF file because I didn't fully understand the format description. Can you provide a sample game please?
ikkentobi: That's great :D Now if only Fencer would provide a link to download SGF notation, just like he has for PGN for chess games, then we'd be set!
I would like to have another mod at this board, coz as I am not anymore rook, I will be at this site more rarely and will not be too interested about the board exept few.
Groucho: All white stones on the board are alive and should not be marked dead at game end.
The final score for that game (as BrainKing calculates it and if I didn't make a mistake) should be: Black: 0 (territory) - 68 (prisoners) - 3.5 (komi) = -71.5 points White: 18 (territory) - 2 (prisoners) = 16 points
are there any stones dead in this game? My opponent put an x on all mine and I declined. Since a stone (or a stone group) is called a dead group if it cannot be saved from capturing by the opponent, shouldn't all squares be left alone with no 'x's' anywhere? I'm so new at this game....
My solution works simply by setting the image height and width to 25; to use it you need FirefoxandGreaseMonkey; you'll also need the Greasemonkey script and possibly to change the value to something you're confortable with (instead of the 25).
black territory is 4+12+20 = 36. Black's score is 29.5, so 36-29.5 = 5.5. The score wouldn't have mattered in this case if it were 4.5 (white still wins by 0.5), but I found it a little surprising.
headius: It's worth mentioning that I had to settle for a seki because I was greedy and tried to allow your black group to grow before attempting capture. Suddenly it was too big, you cut off my group, and I had to just close the door and write it off.
In this case, it's actually one move away from being seki, which is still seki. If either the white group at K3 or the black group at K4 place a stone on their shared liberties, no further stones can be placed by either color.Since all surrounding groups are stable (or very likely to be) this would be seki.
At the end of the game, notice how there are two groups towards the bottom middle that are "coexisting". This means, that neither player wants to try and capture the other players stones, because this would lead to a capture by the other player. At first glance, it would seem that my stones are "dead" inside my opponents territory.
Marfitalu: Marfitalu: ah yes! i forgot 2 things .. i thought white couldnt play c9 .. but i forgot white could do so if he would capture black in that move .. which happens
i also missed it that b8 also creates the chain :)
okay, great! I prefer Chinese scoring with pass stones, as stated somewhere else on this board. It really simplifies scoring, disputes and teaching, in my opinion.
onigoroshi: Yeah, I know how the (Japanese/AGA) scoring is supposed to work :), but I was mostly referring to BK's implementation.
As far as BK implementation, Chinese scoring might be slightly easier to deal with issues like seki, because then you could just mark the seki stones as "dead" and then the scoring should be accurate.
okay, I'll try to answer your questions. Unfortunately, I have no idea how the BK scoring works. Traditionally, in both Chinese and Japanese scoring "seki eyes" are not counted as territory.
This isn't really a question about this game in particular (mainly because there are no eyes in either of the two shapes in miai), but more of a question about the scoring. If there are any groups in miai that actually have eyespace (and therefore territory), does BrainKing count that territory for the player who surrounds the territory? If one color had eyespace but the other did not, then this could lead to some score inconsistency.
OK, I lied, there is a question about this game... If BrainKing were to change over to Chinese scoring, how would the scoring of the white F11 group and the black J11 group be handled? They would count for neither player, correct?
yes, unfortunately, i was unable to explain to my opponent that my group at the bottom-center is alive in seki... he seemed to think that I won by (only) 0.5 point. oh well, maybe I should learn polish ;)
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
Marfitalu: In cases like this one, the player who claims a win (or draw) should report such a game to Fencer and he'll call it a win (or draw). That's how it works on BrainKing.
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
Marfitalu: This problem could be solved very easily by following the rule used by the AGA: If both players pass twice in a row, the game ends immediately and all stones on the board are counted as alive.
This rule should be very easy to implement, and would completely avoid situations like this.
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
hexkid: What if, for example, there was a board position that was entirely filled, except for a seki position? The person rejecting the score count can force the other player to play, thereby forcing the first player to lose more points than by not playing.
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
jurek: One of the games posted by Marfitalu could proceed to this position. Black has just (wrongly) marked all White stones dead and will have to play a stone on her next turn ...
Even if Black insist on playing on, at some point in time White advantage due to captured stones will be big enough to accept the wrongly marked dead stones :)
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
hexkid: This is the way I see it:
player 1: I say these stones are dead player 2: I'm not going to accept, so I can reduce your point count by one! player 1: OK, I'll play here player 2: pass player 1: pass player 2: Dead! player 1: HAHA! I'm going to reject this, so you lose a point too! ...ad nauseum...
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
Salkkuman: The player who (wrongly) marked dead stones is the one who has pass disabled, not the other way around. Think of it as player 1: I say these stones are dead player 2: I don't agree, prove it. player 1: ok, I play here (and lose 1 point) player 2: Ah! you're right (but you're now losing by 0.5 points) ... pass player 1: pass player 2: mark dead stones correctly player 1: decline player 2: (Rats! she didn't fall for it) ... resign
Emne: Re: Can somebody help the Go to stay alive on BrainKing ?
hexkid: How would it be right if opponent makes wrong the dead stones and you would have to make a move? It might be that you would lose because of that.
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