Hrqls: If something happens to three players... then you can take a spot... We currently have Nap Solo and another player waiting in the ranks for a position if one comes available. At the beginning I simply went with the best players available, but at this point I am going by first come first serve after those initial 8. I highly doubt that would happen were three people can't play. But if it does it's your spot. I would suggest to you and anyone else wanting to be on our Connect6 team to play with another F/S and then come back to our F/S when the team tourney begins. ;-) You want to be part of the best don't you?
Any questions about anything regarding this please reply or send me a PM.
Do you like to play line games or want to learn? If you do, you should join the Official Lines Fellowship! We have line teams for almost every game as well as tourneys coming more and more! Sign up if you would like to join for teams, tourneys, lots of games, and the chance to better your game!
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