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Line4 and variants.

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31. oktober 2004, 12:40:49
Emne: 4x4x4
I have got a 4x4x4 game at home, you cannot place the pieces everyware, you have to start at the lowest layer and then work you way up, very interesting game

15. oktober 2004, 09:48:21
not in a 4x4x4 board (cube)

you will run out of the board

try it on paper

.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....

those are the 4 layers .... place on top of each other

15. oktober 2004, 07:08:41
If you can place a piece anywhere, to connect four is very trivial for player 1 to force.

14. oktober 2004, 15:03:31
Emne: 3d line 4
no gravity .. its like the five in line game .. you can place your pieces anywhere

14. oktober 2004, 02:04:04
By the way, here's another variant:

14. oktober 2004, 01:59:49
Emne: Re: 3d line 4
What sort of "gravity" exists in this variant? Or can pieces always be placed in any of the 64 spaces?

10. oktober 2004, 23:37:55
Emne: Re: Spiders
nice pattern :)

10. oktober 2004, 20:43:20
Emne: Spiders
Well, click here to see one possilbe web pattern.

9. oktober 2004, 18:48:02
Emne: Spiders
I like that, BuilderQ! ... maybe some sort of web throughout the board too? (dim, so as not to look TOO "busy")

9. oktober 2004, 16:49:09
Emne: Spiders
Based on the example of Froglet's success, I wonder if the popularity of Spider Line 4/tris could be elevated through the use of pieces with a more thematic quality. Click here for an example of what I mean. :)

8. oktober 2004, 04:24:32 
Yea, I thought it would be cool if any full line would disaprear.

7. oktober 2004, 23:44:13
I just found out (though it says so on the rules) that only the borders can disapear. A complete line in the middle of the board will remain there... (too bad, the game was being interesting)

But now, what if, after removing a full line in one of the borders, another full line takes its place? Is this one removed as well?

7. oktober 2004, 14:42:45
Emne: 3d line 4
i came here to post a suggestion for a variation but found out Sprietzsche already posted abot it in the past

noone ever comment about it though ?

are there any reasons why noone responded about an 4x4x4 board for line 4 ?

26. september 2004, 19:31:34
No, even in this case the rules are the same as for Spider Line4. All squares between target position and the corresponding wall must be filled.

26. september 2004, 17:28:33
Emne: Rules
Can pieces left floating (unconnected to any edge or other pieces touching the edge) serve as bases to stack from?
Maybe the description of this board should be modified? :)

24. september 2004, 21:52:06
Retired on 2700 
Emne: Re: Prefered colour?
Yeah I find it a little easier playing black

Thanks :)

24. september 2004, 16:27:59
Emne: Re: Prefered colour?
I would say black. Zugzwang generally forces white to be the one to complete the bottom row, enabling black to stack four vertically in the newly-created spaces at the top

24. september 2004, 15:49:40
Retired on 2700 
Emne: Prefered colour?
If you had 2 top linetris players evenly matched, then who has the advantage, is it white or black?

11. september 2004, 12:50:05
Then I should add it. Thanks for notifying me.

10. september 2004, 20:26:50
No, it isn't mentioned in the rules, but thanks for the clarification.

10. september 2004, 08:26:59
Isn't it mentioned in rules? When only one column remains, a piece can be placed on top of opponent's last piece.

7. september 2004, 20:16:24
Emne: Spider Linetris sounds exciting
As for a spider web shape... the spaces have to be a shape that can tessellate. Or is it the general shape of the board that we are talking about?

7. september 2004, 13:21:56
Retired on 2700 
Emne: Re:
yeh hexagons, pentagons, octagons or whatever seems to work. It will be an intresting concept

4. september 2004, 23:32:28
By "Spiders Web shape" do you mean hexagons? (ie: 3 directions to create lines rather than four?)

4. september 2004, 18:32:42
Retired on 2700 
Emne: Spider Linetris!
Geez! Sounds crazy!! I would be absolutely gutted if a line just totally disappeared after spending hard work building up a win! lol! Just the thought of trying to work out the new moves Spider Linetris would create is hurting my head! lol! Sounds good though, maybe worth trying, as one line disappearing could turn a game completely on its head!

How about changing the square shape board to a Spiders Web shape! As BBW said, 12x12, & Web shaped would be cool. Have the middle space reserved for a spider there..and call the spider SPIDERM4TT!! lol :-)

3. september 2004, 07:41:37
Interresting question! It is certainly draw before the board is completed if there is no legal move

3. september 2004, 04:16:34
Emne: When there is only one column left...
What happens? Does the restriction against playing on top of the last piece prevent the final column from being filled?

1. september 2004, 22:34:15
Yep, it does! I'll have to experiment with it a bit and see how it works! At least it would get rid of those pesky occasional draws... :-)

1. september 2004, 22:31:53
Nope, except I keep losing to the TitOT both :-)

Seems like a fun game though!

1. september 2004, 21:25:51
Spider Linetris sounds really interesting!

1. september 2004, 21:22:22
Just the outside wall would disappear and everything else shifts that way. If you fill two walls at once [corner move], both lines disappear and everything shifts diagonally.

1. september 2004, 18:09:48 
How would it work. Just the "outside" wall would disapear and everything else "shifts" that way, or would any line disapear and have everything else shift right or left to fill in the line.

(not to copy off too much from other sites), but I like how GT have a random piece placed on the board which both colors can use, and how they have a "black hole" space random on the board which NO player can place a piece - OF course they don't have those of the "spider" line games, just the normal line games, so i guess it would not be a copy there.

Also something that would be cool to try is some "special" shape boards. For example:

Square Wheel: 12x12 board with middle 4 spaces "blocked" out - BUT can build from the middle spaces also!

1. september 2004, 15:46:21
Hey Line4 experts,
what would you say to Spider Linetris? Would it be an interesting variant? :-)

1. september 2004, 09:51:43
Emne: Re: Euro 4
It would be very easy to implement on BK. Does anybody know more about that variant?

30. august 2004, 23:56:11
challenge me anytime you want a bit of practice ;O)

28. august 2004, 16:40:23
Are there any computer programs that play Spider Line4? I could do with a bit of practice. :)

27. august 2004, 03:53:51
Emne: Re: 9x9 Anti Line4
Yes, but strategy would be completely changed. Maybe draws would become too common? Still, it's something to look into...

I'd also like to see regular Line4 on a 9x9 board. :)

27. august 2004, 03:42:09
Key McKinnis 
Emne: 9x9 Anti Line4
I think that if this game was played on a 9x9 board, there would be no need for rules 2 and 3 on the game rules page for AntiLine4, what does everyone else think?

24. august 2004, 01:08:47
Emne: Euro 4
Does anyone know of a game site offering the variant Euro 4?

16. august 2004, 23:52:42
Emne: Connect Four Variant Solved: White Wins in Eight Moves
Rules: The variant is played on a 7x7 board. The first piece must be placed in the center; subsequently each new piece can be placed in any space orthogonally adjacent to an occupied space. The first player to get four in a row wins. The player who moves first shall be refered to as White, while the second player is Black.

The move tree below details how White can win in, at most, eight moves. Most of Black's moves are forced, and where there are options, each is played to conclusion.

1. d4 c4
2. d3 ...
Black can do either d5 or d2.

With 2. ... d5
3. d2 d1
4. c3 ...
Black can do either b3 or e3.

With 4. ... b3
5. e3 f3
6. f2 c5
7. e2 g2
8. c2*

With 4. ... e3
5. b3 a3
6. b4 e1
7. b5 b6
8. b2*

With 2. ... d2
3. d5 d6
4. c3 ...
Black can do either b3 or e3.

With 4. ... b3
5. e3 f3
6. e5 b2
7. c5 b5
8. f5*

With 4. ... e3
5. b3 a3
6. e5 b2
7. c5 b5
8. f5*

16. august 2004, 21:54:42
I'll post the complete game move tree once, and if, I can find it.

16. august 2004, 21:48:12
Ok, I guess it is a forced win for player 1 from the start...! :-)

16. august 2004, 21:46:26
It still doesn't appear to be a forced win for either player...

16. august 2004, 21:40:37
No, I meant that a piece could be placed anywhere that was orthogonally adjacent to the position of another piece.

16. august 2004, 21:38:35
Do you mean that it would be like players "shoot" their pieces from an edge and they travel until they hit another piece (ie: if a space was surrounded on all four sides no one could ever move to it)?

16. august 2004, 21:35:04
Yes, it would be an odd-sized board, like in the pente games, with only orthogonal sticking.

Once I have time for it, I'll do a little study to prove the first player's advantage.

16. august 2004, 21:25:48
If it had to be in the "center", it would have to be an odd-sized board. And I assume you mean only orthogonal "sticking" (ie: not diagonal)? I don't think it would be an easy win for the first player.

16. august 2004, 17:01:32
Maybe a variant in which pieces could stick to the sides of other pieces would be interesting.

Perhaps it could be that pieces would only stick to each other, and not to any side. White's first move would have to be in the center, and play would build out from there. Some sort of restriction would be needed to prevent it being an easy win for the first player, though.

16. august 2004, 04:33:34
2007 Lady 
Emne: Re: Game ID# 413449
Thanks Rod -- appreciate your time.

16. august 2004, 04:22:41
Emne: Re: Game ID# 413449
No, your opponent will not be able to play B2 at that point.

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