AbigailII: Speaking of the buy in - it can be important on the no limit page.
That is for example, the 250 buy in on the no limit page. So if I'm playing and someone else has 2000 chips and goes "all in" - if I only came to the table with 250, I know I can call (up to my 250) and know I will lose no more then that - if I had come into the table with 2000 chips, I may not want to take the chance for that many chips.
As for the profile page - I believe if you are below a certain amount of chips, on your profile page will be an option to get more chips. But you won't see that unless you get that low I believe. (have not seen it myself yet.)
coan.net: About your n°10 suggestion : the easiest way is to display each player hand in the dealer message box with the result, so everyone can check who won and why. (and find bug, if there is any...)
Another (small) detail : when you win a hand before river is turned (everyone else folded), remaining cards should not be displayed on the table.
Fencer: If the answer to my question is to be found on my profile page, it's well hidden. I see my current number of chips, and the table am I playing at.
Eventually, my chip count will drop below 250, and I can no longer join a poker table. Will be get new chips? If so, how often? Do we have to buy new chips? Can I rob other players and get their chips? Can I play a chess game for chips?
I noticed that if you timeout while having to put in a blind, you're kicked from the table. But when you timeout while you have to fold/check/call/raise, you just fold and remain at the table. Earlier today, I played some poker when one of the people repeatedly timed out. It wasn't until he was left of the dealer he got kicked.
IMO, it would be nicer for the other people if a timeout means the player gets kicked - he/she can always rejoin if she/he returns to the screen.
I'm trying to figure out the usefulness of the buy in. Except from barring people having less chips than 250 to play poker, what does it do? If the buy-in on a table is 400, and in total I own 800 chips, I can bring 600 chips to the table. Why would (wouldn't?) you do so? Now, I understand 'buy ins' if there's a house raking in a percentage, or if everyone starts with the same amount, and you play to some people are eliminated, but here there's no house and people are free to enter/leave each round. So, how much does the 'buy in' enhances the players experience here at BK?
Bwild: Yes, I have folded early on sometimes, and would like to be able to see how I WOULD have done, had I not folded. The cards disappear, and I don't always remember what they were.
Below are a list of current suggestions & ideas. Some Fencer already commented on, some might be new. But figured I would make a nice list of them.
1. Sound (so when the game is waiting for you to do something, it will beep - that way you don't have to stare at the screen all the time.)
2. Be able to turn off chat - if there is a person or conversation that is going on that you don't want to be distracted by, be able to just turn if off.
3. Be able to turn off system messages. Maybe you just want to chat, without all the system messages (xxx checks, yyy bids 20, etc..)
4. When a person does not have an icon, it just looks strange to me - and many times I will quickly glance and think the person has already folded - when they are still actually playing. Yea, the cards are still right below where the picture should be - but for some reason my eyes play tricks on me. I think it would look nicer if maybe when a person does not have a picture icon, just use the BrainKing logo in it's place or something.
5. Why does the chairs have legs and the table does not. (OK, not really a request, but someone else observed this in a game I was playing - found it funny and thought I would share.)
6. If you have someone on your blocked users list, would be nice if somehow the chat from them was automatically hidden.
7. Check/Fold before your turn. With 10 people on a table, it can take awhile for it to get back to you. Some of the time, I already know what I will do (like Check is possible, or fold if someone else bid already) - would be nice if I could before my turn to have an checkbox option that reads "for this turn, check/fold" - so when the turn comes around to me - if no one has bid, it will automatically check for me. If someone has bid, it will automatically fold for me. Again, just that turn. If everyone checks & another card comes out on the table, I would have to choose that again if I still wanted the same.
8. "Sticky" buttons - that is the fold button always in the same place. The check button always in the same place. What has happened to me (and others) (for example), I'm ready to raise and raise again, but when the option disapears on the limit table, the Fold button is put in the same place - causing you to hit fold because we are trying to move quickly. So if the buttons could some how always be in the same area, that would be helpful.
9. Cheat Sheet - I'm not a big poker player, and I know I can't tell you off the top of my head if a flush is better then a strait or is better then full house, etc... (I know if I have any of those to bet like crazy.... but I've never really remembered the exact order.) So maybe a "cheat sheet" of what beats what (similar to what is in the rules) - maybe under the board (that is under the observers & everything (just above the User Agreement | Privacy Policy ...... area)
10. Would be nice to somehow look back at a past hand - would also help in checking out bugs. For example, in a game I was watching, both people had similar hands (making 3 queens for example), but one was thinking that it should have been a split since the other 2 high cards to make the hand were on the table (and both cards in their hands were lower then the 2) - Since the hand will contain the best 5 cards, and if those 5 cards are the same for both players, then any other cards don't matter. I personally wasn't paying enough attention, and there was no real way to go back and look at the hand in more detail. I'm not sure what a good solution would be or an easy way to do this - but thought I would throw it out there in case you can think of an easy doable way to do this.
I've noticed that in the list of poker tables, there are always a number of tables that have, according to the list, 1 observer. However, when I go there, there's noone else.
Summertop:Its always possible to do that in sit&go tables, even with auto blinds, you can check "sit out next round" when blinds are coming to you. But its so ridiculous, i dont think lot of people would do that..
Summertop: maybe if it becomes an issue, an idea is maybe make it where if someone leaves a table, they can't get back in the game for 5 minutes or something.
coan.net: When it is their turn to post a blind...simply stand up...then sit back down after the deal (skip a hand or two)...You can then play with never having to post a blind. Of course, players can always do this, but its harder if blinds are forced.
I know you just gave an answer to this Fencer. But, I really think they should be forced. There is a checkbox to sit out the next round, so that is their out without having to lose a blind. Otherwise, it is too easy for a player to manipulate the system and never post a blind.
I know...Blinds are so small anyway. But I'm hoping for bigger blinds when the "test" phase is over.
Bwild: I would imagine (well hope) that after the testing was done a Tournament would be great.
Of course this means Fencer would have to write some more code and it could run like a proper Poker Tournament. The only difficulty is as Poker here is live EVERYONE playing at a certain table would have to be here at the same time (may not be easy).
Snoopy: 60 seconds per move is for beta testing, mostly. Real tables will be created with 30 secs or less. On the other hand, people with slower connection should be given a chance not to timeout too often.
having played it for the frist time last night i was surprised on how long it was taking to play one game nearly 10 mins may i suggest that the alotted time is cut by at least half if not by three quarters
- Blind bets are forced moves, so no need to ask players to do them. This will save time. - An auto check/fold option, common feature in poker clients.(very useful when playing multi tables) - No fold button when you can check, noone would (should) do that.
Vikings: That is a good point - I can also see it bringing in new people... and possible introduce "turn based" games to people who never played that way before.
Modifisert av coan.net (18. februar 2009, 04:32:54)
Bernice: I figured it would be a lot more busy myself - which is why I created so many tables.... I guess I did not need to create so many.... but then again, maybe once it is done testing, it might be more popular.
(or of course the reason might be that people who come to a turn based game site are not too interested in live games... even though I've jumped in on a few games, I know myself I won't play too much myself.)
I've noticed that when a player is not allowed to raise anymore the fold button is moved over to the right of the call button. I think that this is a bad idea because people will accidentally fold when they intend to raise. (this has happened to me once already) The fold button should always stay under the call button.
Typically, that is on every other site I've played, when a player times out, they are forced to fold. Otherwise a vindictive player can really extend the time to play.
I would guess that if they have to call, they would fold. But if "check" is still available, the action on a timeout should still be Fold.
(hjem) Har lyst å spille flere spill, men klarer ikke å bestemme deg for hvilke spill du har lyst til å spille? Bli med i en turnering med tilfeldige spill. (pauloaguia) (Vis alle tips)