Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
I have made some more site team tournaments - some start pretty soon, but this round are mostly popular games - so hopefully it will be easier for teams to get together!
Skeeky: If this is the tournament you speak of I forgot to name the tourney just purchase the 1 month bishop then send fencer this link and ask him to mark it paid. Include your payment invoice number as well.
Aganju: I wasn't looking to actually set it up. I was looking for the location of the choice to make it a prize tournament. Though of course I misunderstood the original question anyway, which wasn't even about that.
rod03801: There is a drop down box to choose which type of prize tourney you want to hold. But I believe it only works where there is only one game type. ;)
I read that once you assign a price, it generates an order for you. Once you pay that order, the price will be enabled. So check in your profile under 'orders'.
Skeeky: Well, I take that back. It's been a long time since I created a prize tourney. I just looked, and unless I'm blind, I no longer see an area to make it a prize tourney.
Skeeky: When creating the tourney, there is an area that allows you to attach a prize.
If it is already created, but no one has signed up, perhaps delete it and start again. If it is already created, and only a few have signed up,perhaps delete it, start again, and inform those who did sign up. Or maybe write to Fencer, and he can manually attach the prize?