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24. juli 2005, 21:32:29
Emne: can't finish the game
whenever the time runs out it re-sets itself again and my opponent won't play so we can't finish the game! help!!!

24. juli 2005, 19:11:36
Emne: Checkers
Modifisert av Purple (24. juli 2005, 19:13:55) - Tournaments (Anyone Can Win)

23. juli 2005, 18:24:51
Emne: Re: Tourney slots.
bobwhoosta: On the sign up page [of a tournament] there is a warning containing the information about the required number of slots [5 or 10].

23. juli 2005, 18:13:29
Emne: Tourney slots.
I have 5 slots available and would like to know about how many I should have before I run off and take the tournament world by storm. Does it depend on the tourney?

22. juli 2005, 22:33:07
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**

22. juli 2005, 17:43:59
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Czuch : Most people "really" do not need 21 days, and most people move every day.

It's 21 days because that is "my" choice. There's no need to make issue over the length of the time limit.

If you do not want to join, fine. It will not make any difference. It will still be started.

22. juli 2005, 15:21:54
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Modifisert av Hrqls (22. juli 2005, 15:22:43)
Czuch Chuckers: 2* 21 ? i wish :)

i get 5*5+13 days per year .... 5 weeks holiday, and 13 special days .. most specials days are fixed already .. but some are left for me to spend, the 5 weeks can be taken in parts as well :)

on holiday i wont be on the internet at all .. even when i can i wont .. it wont be a holiday that way :) .. i often track around in holidays in other countries

again .. i thought i was on the chat board .. end of the week .. i see numbers everywhere :)

22. juli 2005, 14:18:32
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Hrqls: I want your life.... taking 2, 21+ day holidays/year! I am lucky to get 5 days together. And rarely am I lucky enough to be somewhere where I cant get internet access to play one move in a backgammon game.

22. juli 2005, 14:11:54
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Czuch Chuckers: i like the long time on it so i can still join the tournament although i will be on holiday soon

(i didnt join the last though as 21 days is just too little .. with the weekend days added i could barely make it .. but i dont want to be forced right back to the computer when i get back :))

for rooks it shouldnt matter how long the time limit is .. it isnt a minimum time per move .. so most games are rather fast

there are more tournaments with faster times so they can be used as well ... but there might be more people who cant join such a tournament because of the fast timeouts .. a real championship should give everyone the opportunity to join .. thats why i like the long time per move as well :)

22. juli 2005, 14:08:20
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Bry: Does anyone "really" need 21 days to play amove in backgammon? I mean, really? I think you are only encouraging someone to join just to play head games and see how long they can drag the tournament out.....

22. juli 2005, 12:51:06
Emne: Congratulations to ....
SilentBob for winning the Pond Finger Pond.

21. juli 2005, 18:41:58
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Czuch Chuckers: I cant satisfy everyone. Other than Pawns, I would expect that the majority of top players have been involved at some point.

21. juli 2005, 18:21:09
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Bry: Ah, no vacation, that helps some, but its not really a championship without all the best players :) I understand that it doesnt really matter how long it takes, but it is just too frustrating when 1 or 2 people take the full limits to make a move, and its just not worth it.

21. juli 2005, 18:05:50
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Czuch Chuckers: All 50 of them have been 21 days - since the changes there are no vacation days allowed either, plus it's my preference.

21. juli 2005, 17:56:51
Emne: Re: **Backgammon Championships**
Bry: Why 21 days? Way too long!

21. juli 2005, 17:15:50
Emne: **Backgammon Championships**
Modifisert av Bry (21. juli 2005, 17:17:20)
Only..... 7 Days to sign up for the 50th Backgammon Championships.

Click the link below to sign up and view winners of past tournaments.

The biggest and best Backgammon Tournament on Brainking.Com.

Backgammon Championships-No.50

21. juli 2005, 11:15:27
Emne: Re: Timeout question
bumble: *nod* sorry forgot on which board i was :)

21. juli 2005, 11:12:29
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Take it to General Chat or personal message please.

21. juli 2005, 08:54:42
Emne: Re: Timeout question
galpal: de nada :)

hmm .. what does 'cuentas' mean ?

(did you know the end of the spanish 'occupation' started in alkmaar, my home town! ;))

21. juli 2005, 00:21:38
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Pedro Martínez: Aaahhh - hay la vida inteligente aqui a fin de cuentas :)

20. juli 2005, 18:16:41
Pedro Martínez 
Emne: Re: Timeout question
galpal: Hey, the Netherlands doesn't belong to Spain any more...LOL

20. juli 2005, 17:58:18
Lady Temper 
Emne: Re: Taking forever
mrloupcity: Thanks but I think I will let it ride. And in the future will look at the time limits better. (will make sure I have my glasses on. )

20. juli 2005, 15:59:42
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Hrqls: gracias :)

20. juli 2005, 13:59:40
Emne: Re: Timeout question
TarantinoFan: There are now tournaments that are set up without those annoying vacation days, and even possible for total time for the whole game.... so as a pawn with limited games and tournaments, I would suggest you only play in tournaments set up like those, or buy a membership :)

20. juli 2005, 10:21:21
Emne: Congratulations to....
diogenes for winning the Fast Hyper Backgammon Tournament

20. juli 2005, 08:17:39
Emne: Re: Timeout question
galpal: when you resign that game you will have finished all your games in the tournament .. the tournament itself hasnt finished yet though so you would have to wait for that until you are 'released'

when you resign you wont be able to win the tournament or continue to a next round, so you can ask fencer (politely) in a pm to manually remove you from the tournament so you can join another tournament

(if there is a possibility to move on to a next round or win the tournament, then i dont think you can be removed)

20. juli 2005, 06:03:40 
Emne: Timeouts
Yea, the automatic vacations can be a great feature - for people who may lose internet access or some other emergancy keeps them from their games, but it does seem that it gets abused more then not.

At some point Fencer plans on putting a limit on how many auto-vacation days can be taken at one time (so for example - only 5 auto-vacations at one time) can be taken - but this is NOT IN PLACE YET since Fencer has had other issues to take care of, but I do believe it is on his 2-do-list.

20. juli 2005, 05:34:55
Emne: Re: Timeouts
rod03801: Thanks Rod, I figured as much because there is a limit on how many vacation days you can have and this guy would have had heaps of timeouts and his vacation days would have disappeared in an instant if it was 1 day per game timeout. I guess all I can do is wait and hope that he comes back some time in the next 23 days. :)

20. juli 2005, 04:37:09
No, one day is NOT taken away for each game that would have timed out.

I'm not sure I have the best way to explain how it works though. (I understand, but not sure I would put it into the best words.) BBW is good at explaining this stuff..

Basically it saves any game from timing out, 24 hours from the time the first one would have... 24 hours from then, if you are still timing out, another day is taken to cover the next day.

So, if I have 100 games going.. and i have 10 of those games about to time out today, all 10 games will remain safe, and I will lose 1 vacation day.

20. juli 2005, 03:50:24
Emne: Timeout question
Feels GOOD to know I don't stand here ALL alone - thanks !!

20. juli 2005, 03:42:05
Emne: Re: Timeout question
galpal: .....when they do it's as if they have given me a gift or something...

I know exactly how you feel!!!!!!!

20. juli 2005, 03:39:34
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Purple: baddessi
Thankyou both for your help. I just had a browse through their started games and it seems that everyone in the whole tournament has been left hanging as well. They haven't logged on to the site for 5 days so I guess we will just have to wait and see.

20. juli 2005, 03:38:39
Emne: Timeout question
TarantinoFan: Happy waiting, and waiting, and waiting.....zzzzzzzzz.....I know I am but a lowly pawn but I, too, am in my first tournie and don't even expect certain players to move anymore and when they do it's as if they have given me a gift or something...Does anyone know if I resign from my present (pretty much stagnant) tournie, can I get off the tournie-players list and go find one that people may actually move more than once a week? Much thanks :o)

20. juli 2005, 03:37:22
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Purple: I understand your frustruation. I like it for the times like when I was unable to log on due to cable access trouble in my area because of some construction going on, so it did enable me to keep some of my games going. But I know some people abuse it, and that's frustruating for everyone, especially a pawn who had limits on tournaments.
But as a result of my using autovacation to prevent timeouts, my vacation days are used up- so I have to think that it's one vacation day for every game it's used on. So opponents shouldn't be able to keep prolonging the games with it. They will time out if they don't move the game I think.

I hope this answers your question Tarantino Fan, you can read the section about autovaction in the help menu

20. juli 2005, 03:26:40
Emne: Re: Timeout question
baddessi: Not really but I have had a person get a new 24 hours up to three times. Never more than that but it doesn't mean it's not possible. Three is three too many. LOL

20. juli 2005, 03:15:27
Emne: Re: Timeout question
Purple: hi purple- can you explain how it works better than me? Any help would be greatly appriciated : )

20. juli 2005, 03:13:11
Emne: Re: Timeout question
TarantinoFan: To me that's the most hideous feature on Brainking.

20. juli 2005, 03:12:51
Emne: Re: Timeout question
TarantinoFan: hmmmmmmmmmmm......good question. I believe it uses a day for every game missed, but I could be wrong about that- anyone else out there know how to explain this better?
Sometimes, paying members have many games going at once, and it's hard to keep up, but if you send them a PM and ask them to move, most times they will. It certainly can't hurt to ask.

20. juli 2005, 03:09:32
Emne: Re: Timeout question
baddessi: I don't understand exactly how that works but I went and had a look. They have 23 days left so does that mean that I could be waiting for the next 23 days or should I divide that by four or more ie: does he lose a day for every game he misses or does he only lose one day at a time?

20. juli 2005, 03:06:11
Emne: Re: Timeout question
TarantinoFan: they are using a feature called "automatic vacation"

20. juli 2005, 03:03:09
Emne: Timeout question
I am in my first ever tourney

ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #10

and one player has not made a single move. My main page keeps telling me that they will run out of time but every time they do it resets and gives them another day! Why??

16. juli 2005, 01:53:03
Emne: Invitation to:

15. juli 2005, 17:39:02
Napoleon Solo congratulations on you tournament win
Anti Establishment April Escapades (Anti Line4

15. juli 2005, 17:35:30
Matarilevich congratulations on your tournament win
Anti Establishment April Escapades (Anti Chess

15. juli 2005, 03:14:24
Lady Temper 
Emne: To Everyone
Thank you I guess I will be more patient. But again thank you for the information.

13. juli 2005, 10:21:08
Emne: Re: Taking forever
mrloupcity: Yes, back to your corner you go. Your last post was back in March. What are you thinking? This is tantamount to spamming!

13. juli 2005, 10:14:01
DeaD man WalkiN 
Emne: Re: Taking forever
Modifisert av DeaD man WalkiN (13. juli 2005, 10:14:27)
Lady Temper: Hiya and welcome to BK. I see if u win ur last 2 games U still will not move to next round. So if u would like to get into another tourney with shorter time to move. Just forfeit ur last 2 games and ask Fencer the BIG BOSS for the site to remove u. If I remember right he can do that for U. Oops forgot back to my corner to hide.

13. juli 2005, 09:25:42
Emne: Chess and variants tourney
For those like me, that like chess, but aren't very good :o)

Or perhaps you would like to try playing a few games you haven't tried before.

BKR up to 1000, unrated players allowed if not too good a player



12. juli 2005, 23:19:34
Emne: Re: Taking forever
Lady Temper: New timing settings have been added to BrainKing, so tournaments in the future should not have this problem, but I don't think there's much you can do now but wait it out.

12. juli 2005, 17:52:17
Emne: Re: Taking forever
Lady Temper: There must be over 50 games still to be played in there. There's only a few left in your section but the whole first round still has a while to go.

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