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Backgammon and variants.

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16. august 2010, 05:11:33
Emne: Re: Fast whale sheet censoring, August 2010
rod03801: I have no issue about if another mod would have edited it or not. I am just stating that I think it was a silly moderation IMHO. Each person has their own opinion right. Obviously yours differs from mine. Thats ok, you are a different person than I am.

16. august 2010, 05:15:33
Emne: Re: Fast whale sheet censoring, August 2010
paully: This is a board about backgammon, not moderating. The rules are in place, and easy to follow.

24. september 2010, 01:20:32
Emne: Fast Hypergammon 2010

22. oktober 2010, 17:23:32
Just over 5 year now for this match....

Backgammon (cardinal vs. Baked Alaskan)

22. oktober 2010, 17:42:29
Emne: Fast Hypergammon 2010

22. oktober 2010, 20:55:52
Emne: Re:
Czuch: I think they have a good 12 months left in them yet

23. oktober 2010, 20:32:35
Emne: Re:
wetware:  I've abandoned my efforts to gather any more data relating to 2nd roll behavior.  Have submitted a Bug Tracker entry containing a summary of my 2008-2009 games, despite BK's a priori claim that problem reports involving dice are groundless.

Thanks to those of you who helped with the statistical analysis or provided other insights.

9. november 2010, 10:40:35
Emne: Ratings
I am playing someone who is rated 180 points below me. If he wins, he gets 12 points; if I win, I get 4 points. So over 10 games, I would need to win 8 games to get 32 points and make a net profit of 8 points. That is just not going to happen against a reasonably skilled player; there is just too much luck in backgammon games. It means that I am virtually forced to play opponents at my current rating and so my choice of opponents is very resricted.
A much more sensible approach would be to have 7/9 range for a difference of 150 rating points and 6/10 difference for all the rest.

9. november 2010, 12:12:51
Yes, the system is rubbish. I just checked out a waiting game, and I stood to lose 83 if I lost the game, and get 1 point if I won. Why would I even bother? What encouragement is there for good players to play against novices.
And winning (or losing) by a gammon or backgammon should involve a premium. It's ridiculous that the same points are used when on wins by a backgammon, and when there is just one point difference at the end

9. november 2010, 12:37:48
Emne: Re:
pgt: at you get more points for winning larger point games than for single games

9. november 2010, 15:02:24
Emne: Re: Ratings
Modifisert av playBunny (9. november 2010, 15:04:05)
tonyh: The solution is simple. First, find a Fencer who cares. Second, ....... Actually I'm not sure what comes next, we've never got that far.

9. november 2010, 15:17:00
Emne: Re: Ratings

9. november 2010, 15:17:09
Pedro Martínez 
Emne: Re:
paully: At, not only you get more points for winning larger point games than for single games, but you also get banned for no reason.

9. november 2010, 16:44:02 
Emne: Re: Ratings
tonyh: The problem is, and it has been talked about a lot in the past, is all games on BrainKing currently use the same rating system, which is one designed for Chess games which is (for sake of argument) is 95% skill, 5% luck

So when you apply that same rating system to games like Backgammon (65% skill, 35% luck), Battleboats (25% skill, 75% luck), Ludo (30% skill, 70% luck), Dice Poker (35% skill, 65% luck), etc.... anyway, using the same rating system designed for a mostly skill game does not produce the same results for luck games.

PLEASE NOTE: I'm not trying to start an argument about how much luck/skill goes into each game - the % that I wrote above are just quick numbers I made up.

What the site really needs is at least 2 different rating systems - 1 for mostly skill games (chess, checkers), and 1 for games that deal more with luck (dice games).

Hopefully some day Fencer will add that (and go back and recalculate ratings from the start).

9. november 2010, 18:19:38
Emne: Re: Ratings
I agree with all of yinz on this topic!

9. november 2010, 18:23:24
Emne: Re: Ratings Thank you for that, Coan, very helpful and to the point.

A further pooint I did not mention, is that the top 100 Backgammon players will rarely, if ever, enter a tournament. they might get an opponent rated 500 points below and then might lose - Horrors.

10. november 2010, 08:39:51
Emne: Auto-pass
When a player accepts an invitation, he/she may switch of the auto-pass feature. I think that the inviter needs to be told this, so that the inviter may cancel the game if the inviter wishes to do so.

10. november 2010, 10:08:51
Emne: Re: Auto-pass
tonyh: Why worry about the opponent agreeing to auto-pass? There is practically no opportunity to use auto-pass in a game with the cube, and why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the cube beggars belief.
(This is not the best site in the world to play Backgammon on, and that's a FACT!)

10. november 2010, 10:47:57
Emne: Re: Auto-pass
tonyh: At the bottom of the game page it says"This game uses auto pass." in green writing.If it does not say this the accepter has auto pass switched off.

10. november 2010, 11:42:55
Emne: Re: Auto-pass
Carl: Many thanks for that; I'll watch for the green writing like a hawk.

10. november 2010, 17:08:35
Emne: Re: Give me the Cube to use or DIE!!
pgt: ~~why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the cube beggars belief.

Isn't that a religious statement?

At the least, surely all that having no cube means is that you play each game to the end and have to overcome every game-snatching opportunity that presents itself to the opponent? I can't understand why anyone would have such animosity to that. Personally, I greatly enjoy cubeless play and both the challenge of maintaining the lead to the very end and the chance of snatching victory at the last moment.

On the other hand, if you'd said:

~~why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the checkers beggars belief.

Then I'd understand completely, for that would be sheer madess!!

28. november 2010, 06:02:29
Emne: Direction of movement
Does it matter if the play goes clockwise or counter- clockwise? Most of the books and computer software I have seen are all counter- as well as the direction of play here- but some books and sites are just the opposite. Is there a reason?

28. november 2010, 07:08:35
Emne: Re: Direction of movement
DragonKing: It's entirely arbitrary. On a board in live play there will always be one player going clockwise and one going anti-clockwise. It's only possible for both players to makes their moves in the same direction if they each have a board, which is, of course, how it is on a game site.

In books it's likely to be the preference of the author. For a game site it may be their preference or it may be that they take their convention from elsewhere. Some sites, such as DailyGammon, allow each player to choose their direction of play.

28. november 2010, 07:11:53
Emne: Fast Hypergammon 2010
A monthly series of fast-paced Hypergammon tourneys

Late announcement. It starts on Wednesday

I like it fast, 5-point Hyper, 1st December 2010

28. november 2010, 20:13:32
Emne: Re: Direction of movement
playBunny: Thank you- one last question. If there is a checker on the bar, how does that figure in if I am counting the pips? Thank you for helping a new player.

28. november 2010, 21:20:12
Emne: Re: Counting the pips
DragonKing: There's a pip count shown next to each player's name, which has been labelled "Points" rather than "Pips". If you are doing your own pip count, a piece on the bar counts as 25.

28. november 2010, 21:34:42
Emne: Re: Getting yourself banned
Modifisert av playBunny (29. november 2010, 01:34:40)
moistfinger: I think the site is run by complete control freaks

Lol. If you got yourself banned then that's an entirely natural thing to think. After all, why accept any responsibility yourself.

Banning is rare at DailyGammon but there are certain ways that you can help yourself out the door. Most of them involve being annoying followed by being an -------------. You do get the option to stop after the first and try to resist becoming the second.

In Pedro's case I think, unless there were events that I wasn't aware of, that it was a case of misunderstanding after Pedro made a rather clumsy entrance; one that made it too easy to interpret his joining as being for the purposes of aggression. As there is an ongoing "battle" with someone (a major ---------) who does just that, toleration for such accounts is lower than it might be.

ps. I shudder to think how traumatised you'd be if you met real control freaks. By the way, have you joined GoldToken yet?

28. november 2010, 22:40:11
Emne: Re:
moistfinger:  And the "horrible looking" DailyGammon is easily made beautiful, more functional, and customizable by the use of "DG Extras".

29. november 2010, 01:37:57
Emne: Re: Counting the pips
playBunny: Got it- Thanks!

29. november 2010, 14:46:44
Emne: Re: Getting yourself banned
Modifisert av grenv (30. november 2010, 00:57:49)
moistfinger: Guess I should rethink my other handle then. Got any other ideas?

29. november 2010, 21:56:33
Emne: Points
Hyper Backgammon (pgt vs. ennukene00)

How come I lost rating points in this match when I won it? I resigned the 7th game because I had already won four!

30. november 2010, 12:37:47
Dice Cheater 
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: You won the match so you should have gained points.

30. november 2010, 15:45:44

probably a bug, which of course will be fixed with bk3, some time in the next millennium! lol

30. november 2010, 15:49:27
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: The link you provide doesn't show the rating change after this match. You should receive a message (under 'Events') that shows that your rating went up and his went down. If not, it seems to be a bug.

30. november 2010, 21:51:31
Emne: Re: Points
pedestrian: > I won this match. How come I lost rating points? It was a 7 game match, which I won 4 games to 3
> Game ID: 4914333
> ennukene00 is the winner.
> ennukene00: old BKR = 2256, new BKR = 2264 (+8)
> pgt: old BKR = 2245, new BKR = 2237 (-8)
> Game type: Hyper Backgammon

30. november 2010, 22:04:36
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: Hmm... that must be a bug. You should file a bug report if you haven't done it already (go to the message and then click the image of a bug in the upper right corner).

I don't know if Fencer still looks into those. In recent years he's been busy with BrainKing3.

30. november 2010, 22:07:23
Emne: Re: Points
pedestrian: I got a response "It's a visual bug. Player names should be switched in the message." I have no way of verifying it now!

30. november 2010, 22:19:06
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: Well, there is a way to verify it: You go to the message you received when you finished your next Hyper Backgammon game after this one. The rating calculations there should say that your initial rating was 2264.

30. november 2010, 22:30:55
Emne: Re: Points
pedestrian: Only problem is that I usually just delete the messages, so it's too late to verify.

30. november 2010, 22:37:35
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: your profile shows that as your last completed game,but your bkr is 2230!

1. desember 2010, 01:31:59
Emne: Re: Points
pgt: you can go to your " Events " page and click on " Trash " and find your message

1. desember 2010, 01:45:44
Emne: Re: Points
Vikings: It's not all that important really - I mean, it's only points, and BG points are a load of crap anyway.

1. desember 2010, 07:55:33
Emne: Re: Where are my points?
pgt: I got a response [from Fencer] "It's a visual bug. Player names should be switched in the message."

Yes, he's right.

I have no way of verifying it now!

That's true but I do. ;-)

These are your recent matches:
28. Nov 2010, 08:18:48   7 points match with doubling cube   g.            lost
28. Nov 2010, 21:07:53 5 points match with doubling cube ennukene00 lost
29. Nov 2010, 20:36:18 7 games match ennukene00 lost
29. Nov 2010, 20:48:54 5 points match with doubling cube ennukene00 won
29. Nov 2010, 20:51:41 7 games match ennukene00 won
30. Nov 2010, 10:33:57 7 games match ennukene00 lost
30. Nov 2010, 10:40:31 5 points match with doubling cube ennukene00 lost
30. Nov 2010, 11:50:48 7 games match Carl lost
30. Nov 2010, 21:06:34 7 games match tequila lost
And, according to Fencer, that name switch means that your rating after that win should be 2264.

ennukene00: old BKR = 2256, new BKR = 2264 (+8)
pgt: old BKR = 2245, new BKR = 2237 (-8)
Which you can see here: Phil_Hyper_Nov2010.png

17. desember 2010, 11:17:17
Karol G. 
Backgammon, 7p with dc, winter 2010

game: backgammon, 7 points matches with doubling cube, one for each 2 players
time: 2/0.8/3 registration open till 20/12/2010, 9:00 GMT
section: 1 up to 20 people
rating: doesn't matter

Feel free to sign up, cheers!

21. desember 2010, 09:37:11
joshi tm 
Why I'm still allowed to move in this game where I've already lost?
Plakoto (joshi tm - nauars)

21. desember 2010, 09:39:45
Emne: Re:
joshi tm: It will be finished when he moves his last man off of his 1st point , as it could be a draw if you can pin his man.

21. desember 2010, 09:58:19
Emne: Re:
skipinnz: Oh, have the rules changed? I don't remember that caveat being there when the game was first introduced here. Thanks for pointing it out.

21. desember 2010, 10:00:08
Emne: Re:
Resher: That has always been the rule. it doesn't happen very often, but it could.

21. desember 2010, 10:01:12
Emne: Re:
skipinnz: Thanks, good to know

26. desember 2010, 09:50:32
Emne: Re:
Resher: But it can and does happen! Plakoto (Carl vs. KrazeeEyezKilla)

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