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Backgammon and variants.

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7. januar 2016, 13:31:17
Emne: Re: Wild game of Crowded Gammon
Clandestine 1: Yes, the disappointment factor is certainly multiplied. :-/

28. februar 2016, 17:00:34
Emne: Disappearing points in Plakoto
Hello all,
I have been away from the site for a while and I am now playing a game of Plakoto. Everything seems normal, except for one display glitch. I've read that this glitch is not to be considered a bug, but it is very annoying to say the least.

The glitch is:
After pinning one of my opponent's checkers, that point, checkers included, is not displayed at all. There just remains a tall rectangle with a question mark in it signifying that that particular image is missing. This has happened twice already. She has not pinned any of my checkers yet, but I can only assume the same blank rectangle will occur. Has anyone ever experienced this problem before? With me starting from the upper right, the two points in question are the 17 & 19.

If this keeps happening I don't know what to do. I hope that this is not happening to everyone who plays Plakoto here. Now I have added another checker to the 19 point and it too vanished.

I guess I could ask my opponent if she is having the same problem, but I don't think she speaks English.

28. februar 2016, 17:21:25
Emne: Re: Disappearing points in Plakoto
stargood: Maybe the board has changed since you posted, but I can see your 17 and 19 pip fine.

28. februar 2016, 17:21:59
Emne: Re: Disappearing points in Plakoto
Modifisert av Aganju (28. februar 2016, 17:22:53)
stargood: i had that sometimes over the years. It is just an image display issue, and has no effect on the game itself (aside from that you cannot see how many pieces are stacked up).

If you go to another computer/smartphone, the problem is typically gone; you might be able to resolve it by flushing your buffers (use CTRL + F5 on a PC), or purging the cache (depending on your browser).
It could also be that the image server currently has an issue with this file.

P.S. I can also see your pinned pieces.

29. februar 2016, 19:57:05
Emne: Re: Disappearing points in Plakoto
Aganju: has no effect on the game itself (aside from that you cannot see how many pieces are stacked up).

Heh heh. That's quite a large effect! ;o)

At this move, the standard backgammon images, such as, show up but the capture image ( gives a 404 Not Found error.

That's the size-40 image set and it's clearly missing these Plakota images. In the smaller size-25 image set they are available.

It's definitely a bug.

4. mai 2016, 23:58:39
Emne: 2 Disappearing Backgammon Games
Yesterday I had 2 backgammon and now they are gone what happened to them

5. mai 2016, 00:20:02
Sylfest Strutle 
Emne: Re: 2 Disappearing Backgammon Games
Backgammon (kiwitrucker vs. Rabbits2)
Backgammon (kiwitrucker vs. Rabbits2)

Time per move (?): 1 day, no days off
Rabbits2 timed out.
kiwitrucker is the winner.

5. mai 2016, 09:20:25
Emne: Re: 2 Disappearing Backgammon Games
Sylfest Strutle: Thank you

29. mai 2016, 22:25:34
Emne: Epic crowded backgammon battle?
Cloning Backgammon (DarwinKoala vs. speachless)

Thoroughly enjoyable and down to the wire a couple of times. I have not counted the total number of stones to be removed!

29. mai 2016, 22:26:51
Emne: Re: Epic *cloning* backgammon battle?
DarwinKoala: Sorry, meant "cloning", not "crowded".

11. juni 2016, 17:01:58
Clandestine 1 

4. september 2016, 20:28:59
Emne: Fevga - Rule Question
Modifisert av Aganju (4. september 2016, 20:29:52)
In this game , I (black) rolled a 5-5, and I'd like to move 12-7, 12-7 (plus something else), but the system doesn't allow this (you are not allowed to block all 6 spots in your home). However, i am not really blocking them as at the end of my move, the ace is free again.

The question is: Do the rules mean that - 'not even temporarily", or is it a bug? Who knows Fevga well enough in the real world?

4. september 2016, 20:37:20
Emne: Re: Fevga - Rule Question
Modifisert av speachless (4. september 2016, 20:38:20)
Aganju: As a player is not allowed to occupy all six points of his starting quarter (1-6 or 7-12) at the same time, it is not possible to move in your case from 12 to 7 in 2 moves, as it would mean that you would occupy all six points of the starting quarter between the 2 moves. For this it would be necessary that people would be allowed to move 2 pieces in one, to prevent to occupy all six points...

7. september 2016, 13:59:13
Emne: Re: Fevga - Rule Question
Aganju: That's an interesting question. In the real world (and in the DailyGammon world) you are allowed to move "illegally" so long as the final position is a legal one.

At DailyGammon you are allowed to move a piece on the board even if there's one on the bar, as long as the bar is clear by the end of the turn. In live play it's very common to move two pieces together having rolled a double, and sometimes the lazy approach to moving a piece beyond a stack is to shove it into the stack and move the displaced piece to the final destination.

A computer or website that doesn't allow the moving of two pieces at the same time only does so because that option hasn't been provided in the playing interface. GnuBg does provide this facility. If you click an empty point then two pieces will be placed there if those pieces were on points appropriate to the dice roll. Similarly, both GnuBg and DailyGammon provide a greedy bearoff which may take up to four pieces off the board with one click. In the case of GnuBg it's not even necessary to have got all the men home as long as the move is unambiguous (eg. a 6-6).

My original teacher actually introduced me to the triplet of games in Tavli but it was a long time ago and I have no idea whether this situation came up. Given that two pieces can be moved together, I'd say not. If I were implementing Fevga, I'd apply the rules to the final position as that is the only point at which the opponent is affected.

7. september 2016, 14:36:43
Emne: Re: Fevga - Rule Question
playBunny: Thanks!
I tried to trick BK by typing the double-move into the URL, but it did not execute the move, so it is explicitly checking the intermediate positions for legality.
As that situation would be quite rare, maybe even most real-live players have never encountered it and wouldn't know the rule exactly.
I guess it was inconvenient, but it will not make me lose the game. I just found it interesting.

7. september 2016, 20:17:39
Emne: I do not know if this is the correct...
..board to discuss this.

anyway,I am sure people come up with many ideas for backgammon variations.
I have always had many idea for these variations.
some would be more interesting as far as strategy as others.
here is 3 original ideas that would be fun.
all thse variations same as backgammon except the new additional rules.

backgammon-frozen tag
if a piece is landed on by an opponents piece.
it remains were it is,but it is frozen=can't move until one of it's own colour pieces lands on it.
if no other pieces are behind this piece that could free it.then it is just frozen for one turn and can't be moved on the next turn.

if a piece is landed on by an opponents piece.
the opponets piece as usual is sent to the bar.
the piece that made the hit is now designated with the letter "C".
this gives it the power of conversion.
now the next time this "C" piece lands on another opponents piece or one of his own colour.the piece is changed to it's opponents colour.
and the "C" designation is lost from the piece.

30. oktober 2016, 20:28:04
Emne: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
Cloning Backgammon (TC vs. Aganju) and
Cloning Backgammon (TC vs. Aganju) - I suddenly have 15 pieces more!?

30. oktober 2016, 20:41:20
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
Aganju: oh yes, a lot of us know this bug..... brainking can't show more as 30 pieces on 1 position, so as soon you reach more as 30 on one position it will detract around 15 pieces.... as soon you bear off your pieces, so that it goes under 30, it will add the missing 15 pieces :-) i had once around 70 pieces on one position, so it happened a lot of times in 1 game.... concerning fencer it's too much work to correct the programming, he just says it's a display problem...

30. oktober 2016, 21:19:35
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
speachless: well I wouldn't care if they are simply _not displayed_, but the pip count should know about them - that is a significant decision point in making it a run game.
Now I can only hope hat my opponent is up for the same surprise in some moves...

30. oktober 2016, 21:39:36
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
Aganju: yes you're right, but it's a known bug which fencer will not correct, i've asked him already years ago... up to 30+ on one position brainking just fails...

31. oktober 2016, 04:19:04
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
speachless:that's a huge bug to ignore, especially in  cloning gammon. The game should be deleted from this site if it won't be fixed to be played properly. 
I agree with Aganju , the pip count should read correctly, even if the graphics fail.

31. oktober 2016, 15:21:35
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
Clandestine 1: I was disappointed too by fencers decision, but at the end of the day, i love too much cloning backgammon to prefer him to delete the game.... i just learned to be aware of the bug, so i see when it happens.... but i'm not saying i'm happy with it, i hated this bug a lot, i just accepted that the bug will not be fixed...

1. november 2016, 14:14:16
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
speachless: a bug like that can change the game outcome. It really should be fixed. No other game has a bug like that, unless you're using the brainking app, then there's other bugs that can change the outcome of the game....but that's a different topic.

1. november 2016, 18:14:16
Emne: Re: Magical appearance of 15 more pieces !!?
Modifisert av speachless (1. november 2016, 18:16:09)
Clandestine 1: you're right, I was thinking exactly the same years ago after I asked Fencer for a bug fix BUT I wasn't lucky with that... since then i defined my personal new cloning-BG-rule which says, "every piece up to 30 on 1 position will disappear even from the pip count, till the amount goes under 30" - then the disappeared pieces will be magicaly added again - (i know it isn't funny, but Fencer was really clear on that, it would take him too much to go over the programming code, so he was convinced it is a display issue, even if the pip count was affected... I couldn't change Fencers attitude, but maybe you give it a try and see how he reacts

11. november 2016, 20:32:32
Emne: cloning backgammon final piece...
Modifisert av speachless (11. november 2016, 20:33:06)
Hi everyone, I think I never had this situation in Cloning Backgammon: so my question is: should I be able to switch the dices, so I can win the game by choosing 3 OR is it a MUST to move with 1, so that I get a cloned one... of course I prefer to win :-)

Cloning Backgammon (speachless vs. TheAlchemist)

but if so, than I'll accept. Maybe it's just a bug and I can ask Fencer to switch the dices, as I'm not able to... ?

11. november 2016, 20:35:46
Emne: Re: cloning backgammon final piece...
Modifisert av Aganju (11. november 2016, 20:36:10)
speachless: in standard Backgammon, the rule says if you can move both dice (instead of only one) you MUST do so. Of course, in a situation like this, this would be always be to your advantage (or wouldn't matter).

Assuming that the base BG rules are not changed for Cloning - except as described - this would still be part of the rules, so you MUST hit, sorry. That would be my interpretation of the rules.

11. november 2016, 22:44:45
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re: cloning backgammon final piece...
speachless: normally the site would make you hit and then roll least that's been my experience. There wouldn't be an option to switch dice.

12. november 2016, 01:11:47
Emne: Re: cloning backgammon final piece...
Aganju: Thx for the reply. Yes I was almost sure it is like you explained. I just didn't remember to have such a situation before and as cloning BG is somehow special and has a known bug already in the programming (pip count and display issue when too many pieces on one position) - I thought I first ask around.
if I had a switch, I would have used it

12. november 2016, 01:12:45
Emne: Re: cloning backgammon final piece...
Clandestine 1: thx for the reply. yes i guess so, i just wasn't sure... then i'll try to get in the game again and will clone 1, if i like it or not

8. desember 2016, 05:04:01
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Backgammon tournament
2300 plus bkr

23. mars 2017, 01:24:20
Emne: thanks for not finishing your game jerk
thanks for not finishing your game cause you were not winning JERK

23. mars 2017, 01:59:54
Emne: Re: thanks for not finishing your game jerk
Francine2_49: whom do you mean? is his name Jerk??

23. mars 2017, 03:49:58
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re: thanks for not finishing your game jerk
Francine2_49: I don't get it...are you upset because someone resigned?

23. mars 2017, 12:56:48
Emne: Re: Facts and conclusions... they're better together. ;-)
Francine2_49: Presumably you mean your match with ZikZak. Check his Last Action date. He isn't playing against you because he isn't playing against anyone.

8. august 2017, 14:59:54
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Tournament

Backgammon with cube 2200 plus BKR

Gammons with cube, 2200 plus BKR

26. august 2017, 16:00:49
Emne: open team tournaments
Dear all we search for good cloning backgammon players who like to join BGBedlam's Fellowship Multigammon and join some of the teams. We are still waiting with joining the open team tournaments:
Multigammon Mayhem

you are welcome

19. januar 2018, 03:14:15
Clandestine 1 

10. mars 2018, 21:27:21
Clandestine 1 

18. mai 2018, 17:27:55
Clandestine 1 
Modifisert av Clandestine 1 (18. mai 2018, 17:29:31)
Anyone know Playbunny? If so, it would be great if u could send him a message that the final round of our 13 year old tournament has started. I really don’t want to win this tournament by a timeout. 

18. mai 2018, 21:55:51
Emne: Re:
Clandestine 1: The good news is that if playBunny doesn't know it is his turn, it will be 10 weeks if my math is right before he will timeout in his first game, and then he will time out once per week afterwards.

The bad news is that you would have to wait that long for the tournament to be over, but after 13 years I guess 13 or so weeks won't matter too much.

19. mai 2018, 14:58:26
Emne: Re:
happyjuggler0: Anybody stupid enough to set up a tournament with more that 2 day moves deserves what they get. I stupidly signed up foe a tournament which went for 7 years, and as far as I know it is still going, I just resigned all the games. For God's sake, I am 79 years old now, and I probably won;t be around if a tournamnet lasts 10 years.

20. mai 2018, 18:49:17
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Clandestine 1 (20. mai 2018, 18:49:52)
happyjuggler0: I think Guiness World records should get a call. 13 plus years for a tournament has to be some kind of record. Who would have thought age and health would be a factor in a backgammon tournament. 

20. mai 2018, 21:12:29
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Aganju (20. mai 2018, 21:12:50)
Clandestine 1: here is one that ended about 7 hours *before* it started: ultrabrain. That is speed!

21. mai 2018, 05:14:15
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re: thanks for not finishing your game jerk
AlliumCepa: there were many a player in Lucky 13 that should have utilized the resign button. 

21. mai 2018, 05:15:31
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re:
Aganju: guess it pays to be early ;)

22. mai 2018, 20:35:05
Clandestine 1 
Emne: Re:
AlliumCepa: thank you. Appreciate it!

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