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Pente & its variants.

Here are the Pente rules for beginners

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30. juni 2006, 17:35:18
Emne: Re: D-pente
Richard III:
Sorry for the slow response :0
but D-pente was suggested by Don Banks of Canada. Gary suggested G-pente (see where D and G come from :) G-pente simply increases the restriction on P1's second move -- that move may NOT be to N10, K7, G10, or K12. I like D-pente much better because it has much greater opening possibilities.

13. juni 2006, 20:24:32
Emne: Plente o' Pente
Hey all - if you are interested in some quality pente playin.... check out Plente o' Pente

We have recently refocused on learning and just having fun - there will be tournys posted for a variety of skill levels - plus learning tournys that are unrated.... all are welcome....

6. juni 2006, 22:50:59
Emne: Re: Lets see whats ya got Challenge
Modifisert av Snut (6. juni 2006, 22:51:27)
pentejr: I am captain of the team, once again. Since my membership expired, I was automatically booted. The smack talking is cracking me way up. It's getting close to time for SPP team to whoop some ass.

6. juni 2006, 07:17:57
Emne: Re: Lets see whats ya got Challenge
jayhawklov: Sounds like an even match to me. 8 of yours vs. 5 of ours.

In all seriousness, though, hawk: say what you need to say to get the Snut-man back where he belongs--on our team!

30. mai 2006, 20:20:17
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Thad: Well said buddy!

27. mai 2006, 06:38:33
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
redfrog: Bring it, then let us worry about that.

27. mai 2006, 01:53:48
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Thad: looks like you dont have enough players to bring it!!!

26. mai 2006, 22:19:06
Emne: Lets see whats ya got Challenge
Hey Snut are you playing on your own team or what Im about to challenge the Un Serious pente team to a match but 5 players against our 6 , 7 or 8 is not much of a match *Get it together old bud

16. mai 2006, 22:29:18
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Snut (16. mai 2006, 22:29:55)
Richard III: I haven't seen Gary on this site (or any sites) for a long long time dude. I'd be surprised if he even read your post...

Has anyone seen him around? Anywhere?

16. mai 2006, 19:53:29
Emne: Calling all Keryo players
Modifisert av shagglbrox (16. mai 2006, 21:30:41)
Plente o' Pente's Keryo team is ready for any and all challengers.

11. mai 2006, 10:13:08
Richard III 
Emne: Re:
Richard III:

Thanks for the game idea Gary. Does this mean you'll come play me at dweebo's soon? Take me down Gary PUUUULEEEEZZZZE!

7. mai 2006, 06:36:01
Richard III 
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av Richard III (7. mai 2006, 07:06:20)

Yes, player one sets up the 1st 4 stones (2 of each color) then player 2 gets to chose which side to play. The rest of the game is pente. The point is that if player one sets it up right player 2 will have a real difficult time determining which side has an advantage, making the game play from that position very interesting. the shapes of the 1st 4 stones and the resulting game can be extremely varied.

6. mai 2006, 19:54:13
Emne: Re:
Richard III: Doesn't D-pente involve the option for position-swapping at some point? That does eliminate the P1 advantage, but to me, it changes the essence of the game. If there is one (or more than one) option to swap colors, then the game becomes psychological, a kind of poker-like game where the object is to trick your opponent into taking the weaker positoin. I can understand why Gary might like a game like that (he plays more than a bit of poker, I believe, as well as pente), but that doesn't look like pente anymore to me.

6. mai 2006, 19:51:14
Emne: Re: Pente
Modifisert av pentejr (6. mai 2006, 19:56:23)
Thad: Ok, that makes sense, although once you introduce the possibility of a draw, it seems that the proposition hinges on a certain definition of "optimal." For instance, in chess, would it be optimal to play a move that assures you of a draw, or would it be optimal to play a move that risks losing for a chance at winning, depending on what your opponent does? Obviously, if we assume both sides are playing optimally, then you take the draw because an optimal play against your move will make you lose, if there is a chance you can. But people don't play optimally.

But you're talking theory, and I'm talking practice. Point taken.

But wouldn't a drawable version of pente be harder to master (to memorize optimal play) than a non-drawable version? I imagine (but am only guessing, having not done the analysis myself) that this slight rule change would cause most of the major lines to be re-analyzed, as the optimal play of even the most basic openings (wedge, for example) leads to very close games, if both sides play them optimally.

6. mai 2006, 05:37:41
Richard III 
Gary Barnes' solution was D-pente. I tend to like that setup for deflating P1's advantage, even though i don't play it that much.

5. mai 2006, 20:42:14
Emne: Re: Pente
pentejr: What I meant was that any game like this suffers the fate of having it's outcome unchangable under optimal play. Chess is the same way, except that the game is believed to always be a draw if both sides always make the best move.

5. mai 2006, 18:27:38
Emne: Re: Pente
Modifisert av pentejr (5. mai 2006, 18:28:18)
Thad: No. Any skill game that has the possibility of a draw does not have this problem because there are ways for P2 to play for the draw as a last resort, which causes P1 to have to take chances, which makes the game winnable for either side. Every time this comes up, I tell whoever will listen that all that needs to be done to fix the P1 advantage at the highest levels of pente is to give both sides the same number of moves. If P2 can pente or take the 5th pair on the move immediately following P1 doing so, then the game would be a draw.

There are other ways of fixing the problem too (different ways of swapping colors early in the game, etc.), but these modifications have always seemed to me to change the essence of the game more than is necessary. As long as there is no way to draw in Pente, the game will be busted, inherently flawed in favor of P1. And that's a shame.

4. mai 2006, 20:46:50
Its always fun finding new moves that no one has played at dweebos but addiction is addiction.

4. mai 2006, 06:29:43
Richard III 
Don't get me wrong. Pente is a wonderfully fun game. I am as addicted as anyone has ever been, or i would never have played it as much as i have.

maybe i need a 12 step program.

3. mai 2006, 20:37:59
Emne: Re: Pente
Richard III: It's only a problem at the highest levels. Every strategy game (that doesn't employ and dice, concealed pieces, etc.) suffers the same fate.

3. mai 2006, 19:17:06
Richard III 
Emne: Re: Pente
redfrog: No, I enjoy turn based pente. It’s just that when both players have the skills and spend enough energy they could play a 2 game match forever winning as P1. Alex Nosovski and I faced this problem together in a recent tour at iyt where we went 9 rounds before one of us prevailed. It’s just too easy to win as P1.

3. mai 2006, 18:44:09
Emne: Re: Pente
Richard III: so really its a flawed game .... we should all quit playing.... at least as P2...wait....ummmmm - or just play

3. mai 2006, 18:40:09
Richard III 
Emne: Re: Pente
redfrog: real-time is the only real challenge. P2 has such a disadvantage that in turn based no one should ever lose as P1 if they spend the exorbitant time they have available with their moves to play the best available option. No one ever spends that much time, I know I don’t, so it remains possible for P2 to win. All p2 ever really has is tricks, traps, smoke, and mirrors, if P1 can avoid those P1 will win every time.

2. mai 2006, 14:44:08
Emne: Re: Pente
rednaz23: i started playing there recently for the speed pente option... it seems like most people there know eachother and have a good time... i didnt have any issues with the experience and have gone back several times since when im all caught up here.... its great for live play when you really need a fix....

2. mai 2006, 08:33:34
Emne: Re: Pente
rednaz23: Well, DSG is certainly no worse than it used to be! I don't go there much because I live in a different time zone than most players there. I think there was a slight revival in Pente (and most board games) when the internet became a household item. Perhaps interest in board games has waned again. Just my 2 cents.

1. mai 2006, 05:23:39
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
cosmicdom: Hey hey....It's never wrong to be on the winning team! haha.

29. april 2006, 07:39:19
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Snut: LOL Figures! You are on the wrong team Snutter!!!!

29. april 2006, 02:04:18
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Fstop: Thad, I'm playing fstop a set right now, and though it's early in both games, I can already predict he will be swept....For smack talking my team mate!!!! Hell yeah!

28. april 2006, 03:50:34
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Thad: LOL gotta love an arrogant pente male! We should bring it for sure!

28. april 2006, 02:17:46
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Thad: That would mean that you would have to learn how to sweep me ....& I have not seen that happen yet .... of course there is always a 1st time for everything ....

I just might win a set .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

27. april 2006, 21:02:06
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
redfrog: I meant team tourney, but if Plente o' Pente wants a bunch of losses, I say bring it. ;-)

27. april 2006, 13:41:19
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Thad: next team tourny? OR TEAM CHALLENGE? PLENTE O' PENTE is ALWAYS accepting.....

27. april 2006, 10:24:25
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
redfrog: Next time it will be!!

27. april 2006, 06:07:17
Emne: Re: Team Tourney
Snut: it was impressive - thats for sure....

too bad it wasnt a perfect score....

27. april 2006, 04:15:17
Emne: Team Tourney
Modifisert av Snut (27. april 2006, 10:24:00)
We ******* ruled that tourney! Good job all!

13. april 2006, 23:58:38
Emne: Re: Server News
Thad: Most pente boards are played with multi-colored glass beads called stones. Of the stones I've seen, the closest that would approximate opaque white is actually clear. But the first player is referred to as "white" by definition, so that if we are going to have white and black pieces on this site, it makes more sense for P1 to play the white pieces.

13. april 2006, 19:14:04
Emne: Re: Server News
shagglbrox: Found this too, at the Renju Federation site, discussing Renju variations:
G. White starts the game (which differs from Renju and Go)

Also found a proposal from 1987 for International Pente rules that specified White goes first, but there really is no official body that I can tell.

13. april 2006, 17:22:21
Emne: Re: Server News
Thad: Closest I can find is wikipedia, which says white goes first. Don't think wikipedia is official though. The original Pente game shipped with 4 different colors.

Found a few links on Go-moku and Go, which all have Black going first in those games.

I don't think there's an official rule for Pente. I'd say follow Go, Black first.

13. april 2006, 10:05:54
Emne: Server News
Did everyone read the server news dated April 12th (or 13th depending on where you are)? It mentions that Black should go first in Pente. I'm not sure this is correct. Can anyone site an official source?

24. mars 2006, 02:39:25
Random Pente
Single Elimination for 16 players. 1 day moves, NO DAYS OFF!

22. mars 2006, 15:12:04
Emne: Cardhu
Modifisert av jryden (22. mars 2006, 15:27:32)
Cardhu round two has started...Plente vs. Serious.


26. februar 2006, 18:27:16
Emne: Team Challenges
A short message from Plente o' Pente -


23. januar 2006, 03:15:56
Emne: Not even 5 hours left before the starting gate opens.. Hurry on in and sign up now!
For anyone who enjoys a face paced tourney.. Please.. I wish to offer it to those who will play continuously.. not just one turn a day ..

°°·.,,.·°¤`'¤¸`°´`°«*Scarlets Springtime Follies*»¸.¤°´`°'¤¸¤´¤°·.,,.·°°

28. november 2005, 21:01:20
Emne: Re:
Hrqls: Hehheheheh. That was funny!

28. november 2005, 10:01:39
Emne: Re:
Snut: ouch! i always thought you were the hot chick here ;)

28. november 2005, 08:23:19
Emne: Re:
Hrqls: If you were a hot chick, I'd be stoked to help you out. But you're not so....Good luck. :-)

25. november 2005, 05:59:58
Emne: You may take it personally.
Nobody else offered me games to delete them after.
And it's sufficient to play ONE game with black if
you (this time indeed) stand by your offer. It was
not me trying to get an undue advantage, remember...

25. november 2005, 02:44:36
Emne: Forgot to mention
right after his delete note (quote: "too many games") he created
several new ones in the waiting room, same happened to a friend too.

24. november 2005, 22:59:33
Emne: Pente player Careful - Do NOT play Socrates
He will cheat you. Offers games of both colours in
the waiting room to delete his game with black then.

31. august 2005, 10:02:14
Emne: Re:
Chaosu: ok .. i might take that offer .. after my games in this tournament are finished :)

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