Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
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I don't think that an American patent is valid anywhere in Europe...Nobody there with legal knowledge?
Btw : Greetings to all my Gothic-,Janus- and other chessopponents from my vacationplace in Italy.
I have internetaccess from time to time in the hotel, but no board and pieces to analyze my games :(
If I did understand
this correctly the patent of GC works only in the United States!?
But the server has his place in Czechia...
A question to the lawyers?
I am for a renew of the license for Gothic chess by Edtrice for Brainking.It is only his matter to extend the license.But if he don't want this I am for a replace of GC by a good Capablancavariation , for instance the "Abergvariation".
But sure it is a difference if we look at a position of a played game or at a composed problem.Btw at (fairy) chessproblems are also sometimes illegal positions allowed.The taste is the one side and the rules and the criterions of a good chessproblem are the other side.
These are defined by the federations for chessproblems - for instance "Die Schwalbe"- which have defined the standards for good and for bad problems.
"And even better is when a mate in X problem, has equal material on both sides or the side that is about to mate is inferior in the material"
No,this is not imortant - most chessproblems have unequal material! Important is the economic image of a special theme with a surprising "key move" and checkmates in different variants.
We speak here about a chessproblem,which is composed and not about a position of a played game.
A miniature (with max 7 pieces):1.Nf5! f1Q/KxN/Kf4/Kd3/Kd5 2.Cd4/Cd4/Cd4/Ce3/Cc3#
Unfortunately too many Cd4-Checkmates.
More nice if every defence of Black has another checkmate.
I don`t think that your both studies are correct.There are too many variations between the first and the last move.And if you perhaps know the four books of Andre Cheron - 1000 pages and one of the books is about queen-endings only- you can see that queen/onepawn against queenending mostly can be won if the pawn is near the promotionfield next to his own king.This position with the pawn at his startfield,the kings in two different corners should be draw.
Alike the second position:the material approximately is equal and either you can win at once by a tactical moment or - I think - you cannot force the win with this single piece.
Moreover I see in your solutions only one variation.I guess these moves are the suggestions of the "Gothic Vortex",but we know sometimes the programs have problems with some endings.Therefor I don`t trust them.
My personal opinion without complete analyzing,what would need too much time.
Okay something "on topic": Does anybody know or can compose a chessproblem with the new pieces?
But attention,in the literature the new pieces rook/knight and bishop/knight sometimes have other names as "chancellor" or "archbishop".
I am interested to see an othodox problem with a nice checkmate in x moves (but not from a played game!),an "helpmate" (Black moves and plays together with White with the goal to checkmate Black`s king)
or a "selfmate" (White moves and forces Black`s pieces to checkmate W`s king,although he don`t want).
I´m curious if anybody has to offer something!:-)
I don`t think that chess can be "solved" anytime,but the chessprograms today are very much better than in 1989.It is only a question of (short) time that we have computer as worldchampion.
Redsales,Januschess was invented in the seventies bei Werner Schöndorf+.There are no books or something about this variant. The Januschessfederation ( has his place in the western part of Germany, in Saarbrücken.The people play this game in the normal chessclubs.One time in the year there is the international Saar-Lor-Lux Open with Januschess,sometimes are grandmasters aboard,Kortschnoi for instance.Generally you can say the most German chessplayers play only standard chess.
Bwildman, you can download a testversion (30 days) on and look there.
It is very interesting if you have never seen such fast games before.!
But he plays mostly 1 minute per game.You must have fast fingers and good mouse and strong nerves.:)
I have considered to ask him for a simultan here in "Gothic"...
On "" I have seen grandmaster Roland Schmaltz alias "Hawkeye", who lives in my neighbourhood with a "bullet"-rating of more than 3000!Do you know "bullet"?
I think the article could be so big as you want,so much content as you have.Normally the "Rochade-Europa" publishes scientific articles about all themes of chess.Games and diagrams would be very good and the Microsoft Word format also.
After the article was published I will inform over it and about some reactions of the readers.
Okay let`s make an experiment: You can send me an article with the theme "introduction in Gothicchess" and the title "The future of chess" or something and I will publish it in the known German Chessnewspaper "Rochade Europa". Perhaps we can add some of the best played games here or eleswhere.And then we wait for the comments of the great German Chess Community with many experts and topplayers.But the article should be in German,if you have someone who can translate (My English is not so good).Perhaps we can get at least some better (curious) players here in the future as now. :)
For myself I would have nothing against such a developement, because I like this game.But I think it is completely unrealistic for the next 20-30 years.The future will show it...
But interesting : Does your patent include such "Gothic variants"?
Although it is an exciting variant,I am very sure that "Gothic Chess" will n o t become a new chessstandard in the next hundred years.And because we have so many good and original variants at "" I am against intermixtures of variants...
Good idea for a fair competition,ughaibu! I suggest every player can decide about two variants of his choice.But only variants,which are offered here in Brainking! But I fear the competition will become onesided,because every player will win the games of his own variants -:).
Hey Bwildman :)I know that you are not a chessplayer and you are playing only for fun!And it is okay,but that`s why this game is nothing else than a joke.
Btw the length of a game is not important.Sometimes games against weaker chessplayers have more moves as games against masters,because the beginners don`t resign their lost positions.This is,what I have often seen here.
It is interesting! I am a friend of short time limits.The best is 30 or 60 minutes for the whole game!
I wanted to say that the content of the game is not important because your opponent is too weak.
For me,I saw my position as a little bit bader and was satisfied as Black to have a draw in this game.Please ask Oliotto for his consideration himself.But as pawn he cannot post on this board.To your first question please ask the other players themselves.
Great thought: three players in a tournement and two of them agree to a draw to beat the third? That means,that they now play better against the third player?? Really,a great idea,really!.
Have you ever played another sport in your life than chess? I think no,because these are ideas of an only-chessplayer.Me,I´m also playing tennis in a team and such thoughts are very strange for me and can poison the gameculture completely!
For myself I can say I only think to the next game or the next round in a tournement! It is totally clear,that I fight in the next round against all opponents in the same way to win the title (and the prize)!
You can see Dredger, Juangrande and Aizkorri lost a l l their games on time (not only against me)! Ask them why they havn`t played,it is not my problem.
And to my draw against Oliotto: You as experienced chessplayer know that it is the first intention in a chessgame to equalize the game with the black pieces and to realize an advantage with the white pieces.
In addition it is within the rules to finish a chessgame to a draw with agreement and for Black it is often enough to get a draw.There is no reason to complain something.
I hope that your remark is not an announcement to withdraw the promised prize once again.
is perhaps my now finished game against Slate with 90 played moves ( has anybody a game with more moves :)?)
This game also is an example for an interesting ending with orthodox pieces -queen against rook,bishop,knight since here and the queen had no chance!
The discussion about using computers in internet chess we sometimes have had on other chessservers.
The difference is,if you play "livechess" (the same like otb-games) for instance at ICC,USCL or,you play only one game at the same time,mostly fast-3 or 5 minutes- and the using of helps is forbidden.The servers can sometimes control it.At (Fritzserver) they have a running software,which disqualifies cheaters automatically and every day you can see sometimes such a message in the display : "disqualified because of using chess software".In addition there is a "machine room",in where you can play as "centaur" (=human-machine).
An other fact is at turn based servers.Here we play like correspondence chess,many games simultaneously with long times and both players must not be online at the same time! And in correspondence chess, there are no prohibitions to use helps, advices,computers,books or other things.Neither the "International Correspondence Chess Federation" (ICCF) prohibits something nor the special Brainking rules.And also this wouldn`t make sense,if you cannot control it really.And that`s why all the worlds topplayers in correspondence chess are playing with all helps they can have.:
In the past only with books and common analyzing in the chessclubs,today additionally with computers and big databases.
It is perhaps not a very good evolution for the correspondence chess.It is now "centaur chess", but it is not cheating!
In "Gothic chess" I see there no problems, because the programs are much weaker at the moment as the strong chess programs (like Fritz,Chessmaster,Shredder).The best is if you analyze mainly for yourself.(excuse my bad English)
I will try it,or you can send him a mail yourself.His name is Uwe Auerswald and you can see, his programs are mostly in English too.But because it is freeware and he creates his programs only uncommercial it will take a while.But I have seen he adds new games from time to time in the new versions.
The idea to play "livegames" with we say 60 minutes for the whole game,would be a good supplement to our turnbased-games here.
One possibility to play "live" Janusgames on the internet (without a server) could be a small freeware from Germany called MAX (Misc./download).
If everybody wants to play such a live match with me please send me a pm.
The idea to play fast,that means "live" with,for instance 15,30 or 60 minutes for the whole game,surely is a good idea.But it should be a separate category of rated games,because it is a big difference if you play correspondence chess - turn-based - with a long time limit using all possible resources or if you play live (like otb-games) with a real short time limit.
One possibility to play live on the internet(without a server) could be a small freeware from Germany called MAX (Misc./download).
Until yet you can play chess,janus,checkers,reversi,go and perhaps can I ask the author to add also "Gothic chess"?
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