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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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4. juli 2004, 07:21:11

4. juli 2004, 07:17:40
Emne: Re:
well Ed...being on a clowns wages...not a heck of a lot! LOL:)
how about a one year rook membership donated to the boost a pawn fellowship?

4. juli 2004, 07:01:46
ohhhh come now Ed..
you can admit it...everyone will need to make excuses..make silly little formula's..

4. juli 2004, 06:47:23
Modifisert av bwildman (4. juli 2004, 06:48:26)
maybe so...least he's not scared

4. juli 2004, 06:41:46
Emne: yes
Modifisert av danoschek (4. juli 2004, 06:42:00)
taking advantage of unfinished games is a known
approach as well.

4. juli 2004, 06:15:16
cool...its on its way,and good luck:)

4. juli 2004, 06:11:42
lol. Sure, invite me if you like :-)

4. juli 2004, 06:08:17
how bout a game?
Eds scared! LOL:)

4. juli 2004, 06:01:35
Well - let's just say I know the rules :-)

4. juli 2004, 05:59:16
Kevin,are you a gothic chess player?

4. juli 2004, 05:43:41
Based on that logic, you have the same chances to win against anyone, including someone else with a single loss and 5,000,000 wins.

4. juli 2004, 02:11:45
Must be some kind of BK2 armistace that reinstated Bagpuss as moderator.

4. juli 2004, 01:35:42
Emne: wow
Gothic is moderator here again.
And I can post LMAO

4. juli 2004, 01:25:50
Emne: GothicInventor
I'll take that as an apology, short of claiming that your account's been "hacked" it's the closest you get to grace.

4. juli 2004, 01:24:11
Emne: anyone care to shoot a fish in a barrel?
I am open to invites :)
Eds too scared. LOL:)

4. juli 2004, 01:17:24
Emne: Well my note to Fencer is written
I renewed my suggestion that we please may have
a Gothic Chess Discussion Board ... it's about time ~*~

4. juli 2004, 01:06:57
Emne: GothicInventor
Are you suggesting that I'm not the inventor of a game published in an international games dedicated magazine? If you should be incorrect in that assumption is your suggestion that the discretion of that magazine's publishers is so paucitive as to refute any hint of "talent" for game design that I might possess?

4. juli 2004, 00:51:43
this fish shoots back.If your afraid...well...thats ok.

4. juli 2004, 00:39:02
Emne: On public boards another formula perhaps could be of interest also
It's resembles the (in)famous Poop-It Factor.

And is calculated by

Ideas, (furtherly refered to as Id (pronounce german, It) divided by
Publications, furtherly refered to as Pub (pronouce german, Poop)
times four, divided by the amount of wind-directions.

The unit is Id/Pub thus, but as commonly known,
in some cases milliIt per kiloPoop might be handier.

Perhaps a good feature for user profiles. ~*~

4. juli 2004, 00:20:52
Emne: Re: besides Ed
well...had I finished all those games...I would agree.Its still an intangible speculation,so the only true way to find out is to play me. SKEEEEERD?

4. juli 2004, 00:03:02
Emne: besides Ed
we all know theres a moon...its a tangible.But whos to say..if you and I were to ever play..that maybe you'd have a bad hair day...and I might just win? Thats entirely possible.The fact that your BKR is vastly higher than mine,only makes the speculation that you will beat me,an intangible one.:)

3. juli 2004, 23:59:19
Emne: BuilderQ
Modifisert av Caissus (4. juli 2004, 00:00:02)
That is not a miracle,because not very strong chessplayers are playing here.Even so it is only a question of time ..

3. juli 2004, 23:51:29
wouldnt know...never played him.

3. juli 2004, 23:46:51
Maybe we should be embarrassed that none of us can beat GothicInventor. :)

3. juli 2004, 23:48:39
LMAO@ Ed. I bet the talented individual who invented the mousetrap,is also a milionaire?

3. juli 2004, 23:45:14
Grim Reaper 
Lucky for you that you are not that talented, so you don't have to worry about this.

3. juli 2004, 23:40:05
If I invented a game that I always won I'd be embarrassed, my opponents would think I'd factored in my personality.

1. juli 2004, 19:03:19
The figurine notation is international. In the Settings section you can change the notation to show standard English (or Czech) letters for pieces.

1. juli 2004, 06:14:13
Emne: Re: Gothic Cathedrals
LOL:) surely you jest:)

1. juli 2004, 06:06:44
Emne: Gothic Cathedrals
neither :D

1. juli 2004, 05:09:26
Oh, okay, I was just wondering if you had invented it too. :)

1. juli 2004, 05:06:21
Grim Reaper 
Absolutely none, other than the common first adjective.

1. juli 2004, 05:04:51
Emne: Gothic Checkers
Is there any connection between Gothic Chess and Gothic Checkers?

30. juni 2004, 19:53:16
What is the quickest mate?
I have:
Bobes tangram 21. June 2004, 21:49:21
1. c3 g6
2. g3 h6
3. c2 h7
4. h3 i5
5. xi5 xc2
6. xc2 xc2

25. juni 2004, 20:12:03
Emne: 111
bowling gives a more suitable description of this #! :-)

25. juni 2004, 02:59:23
Emne: Ratings: Gothic Chess vs Chess
Thanks, I was hoping they'd be a little closer to each other, but you're probably right.

25. juni 2004, 02:01:42
Grim Reaper 
Emne: Re: Ratings: Gothic Chess vs Chess
On average you will float in around 1500-1600 in USCF chess since there are so many "book players" out there.

I think the ratings on here are too high by 200-400 points on average.

25. juni 2004, 01:01:13
Emne: Ratings: Gothic Chess vs Chess
I joined a chess club recently and am wondering what my chess rating will probably be in relation to my gothic rating. I stay in the low 1900's in gothic.

23. juni 2004, 03:24:25
Emne: 42
but damn those mice are smart. Who would have guessed eh!!!

22. juni 2004, 21:53:45
Emne: Re: Caissius and Juan Grande
And when were you planning on telling me, Caissus? :-)

22. juni 2004, 21:26:02
Emne: Re: Caissius and Juan Grande
Amen ! I will tell you a secret now : We will marry soon! ;-)

22. juni 2004, 19:51:35
Emne: Re: Caissius and Juan Grande
Ed, I appreciate your compliment regarding my playing ability and am delighted that you have found any of my games worthy of archiving. I still have trouble with the suggestion that there might be cheating involved, though. I realize that I'm not the tournament director, but I would suggest simply awarding the prize to the winner as was promised at the outset. There's been no cheating. I fail even to see how a player could benefit by throwing a game in a winner-takes-all tournament.

Perhaps some background on my playing method would be illuminating. I almost never resort to analyzing over a board (electronic or physical); the most I allow myself is a sheet of paper to record moves to help me visualize the variations. This, of course, makes me more subject to the possibility of making an egregious blunder. My 11-move loss to Caissus was due to just such a blunder: Nothing more, nothing less.

22. juni 2004, 19:40:11 
Emne: Re: Caissius and Juan Grande
GothicInventor's Rating: 2403 (111-0-0)
Caissus Rating: 2218 (38-2-3)
jaungrande Rating: 1745 (67-2-39)


Why Juan might play Gothic to the death in their matches, yet make mistakes in others for a quick end of game - well a lot of time for myself included, when I play some of the "best" people, I will study and study the board as much as possible. While with others, I'll take a quick look and make a move. I do that all the time in Spider Line4.... which usually leads me to make stupid mistakes against people who "statisticly" I should win against. So it could be that juangrande see's you as one of the better players, and brings out his best game against you.


Anyway, in my opinion - With 111 wins, and 0 loses - if anyone can beat Gothic (or get a draw out of him), they desirve to win the tournament! :-)

22. juni 2004, 17:09:16
Emne: Re: Caissius and Juan Grande
Hm....,what have we here? Again a cheating?

16. juni 2004, 04:42:03
Emne: Re: Something fishy in the $250 tournament
Since my name was mentioned as someone who lost on time, I'll just mention that I simply got too busy and didn't manage to login within the time limit. $250 is not enough of an inducement for me drop the other irons I have in the fire, so to speak (and I suspect this to be the case for most members of this site). I apologize if my inaction aroused any suspicion, but it seems rather paranoid to attribute any of this to behind-the-scenes dealing. From a public relations point of view, threatening to withdraw the prize would seem to arouse more suspicion than short draw agreements and mass losses on time. Is $250 too much of a financial burden for the tournament organizer to bear? Perhaps this response is overboard as well; I apologize if anyone perceives it so. However, I honestly can't see why anyone would go to all the trouble to make deals with other players for a mere $250 ($25,000 would be a different story ...) and so I admit to being astounded that such suspicions would even be considered. Of course, it could just be that I'm naive...

15. juni 2004, 22:57:27
Emne: Greenknight's First Gothic Chess Tourney
You're all invited to join in. Even those of you that like early draws :)

Aren't "grandmaster draws" when two people agree to draw early? I can't remember where I heard that phrase or whether I just made it up.

15. juni 2004, 09:14:12
They agreed a draw because it fitted both their requirements, it's completely normal tournament strategy.

14. juni 2004, 21:57:19
Emne: Re: Something fishy in the $250 tournament
For me,I saw my position as a little bit bader and was satisfied as Black to have a draw in this game.Please ask Oliotto for his consideration himself.But as pawn he cannot post on this board.To your first question please ask the other players themselves.

14. juni 2004, 20:49:45
Emne: Re: Something fishy in the $250 tournament
Great thought: three players in a tournement and two of them agree to a draw to beat the third? That means,that they now play better against the third player?? Really,a great idea,really!.
Have you ever played another sport in your life than chess? I think no,because these are ideas of an only-chessplayer.Me,I´m also playing tennis in a team and such thoughts are very strange for me and can poison the gameculture completely!
For myself I can say I only think to the next game or the next round in a tournement! It is totally clear,that I fight in the next round against all opponents in the same way to win the title (and the prize)!

14. juni 2004, 16:52:49
Emne: Re: Something fishy in the $250 tournament
Yes it is not legal, but what about if one player offers a draw at move 6 for example, and the other accepts. HOW anyone can prove that both were agreed for a draw behind the scenes in order to make some profit from it? No one can prove it and since the rules allow you to offer a draw whenever you want it and your opponent has the right to accept it, i don't really see any illegal thing.

As for the players that stopped playing, yes it's strange and i would like to know the reason too. Was only one player that stopped playing or it was 2 or more?

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