we have 3 pc;s connected all the time and if i borrow a laptop or want to test another pc out i just plug it in (blueyonder now reconises new equipment added so no set up required) not sure about other network providers though . ,you can either do it through a router or with a link cable from your main machine ,but with a link cable you need to have the other pc switched on also .
Jason...a link cable? using usb or what? If its that simple..then i could do that for a moment just to allow me to test it and download upgrades etc until i have a router sorted maybe
yes a usb link cable should do just fine ,do a search for connecting pcs together , for the settings you need ,which you will need to do to both pc and laptop
Does anybody know an existing algorithm or base script to split the pgn-files (header with infos, moves and so on). if not i will oncoming try to make one for a project. (language PHP)
Hello folks, hope the new year is being good to you so far.
I have a question, I will try and explain it best as I can lol!
Just lately I have been getting a few e-mails with the header like this, I will used my own addy as an example,
From mousetrap@yahoo ect to mousetrap@yahoo ect.
When I pull down show full headers it says
:x apprently to mousetrap@yahoo ect:
Unless I have been sleep e-mailing in the night I have not sent these e-mails to myself, does anyone know how this could be happening?
Thanks very much!
when it says 'apearently to' then you have gotten a 'fake mail' .. someone is using your address in the 'from' field in the email format
we used to do this a lot in college .. was great fun :) .. but the security got a bit better after some years and it wasnt possible anymore for us on there. most providers dont allow this nowadays.
you could try to put a filter on your own address and when you receive email from yourself it is automatically deleted. but of course that way you will never be able to send yourself some emails from that address (be sure to test it thoroughly if you try something like that) not even a copy (cc) from a mail you are sending to someone else
My son created some music files on cubasis. Can anyone tell me what file extension I can use for music ie:- name.???? so that I can burn them on to cd. At present the writer cannot identify them.
Scottish John: depending on what version of cubasis you have you shouldnt have a problem burning music as it supports (Wave, MP3) at least, so not sure why it cannot identyfy them .
thanks Jason that is a start but the disk came free when i bought a creative sound card some years ago. Plse excuse my ignorance on the music front but would i just have to save the file with a name and an extension of dot .wave would that surfice again thanks for your help
yea, but right click and then choosing open to new window is 1 too many clicks.
Of course you could always hold down shift or ctrl (depending on browser) and then clicking as normal to open it in a new window - but Firefox with tabs is much easier then having many windows. (and one click of mouse wheel button is super quick)
:) i like the tabs .. and bk looks better .. i can go 1 page back in history even if its a screen in which i fill in data (to invite someone for a game) in ie i had to go back 2 screens and then start from there again :)
i dont like to click with my wheel though .. i think i even have it disabled :)
what percentage of the people visiting bk are using firefox ? and what percentage is using ie ? and what percentage is using webtv ? and what percentage is using something else ? ;)
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