BadBoy7: Off the top of my head, try the detaching and reconnecting cable from your PC to the monitor, that is often the answer...maybe replace it if you have a spare, especially if it looks knackered
The same with the monitor, try a different one if possible.
If neither of those rectify the problem then it points to your PC itself..... take the side of your PC and try removing & putting the Video card back in.
After that, you are running out of possibility's, either the power supply or motherboard
Bernice: You should have a key on your keyboard normally to the right of the F12 key that says Print Screen.... Once you have pushed that button it will store a picture of whats on your screen. If i remember rightly in XP you will then have to open Paint or a similar program and Paste it into there, then you can save. Just in case you didnt know XP is long out of date now & Microsoft do not provide any backup or support for it
The Linux Foundation is funding three Linux kernel internships through the Outreach Program for Women administered by the GNOME Foundation. These internships have a $5,000 stipend and come with a $500 travel grant to attend and speak at LinuxCon this fall. This is a great opportunity to work with a mentor and get started with kernel development, which as many articles report, is a great way to land a high-paying job.
Not really a Computer problem, more of a Website problem (which i dont know a lot about lol).
A friend of mine runs a Cheer-leading pack of young girls. They have won awards everywhere, and even at there young ages have traveled the world. She needs a website, and asked me where is the best/cheapest place to buy a name and hosting site for the cheerleaders ? She already have the names she want for the page and they are available too (as in no one has them yet).
diogenysos: HI-ya, i had just tried that funny enough. I opened the Powerpoint file in libre-office (Linux ubuntu) and as in Office 2010, it looks fine on the screen. It just seems when it prints.
To me i am either missing something crazy when i design the files (but as i say, they look correct on screen) OR the only thing that connects the 2 systems is the copy of Microsoft Office i am using, as that is the same one on both systems
SL-Mark: Well, in short. I am Secretary on the Committee of our Royal British Legion and the other day a member died and i had to put a notice up. All i did was found an old notice on the computer and changed the details (name & date etc..) and printed that off. It was all to one side .....that was all done on the club computer & printer
Anyway, i have been at home all week and thought i would sort out a few other notices & posters that need to go up. I have drawn new ones from scratch, but the same problems occur....and that is on my computer & printer.....most strange
SL-Mark: I used the guillotine on the first poster i did the other day lol
I will look at those links, BUT as i say, on screen and in print preview, EVERYTHING looks as it should.
I even just created a new Word poster with one thing on it...a Triangle of Snooker Balls and used Page layout ---> Position ---> Center of page (which it did great on screen) BUT then i printed it and no good, totally offset by about 1.5cm....
will goto bed and have a read, then look at those links in the morning....cheers anyway
not really a computer problem (or i would ask myself LOL) but more of a Microsoft office 2010 problem.
I am trying to create a couple of basic posters, but want them to look nice. On the screen they look great, all centralized etc..... BUT when i print them they are always offset. In other words, there is for example a 3 cm gap on the left, but a 5 cm one on the right..yet on screen as i say, everything seems fine.
I have tried different posters in Word and Powerpoint and on different computers and printers. I must be doing something, OR missing something completely ...any ideas anyone ???
BadBoy7: Sorry abou tthe delay, my Modem blew up so not been about
Like i said, it seems pretty bad, but without seeing it (and your along way from me lol)its hard to tell. When things starting geting bad, sometimes you can create more problems by trying to fix the ones you have. My advie would be to Format it & re-instal Windows (or take it back to Factory settings if possible)
BadBoy7: Without actually seeing what it is saying, it sounds like Malware has infected the machine.
If you cant get on the internet then you have problems, unless you can download onto a flash drive and plug that in. You need to run Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. If that is not an option, try to take anything important off the pc and do a system restore. Personally i would take it back to factory settings and start fresh.
This is just another reason not to use Windows lol
Artful Dodger: Dual boot is installing the 2 system along side each other> when you install Ubuntu it will ask you all the questions, as in do you want to format the disk and just have Ubuntu OR Install Ubuntu along side Windows. Once that is done, your computer will ask you when you turn it on which system you would like to run. The best thing is Ubuntu will let you access any files you have stored in Windows. Sadly Window will not do the same with Ubuntu, well i have not found a way yet lol, maybe toedder knows.
(V): My first step last year was a dual o/s, but once i got used to most of it, its fine. Of course you will come across problems because as toedder says, people are so blinded to Windows as it comes with every computer you buy. To start with i missed some programs as they will not run on linux based systems, and as mention below WINE will allow most programs to run, BUT if you search the Ubuntu Software Centre the are some great programs that will do the same as any Windows one. Now i am happy with a single boot Ubuntu on here and have a Linux Mint / Windows XP on my backup machine. Sadly i still have to keep up with Windows or i wouldn't get income repairing them
I would recommend to anyone, run a dual boot for a while and get used to it.
Modifisert av MadMonkey (18. desember 2010, 10:55:35)
ellieoop: You already have CCleaner, so that is great, but it will not delete any virus or Malware.
For you and any others here are a few programs you should run to keep your clean, running fine, PC virus and Malware free
First make sure you have a decent Anti-virus program installed & running
If you do not have one it is a must and there are plenty about, but the popular free ones are the ever popular AVG FREE edition or its newish rival Avira. Both are very good and are great at what they do as long as they are kept up 2 date
They are the main things to have. I also have SpywareBlaster installed as that is free.
Give Remove Fake Anti-virus a go as well. It detects these Viruses that act as Anti-virus programs and tell you that you have lots of problems and you must download this software to sort it out, which of course costs money. A thing that many people do for no reason at all, as they have no problem apart from the fact they have a virus like installed. This program will detect and get rid of them all
Just a couple of others. Although changing your Registry is not strictly advised, is can become cluttered and slow your PC down greatly. If you are going to use a Registry cleaner (there is a small one built into CCleaner) then use Eusing free registry Cleaner. Always remember before making any changes to your registry, to make a Back-up of it, and all good programs will do this for you
One last one i use a lot is Revo Uninstaller. We all download programs, some of which we keep, and some we just like to have a play with, and get rid of. While most have there own built in Uninstallers, these very rarely get rid of all the stuff they install. of course Windows had Add/Remove programs (and again CCleaner has one useful one build in). Revo, just goes a bit further, by running the programs build in one, then goes about after-woods, and cleans up any leftovers lol
All the programs above are FREE, but of course have there own more sophisticated PAID for versions, which add more usability to them.
Well, that is my Christmas list from me to you, and anyone else who wants help. I have many others installed, and that i use to repair computers, but there is no need for the every day user to have them (or i would have no work lol, have very little as it is). Of course you know where i am if it is anything specific
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Computers
p.s. Oh, and after all that, even i get the odd one once a month or so lol
If you have Automatic Updates switched on you should be fine
Turn on Automatic Updates
The best way to obtain Windows XP SP3 is to turn on the Automatic Updates feature in Windows XP. To turn on the Automatic Updates feature, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. Copy and paste, or type the following command, and then press ENTER: sysdm.cpl 3. Click the Automatic Updates tab, and then click to select one of the three options. We recommend that you select the Automatic (recommended) option, and then choose the time that you want under Automatically download recommended updates for my computer and install them. 4. Click OK.
Even though it was only released just over 3 years ago, Microsoft have just ended support for the original version of Windows Vista. This means that if you are still using the original version of Vista and have not upgraded to Vista Service Pack 1 or 2, your Windows system will no longer qualify for support from Microsoft, including hotfixes to patch bugs and security problems. This means that if you use Vista you will need to upgrade to at least Service Pack 1 (although Service Pack 2 recommend) in order to keep your Vista system secure.
The 13th of July will also see the end of support for XP systems running Service Pack 2, meaning that if you are still using XP, you will need to upgrade to Service Pack 3 in order to keep receiving security fixes and updates. If you aren’t sure which version of XP or Vista you have, you can quickly check as follows:
1. Press [Windows Key] + [R]. 2. Type WINVER and click OK. 3. The service pack version installed on your system will be displayed. Click OK to close the window.
To keep up with all the latest Computer & Internet news....join Monkeys Cyber Cafe
As another little tip, when un-installing a program use something like Revo Uninstaller (the Freeware version), that cleans up the Registry after the program has been removed
It must have been just advertising i would imagine as it is not a Mozilla product i have ever heard of
As for the product i used it years ago, but there are far better products around depending what issues you are trying to address..... Read this review and make your own mind up Registry Booster Review
Another one of those days i am going to put something from my Monkeys Cyber Cafe Fellowship on here
First, a neat little Firefox Add-on i found.
I love to subscribe to RSS Feeds, in fact they are the main source of this Fellowship. I have tried all different ones, from having them directed to Thunderbird (the awesome e-mail client made by Mozilla) to having them in a scrolling Task-bar.....both of which had good and bad point
Now i have found Feedly, a GREAT Firefox Add-on. Basically it lets you design your own magazine style start page, and you can subscribe to whatever feeds you wish. It takes about 15 minutes to delete the default ones it comes with (if you wish to of course) and set your own up, and also puts a little icon beside the home page one in the Navigation Bar, just click that, it opens a separate Tab, with all your subscribed Feed items in. I have set my default to latest News. There is also a little +f at the end of the Address window should you come across a site you like and wish to add that to your Subscriptions. All in all i think it is GREAT
AND Secondly while i am on Add-ons........
This is still Experimental, BUT if your like me and like playing lol
MadMonkey: Yep, it is one of the most common things i get even when it is on someones Computer, it is a nightmare, and some people just pay the money to shut it up.
BUT that remove Fake Anti-Virus is great for killing it
I have used both Avast and AVG in the past and as puupia and wetware say, they are both very good. I have just noticed on the FileHippo download site that AntiVir Personal has toped there Anti Virus download charts. I was wondering what it is like ?
TigerCat: Good stuff, it is a great program.....dont know why it didnt get rid of the icon though, that is the last thing it does.
After it runs the uninstaller it then gives you the option to delete all associated registry values and any other files it can find. Still as long as its gone
TigerCat I am baffled myself on a reformatted & built hard drive how the program is still there, i have never known it. All i can think is who ever did it for you did not do what they say they did
Modifisert av MadMonkey (12. november 2009, 15:05:19)
pauloaguia: I shall have a look
Ninite is there so you can set up the basics that many of us use daily, not really for new software. It just saves going to each site separately and downloading each one, it does it all for you
Got a new computer ? OR just re-installed you have the process of searching and installing ALL your most used programs
Well, i have got something to help you all...... try Ninite
In short, it will let you choose your favourite Web Browser, Messaging program, Media player etc..etc.. and then creates ONE Install for them THATS USEFUL
For this and MANY more useful little ditties, come and join Monkeys Cyber Cafe
Over the last day, Firefox users may have seen a Add-on related message telling them Firefox is blocking certain Microsoft Plugins.
DO NOT PANIC... It has been caused because of Microsoft releasing more software with a serious security vulnerability. Microsoft released many new updates on Tuesday, and thanks to Windows Update (if you have ii switched on) you would of been given this dodgy update.
"While the vulnerability is in an IE component, there is an attack vector for Firefox users as well," admitted Microsoft engineers in a post to the company's Security Research & Defense blog on Tuesday. "The reason is that .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installs a 'Windows Presentation Foundation' plug-in in Firefox."
"This update adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC," said the hints and tips site. "Since this design flaw is one of the reasons [why] you may have originally chosen to abandon IE in favor of a safer browser like Firefox, you may wish to remove this extension with all due haste."
According to Microsoft, the vulnerability is "critical," and also can be exploited against users running any version of IE, including IE8.
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