I was wondering if anyone knowing about birds that have had the same problem as i have encountered, or is knowledgeable enough to help me. I was running the flea market yesterday, as i always do on weekends and heard a strange noise coming from the pet/hot tub store in the mall. Looking in i saw a big cage with a big bird sitting on top of it. I went in to check it out, and found this scarlet macaw absolutely with no feathers left on her, except from her neck up. She still acts very healthy, and friendly. I guess the owners of the store said that her owner had died and she had probably went into grief, but i think there is more to it then that. Anyway the lady didn't know what to do with this bird, and was going to give it to this (parrot island) place we have here. Well seeing that i have owned and raised alot of birds myself, suggested i take the bird and bring it back to health.
So just wondering if there is anyone out there that has any suggestions on feather picking, to please let me know
red dragon: Oooh are you a midwife? :o) Maybe you shouldnt have told me, I'll be pestering you now about all my pregnancy niggles! :oD (just kidding)
Ahhh right, Gaviscon tablets, that sounds better! I had the peppermint liquid but still it made me wretch! :o/
Paula30, thanks, I found ginger really helped when I was feeling sick & for travelling but Ive never tried it for heart burn or indegestion :o)
Lamby: Ha! I give out liquid Gaviscon to some of my mums-to-be too but I find the peppermint flavour version to be much more popular than the original. I've seen some of the future mums forego the measuring cup and swig from the bottle!
Don't forget Gaviscon comes in tablet form too.
A couple of other tips... chew gum to get the saliva glands working (it neutralises the extra acidity in the stomach).
Don't eat just before bedtime and try to sleep slightly propped up.
By the way, an old wives tale says that is you do get heart burn in pregnancy your baby will be born with lots of hair! Well it was certainly true of my daughter! :o)
Thank you so much! :o)
Red dragon, thanks I think I will get some Tums to try (sick of Rennie & last pregnancy the midwife gave me liquid Gavisgon which worked well but was disgusting!)
I dont eat/drink anything else on your list, apart from chocolate! And I will try the tip about not drinking whilst eating! :o)
Foxy Lady, vanilla ice cream huh! That great because I love it! :o)
Nobleheart, thanks so much but I dont think altoids are vegetarian (they contain gelatine I believe) so I cant have them, but thank you :o)
Lamby: It's not a natural remedy as such, but 'Tums' are good. They are high in calcium carbonate (you need the calcium) and low in sodium.
Avoid fizzy drinks, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol (obviously!), tomatoes, citrus fruit, vinegar and spicy foods.
Being pregnant, you're supposed to drink a lot of fluids but don't drink while you're having a meal.
Has anyone got a natural remedy for heart burn & acid indegestion in pregnancy other than taking anti acid tablets/liquid?
Any ideas/tips would be much appreciated :o)
Lamby: I remember that! It said something like if you want to stop something coming out of a bottle you put a cork in it... something along those lines, not offensive at all. I wonder if someone hit delete by mistake, I've done that in the past but I always message the person whose post I've accidentally deleted. I think I've done it twice, both times I intended to press 'reply' and .. er.. missed I suppose Is there a home remedy for scatter brainedness?! But I'm positive I didn't delete your post because I've not had time to reply to much this week.
BIG BAD WOLF: yes I remember my post, I read this board every time there is a new post, although I hardly ever post here, and I have a keen interest with the content. My post was mearly describing the humour behind the cork piccy that was posted here by nobleheart as it seemed some didnt get his joke. It was light hearted and inoffensive.....
BIG BAD WOLF: It is a good policy, time permitting, for the deleter to notify the poster and the main mod to prevent the confusion. This DB is not controversial if people stick to home remedies. If we can give some new ideas to people who are ill it can be a great F/S.
Lamby: I did not take it down Lamby. You should have been notified by whoever did. (If it was one you put up in the last two hours I didnt even see it.)
ScarletRose: Yes with the hot weather our bodies go into shock My hubby gets over heated outside runs in grabs something ice cold and need i say more.lol
spicieangel: Ok first he can't eat lol,thats the worse he could do.He needs to keep only clear liquids in,like jello,soda,no juices.
I usually keep Imodium on hand that always works on my hubby.
Bruno Jesus:
Try chewing garlic three times a day, throw out the bathwater and wear peasoup in your hair while raiding dustbins. It works for me, noone will touch you with a barge pole then.
I wish 2 say Thank You and Bless You 4 the gift I was given recently 2 help sustain my life - without pepl like you in the world, I would not be here - may your life be nothing but wonderfully extraordinary :)
It´s embarasing...I dont´want to be banned!
It´s my sexual apettite...I can't turn it off...I chew those menta gums and drink menta tea...but it makes matters worse,what can I do?
As many as 60 percent of all cancer patients seek help from herbs and other alternative therapies. It's easy to see why. Certain herbal remedies appear to work -- after all, the potent anticancer drug taxol comes from the bark of the yew tree -- and compared with nauseating, painful, expensive, and sometimes ineffective conventional treatments, taking herbs or drinking medicinal teas may seem like an attractive option.
But remember that the Food and Drug Administration doesn't require testing for herbs and supplements as it does for conventional drugs, so it always pays to be cautious in the largely unregulated world of herbal medicines. Although some are clearly of value, other so-called cancer remedies are worthless, dangerous, or both. Always check with your doctor before trying a new herb, and consult people who have used it, if possible, to get some idea of what you're getting into.
Here's a look at what's known about the potential strengths, weaknesses, and side effects of some of the most popular herbal treatments for cancer.
• Astragalus
This herb, also known as Huang ch'i, may help fight cancer by stimulating the immune system. When researchers at the University of Texas Medical Center mixed astragalus with the blood of cancer patients in a test tube, the function of cancer-killing cells called T lymphocytes improved by 260 percent.
The downside is that the herb can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and fatigue, and overdoses can damage the immune system. When used orally in appropriate dosages, usually 9 to 30 grams a day, astragalus seems to be safe, according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.
Touted as a safe, effective herbal treatment for prostate cancer, PC-SPES is actually serious medicine with equally serious side effects. Researchers from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School found that the herbal cocktail -- a combination of eight traditional Chinese herbs including saw palmetto, skullcap, licorice, and Panax pseudo-ginseng -- dramatically increased estrogen levels and decreased testosterone in eight cancer patients. This hormonal shift has the potential to slow the growth of prostate cancer (which is why many prostate cancer patients take estrogen), but it comes with a price. All eight patients reported breast tenderness and a loss of sex drive, and one patient developed a blood clot in his leg.
And while PC-SPES has been proven to shrink prostate tumors, it was taken off the market in February 2002 after it was found to contain traces of the prescription drug warfarin (a blood thinner). Subsequent tests have found additional traces of strong drugs in PC-SPES, including an artificial form of estrogen and a pain reliever called indomethacin that may act against tumor cells.
• Cat's Claw
Known by the scientific name of Uncaria tomentosa, this South American vine is an ancient treatment for arthritis, cancer, and other diseases. Cat's Claw remains popular among cancer patients despite the fact that the National Cancer Institute recently decided that the active ingredients in the herb weren't powerful enough to justify further studies. The herb is generally safe -- as long as you get the right kind. There are more than 30 plants that go by the name Cat's Claw, and some that are not Uncaria tomentosa end up in herbal remedies. They can cause gastric bleeding and other side effects, and won't deliver the mild benefits patients are seeking.
• Essiac
This herbal tea (a blend of Indian rhubarb, sheepshead sorrel, slippery elm, and burdock root) has been promoted as a cure for all cancers, but there's little evidence that it has any curative powers. Studies at both Memorial Sloan-Kettering and the National Cancer Institute found that the tea failed to slow the growth of tumors in lab animals. Furthermore, a Canadian study of 77 cancer patients taking the herbal treatment found that only eight improved or remained stable. The tea, when pure, causes few side effects except for occasional nausea, but it has been known to be contaminated with the poisonous belladonna root (which closely resembles burdock root). If you do buy Essiac, stick with a well-known supplier.
• Green tea
Purported to prevent certain cancers, green tea may also help slow the spread of the disease. Test-tube studies at Rutgers University found that compounds from green tea slowed the division of cancer cells from the lung and colon. Other studies have found that green tea stunts the growth of tumors in mice. But the results in human studies are contradictory. The National Cancer Institute notes that some studies suggest that green tea may be an effective cancer-fighter, while other studies found no benefit. The NCI is continuing to study what effect, if any, green tea has on cancer. In the meantime, drinking a few cups of the antioxidant-rich brew each day certainly won't do any harm, but don't overdo it -- some study subjects on high doses of green tea suffered nausea and diarrhea.
• Iscador
This extract from European mistletoe contains compounds called lectins which, at least in theory, can kill cancer cells. A recent review in the journal Phytomedicine reported that Iscador improved the survival of cancer patients in 10 out of 11 trials (although the best-designed study was the one that found no effect). In addition, a Swiss study showed that Iscador more than doubled the rate of DNA repair in 12 out of 14 breast cancer patients. But according to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, there is a serious risk of poisoning associated with Iscador, and it shouldn't be taken without a doctor's supervision.
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