awesome: The last quarter of it, but seven weeks is the other way to look at it. 162 games with 44 to play. By the 27th there'll be just 30 games to go and five weeks left, so I think it's safe to say the season is nearing the end.
I just got the billing for playoff tickets and the Angels aren't even in first place. That's how I know it's nearing the end of the season. Man, have they boosted the price since 2002.
John Lackey is pitching for the Angels the Yankees at 4 PM Pacific time. I believe the Yankees are starting Randy "The Unit" Johnson. IF so, it should be a good pitching match up. It'd be good if the Angels could win today as they've taken two of the first three games in the series. The Angels are the only team with a winning record against the Yankees since about 1996 and have defeated them twice in their two meetings in the playoffs. The Yankees come to Anaheim August 25th, 26th, and 27th. I'm looking forward to that series, along with three with Boston and four with Seattle. A good homestand. With the season nearing the end the games are almost getting to be must wins.
voldemort: Its sad, Highbury was an amazing stadium, not just to watch football, but to visit as well. The marble halls were great. At the end of the day , football has become a big money business now rather than just a sport (Just take Chelsea).
Does someone have a big link on here that is messing up my page? Sometimes something like that will make the page really big, and I was hoping to get this fixed, thanks!
Modifisert av MadMonkey (14. august 2006, 11:28:04)
Liverpool beat Chelsea 2-1 in the FA Community Shield at the Millennium Stadium, putting the champions on notice that the Reds are serious about stealing the English Premiership title.
New season starts soon:
Sat - 19 Aug 06
Sheff U v Liv'pool Arsenal v A Villa Everton v Watford N'castle v Wigan Portsm'h v Blackb'n Reading v M'brough West Ham v Charlton Bolton v Tot'ham
What do the numbers in match fishing mean, i keep seeing them in the magazines i buy and it's frustrating to not actually know what they are for. For example 128,6,0> If anyone could help i'd be quite grateful, thanks in advance.