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 Chess variants (8x8)

including Amazon, Anti, Atomic, Berolina, Corner, Crazy Screen, Cylinder, Dark, Extinction, Fischer Random, Fortress, Horde, Knight Relay, Legan, Loop, Maharajah, Screen, Three Checks

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

Community Announcements:
- Nasmichael is helping to co-ordinate the Fischer Random Chess Email Chess (FRCEC) Club and can set up quad or trio games if you send him a PM here.

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18. september 2005, 18:11:42
Emne: Corner Chess Tourney
I started a corner chess tournament, if anyone is interested.

12. september 2005, 17:57:49
Emne: Re: Knight relay question
Pioneer54: Done

10. september 2005, 20:25:14
Emne: Re: Knight relay question
Fencer: "Knight Relay Chess" should be included in the list of games at the top of this page.

6. september 2005, 20:57:40
Emne: Re: Knight relay question
Fencer: Thanks. Fortunately it didn't really affect this game much as I had pieces ready to capture it. :)

6. september 2005, 19:17:52
Emne: Re: Knight relay question
grenv: Should be fixed for future games.

6. september 2005, 18:33:16
Emne: Re: Knight relay question
grenv: Definitely a bug. Thanks for finding that.

6. september 2005, 16:51:36
Emne: Knight relay question
Look at move 16 of this game

The pawn on d3 checked my king on e1, due to the knight relay.

HOWEVER, the rules here (and elsewhere) say:
"A pawn powered by the previous point does not extend its moving options to the 1st or 8th row. For example, a pawn on C6 which is guarded by a knight on E7, cannot jump to B8 or D8."

So is this a bug?

2. september 2005, 07:36:03
Emne: Re:
Anencephal: Heh :-) A small bug.

2. september 2005, 00:55:52
What is this 'R' after amazon moves in amazon chess?
it's not relayed chess!

31. august 2005, 12:06:38
Emne: Re: thai chess
danoschek: Travel to Thailand!, Land of smile!, And you can challange Thai people to play Thai chess. However, Thai chessmen are less powerful than classical chess. You must play about 20 moves for opening, and about 60-100 moves to win a game.

28. august 2005, 19:49:29
Emne: Re: Atomic chess
Pioneer54: I've played this game (Random atomic) on another site and it works pretty well. I agree that there is no compelling advantage to white, but that is true of regular chess as well, yet FRC is still a good game.

28. august 2005, 19:46:38
Emne: Atomic chess
Although White may have a slight opening edge, I do not believe that this game requires restructuring. The early turns may be, in most games, narrowly sharpened, but there is still plenty of territory to explore.

I also don't favor the so-called "pie rule", or any kind of swap mechanism. Why should a position be too good for the player who moves first, but fine for the opponent who steals the position from him? The net effect is that the first player is compelled to make a deliberately poor move, which is contrary to the whole purpose of playing a game.

Examining ideas is healthy, in fact it is what CVs are made from, but when two separate variant ideas are combined, the result is usually not the interesting product that might have been expected.

27. august 2005, 20:45:38
Emne: FRC for Atomic
I can't see a FRC position that would favor white a great deal in Atomic chess. If someone disagrees post the position and starting move for white. Otherwise I would be in favor of requesting it as another variation.

Currently it is played on

27. august 2005, 19:17:16
Emne: FRCEC club--anyone interested in a FRC quad?
Peace and good health to you all.

For those who are part of the FRCEC club, and wish to participate in a quad or a trio, let me know. My BK id is 8352 and I will set up one for you--and I will send invitations to the players.

Thanks, and good gaming to you!

25. august 2005, 17:05:09
Emne: Re:
nabla: Not bad.

Problem for everyone: Design a starting position, consistant with the rules of FRC which is a forced win for white in Atomic.

I'll work on it as well. :)

25. august 2005, 13:58:50
Emne: Re:
andreas: Your proposal is a nice addition to randomization !

25. august 2005, 13:19:40
Emne: Re:
Modifisert av andreas (25. august 2005, 13:30:07)
nabla: To avoid forced win for white, "a pie rule" can be employed (like in Hex). After the first player (with white) makes a first move, the second player (with black) has an option to rotate the board, so that opponents change piece colors. Now the game continues as usual, first player has black pieces now and he is to move.

The second player has an option to rotate the board only once, after the first move of the first player.

25. august 2005, 10:12:44
I also agree with Random Atomic Chess and Random Suicide Chess, the games as they are suffer a bit from a narrow non-losing path in the opening. But how to generate random position which will not be forced wins for White ?

25. august 2005, 08:22:54
Emne: Re: "atomic chess pro"
grenv: i totally agree with the Random Atomic Chess (RAC) is too easily memorized as it is, moreso than chess, since many more moves are forced or virtually forced. Suicide Chess could use a shot in the arm here too.

24. august 2005, 23:59:51
chessmec: is my idea of "atomic chess pro" silly or not? what do you think?

No, it's not silly but "Atomic-Pro" would not be so good game as Atomic Chess......It would be much slower.......

grenv: I was trying to say that it is extremely well balanced as it is when played well.

With a first thought Atomic Chess seems a game that white has a confortable advantage.....
Yet, with a more deep analysis it seems that black is not in a so bad shape at all and that actually chances for both white-black are even........
But finally with an even deeper analysis, there is one opening line that leads to a VERY VERY difficult position for black to defend. Until now i haven't found any defense for black and all variation loses (i will not give the line yet) but i'm trying......

24. august 2005, 22:11:22
Emne: Re: "atomic chess pro"
chessmec: Ok, but you wouldn't want to do that unless you thought it was at least a little unbalanced. I was trying to say that it is extremely well balanced as it is when played well.

Actually to get rid of all the opening theory, which is what makes it unbalanced if anything, I think it would be good to have fischer Random Atomic Chess.

24. august 2005, 21:53:21
Emne: Re: "atomic chess pro"
grenv: i did not say that atomic chess is unbalance ... my suggestion has the intention to make it more well balanced.

and in my opinion: witn the more pawns it would be easier for beginners

24. august 2005, 21:51:02
Emne: Re: "atomic chess pro"
chessmec: I used to think it was a little unbalanced as well, but recent games against reaally good players (here and on other sites) has shown me otherwise.

24. august 2005, 21:35:40
Emne: "atomic chess pro"
an idea: to make atomic chess a little bit more well balanced it would be helpful to place three pawns (white: e3-f3-g3; black: e6-f6-g6) to secure the weak points f2/f7.

is my idea of "atomic chess pro" silly or not? what do you think?

22. august 2005, 19:28:34
Emne: Re: R in after move in Knight Relay Chess.
AbigailII: That means a move relayed by a knight.

22. august 2005, 18:44:07
Emne: Re: R in after move in Knight Relay Chess.
AbigailII: I suspect "Relay"

22. august 2005, 18:19:58
Emne: R in after move in Knight Relay Chess.
I notice that if you move non-knight with a knight like move, a 'R' is put after the move. I wonder what the 'R' stands for.

8. august 2005, 19:25:10

2. august 2005, 12:40:57
Egzot (CLOSED) 
Emne: atomic king!

28. juli 2005, 06:01:28
Walter Montego 
Emne: Berolina Chess
I have four games in the "Waiting games" section if anyone would like to play a game or two. 2 game time limit with vacations and weekends still happening.

25. juli 2005, 09:32:43
Emne: Re: many thanks to redsales
redsales: thanks (turning red)
I think whe had both our chances in both games ... and did not realized them. so the draws were fairly ...

oh, if we would have played this games in real life ... they would be my most greatest tournament games.

25. juli 2005, 09:23:19
Emne: Re: many thanks to redsales
chessmec: you weren't too shabby yourself! congrats on playing excellent games!

25. juli 2005, 06:27:05
Emne: many thanks to redsales
many thanks to redsales for this two amazing fischer chess games:

Although they were drawn the games were a really great struggle. Thanks!

1. juli 2005, 22:05:09
Emne: Re: thai chess
Fencer: yes - that's how it's called
on chess variants dot com - just checked ... ~*~

1. juli 2005, 13:13:12
Emne: Re: thai chess
danoschek: Makruk?

30. juni 2005, 21:28:39
Emne: thai chess
anyone seen that variation ?
all pawns are one step ahead in start position
- saw an article in the eurpa rochade magazine. ~*~

24. juni 2005, 07:44:44
Emne: Re:
redsales: I would probably say that in grey chess, not all the moves should be shown to the opponent. For example every three moves or every five moves. Now I think it'll be interesting.

23. juni 2005, 19:18:11
Emne: Re:
reza: When I win the Lotto *cough* I'll give Fencer the money to buy the server to run it on this site :)

23. juni 2005, 18:04:07
but in battle chess, you could see the squares, reza is proposing that the blood obscure the squares as in dark. Could make for some high level timing strats.

THe problem with grey chess is that you can just play over the game based on the move list, so that it becomes regular chess!

23. juni 2005, 17:46:52
Emne: Re:
Chessmaster1000: So you think it's a well balanced game, huh? I think it is.

23. juni 2005, 17:26:24
Emne: Re:
Jules: Really? didn't know that. Still, I think it'll be a nice game.

23. juni 2005, 17:24:53
Emne: Re:
grenv: Fencer has corrected it. A few hours ago, any of your opponents may have seen all your moves. Fencer has switched everything back.

23. juni 2005, 15:43:38
Emne: Re:
reza: What bug?

23. juni 2005, 14:08:35
lol They did have a chess game like that out ages ago. It was called "Battle Chess". I think they even did a Chineses Chess version of it :)

23. juni 2005, 14:07:41

Is it possible to play such a game?
He,he, why not.........?

23. juni 2005, 13:59:45
Hey all,

Due to teh current bug in Dark Chess games players can see what moves their opponents have made.

redsales named it 'grey chess' which I think is a good addition to the site!!!

What's more, based on that, I have a new game type in my mind named red chess.

When a piece is captured, its blood will split on some squares of the board randomly and both players for a few moves will not be able to see those squares and therefore, they'll have a good chnace to move their pieces in REDNESS.

I'll have to work on details more of course!

What do you all think?

Is it possible to play such a game?
I think it'll be an interesting variant.

11. juni 2005, 11:56:52
Emne: Announcement
Modifisert av Harassed (11. juni 2005, 12:23:24)
Join fast tournaments for advanced players:
Anti chess
Dark chess
Janus chess (10x8)

Join fast tournaments for all players:
Atomic chess
Berolina chess
Loop chess

Ideal for pawns who don't like to spend years waiting for tournament to finish or for players who like to play fast.

9. juni 2005, 13:44:47
Emne: Anti-chess endgames
Modifisert av nabla (9. juni 2005, 13:52:30)
If you have any other question on Anti-chess endgames, fear to be called stupid and can read a tiny bit of French, the endgame section of my webpage ( will probably answer it.
[Made link live ... WQ :]

8. juni 2005, 23:05:36
I hope the choice of this word was because of an unexperienced english speaker :)

6. juni 2005, 23:26:21

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