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 Chess variants (8x8)

including Amazon, Anti, Atomic, Berolina, Corner, Crazy Screen, Cylinder, Dark, Extinction, Fischer Random, Fortress, Horde, Knight Relay, Legan, Loop, Maharajah, Screen, Three Checks

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

Community Announcements:
- Nasmichael is helping to co-ordinate the Fischer Random Chess Email Chess (FRCEC) Club and can set up quad or trio games if you send him a PM here.

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28. april 2005, 17:07:14
Modifisert av Caissus (28. april 2005, 17:07:48)
Interface "Babaschess" is able to replay crazyhouse/loopchess pgn-games,but you have to change a little bit the pgnformat.

3. november 2004, 16:32:59
Emne: Re: draw king+rook-king
The k/r vs. k ending seems to be a speciality of chessFriendJosh :

1. november 2004, 19:51:37
Emne: Re: Re:
and three ..:-)?

1. november 2004, 19:50:04
Emne: Re: Re:
I have had an ending with king/rook (me) vs king and it was only draw :-(

1. november 2004, 18:24:56
Also interesting is the image of eternal rotating rook between a1 and h1 if there are no other pieces. Rotating without limitation! Nice :-)

1. november 2004, 17:20:25
In Cylinderchess many games start with b3 or/and g3,with the developing of the bishops and it seems that the best place for the king is in the middle,without castling. Comments?

26. oktober 2004, 18:16:56
Emne: Rook-Ending
Modifisert av Caissus (26. oktober 2004, 22:08:36)
It is incredible, but this position with the rook/king vs. king ending is draw!

We have to verify all elementary endings!

25. juli 2004, 03:10:07
Emne: Re: redsales
Can you perhaps give an example for such an impregnable setup?

17. juli 2004, 12:52:20
Why doesn`t Fencer balance this game? Does anybody know this? It could make this game more interesting.
For instance either by additional maharadjas or by my suggestion "Amazone chess" - on the board "other chessvariants".

8. juli 2004, 20:31:04
Emne: Re:
You don`t know if your opponent has changed his setup.That`s why important for your plans can only be the actions of your opponent in the concrete game.

8. juli 2004, 20:06:29
Emne: Re:
BBW,in chess you only can have a good attack or defence plan,if you can interpret the plan of your opponent.
Without to see your opponent`s position your efforts are completely senseless.

29. mai 2004, 11:45:31
Emne: Re: Both variants
And that`s why we don`t play poker here at Bk or other games, which have to do with luck. The common standard of the board games is an equal position at the beginning.Otherwise Bk would change to a casino.
I have played a tournement with six games and four of them my opponents have lost positions before we have moved the first time.This cannot make sense.Okay you can play with this rules,but it is (for me) only an half and not a complete game.
I think the most players here see this in the same way.Look at the only little number of played games in the past in both variants.

19. mai 2004, 11:44:26
Emne: Shuffle-Antichess
Antichess - this game seems to be very analyzed and many variants are determined.

How,if we could have a variant like "Shuffle-antichess"?
The rules could be the same with the difference, that the pieces on the 1th/8th row are placed randomly.

19. mai 2004, 11:40:27
Emne: Both variants
have two big disadvantages :
1.Both games are starting in the middle of the game ,without an opening.
2.The constellation of the pieces with the following result of the game has to do with luck.

I suggest to change the rules in the following way:
In the first part of the game the pieces will be placed on the board alternately.Both players should can see the actions of their opponents.In screen chess only in the own half of the board,in crazy screen chess on the complete board.
Only if the last piece is placed the players can start to move (like in the boardgame "morris").
I think,with these rules the games can become more interesting, .

6. april 2004, 17:39:58
Emne: Re:
But no,he won one of these games with the white pieces !!.. against a player who has lost all his Brainking games except one :):)!

5. april 2004, 23:52:20
Emne: Re:Horde
White wins always in the below described way,not regardless of the moves of each player of course,but sure if both parties are playing their best moves.

4. april 2004, 19:36:31
Emne: Re: RE: Horde Chess
No chance for black,WhisperzQ!
The strategy for W is easy :He changes some pawns in the opening,gives three or four pieces for two pawns (each) and then he invades with queen and/or rook in Black`s position.From backwards he can beat B`s important pawns.
No problem for W,if he doesn`t play too bad :).

3. april 2004, 16:57:51
Emne: Re: challenges with black
I think the original idea,to play with a maharadja is good.(Other names for this piece are "general" or "amazone")And there have been in the past some interesting suggestions to improve this variation to a balanced game, not only for children:).Btw we have the same situation in "Hordechess"!

6. januar 2004, 22:57:00
Emne: Re: Dark Atomic Chess

29. desember 2003, 18:43:44
I have discovered that you can play this variant in real-time at the ICC,(http:// as 5,10 or 20 minutes game. But it is possible to play for free only as guest and without rating and name.
Even so it is a good training :).If someone wants to play such some short games please send me a private message.

9. juli 2003, 08:31:00
Emne: FischerChess
I suggest to change the less played "Corner Chess" in the more public "Fischerrandom Chess". The new name is Chess 960 because of the 960 possible startpositions.
Rules are here :

2. april 2003, 20:16:01
Emne: Re:
Another suggestion: We play with the regular chesset (both sides) with the one exception:
The queen is changed to the maharajah.

13. mars 2003, 17:21:59
Emne: Balance
To change the game for a better balance we can try to play with two Maharadjas one on a1 and one on h1?

13. mars 2003, 16:07:20
Emne: Balance
If you calculate with pawns: Queen 9, both rooks 9,knight and bishop 3, and 8 pawns you need 38 Pawns for black then you have a balance.

13. mars 2003, 15:32:01
Emne: The name
Loop chess is a great chessvariant,which is played on several internetservers. The normal name of this variant is "Crazyhouse". The best if you use the knights and try to come near the king

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