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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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10. august 2007, 04:56:21
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
Rose: Good grief, of course we know what raisins are!!

10. august 2007, 01:12:08
The Col 
Emne: Re: extremely large tomatoes
Modifisert av The Col (10. august 2007, 01:13:40)
Bernice: Be careful,there is a strain of mellow yellow that has been known to swallow small animals.Have you seen any missing animal postings locally? or heard any loud burps coming from your garden?

9. august 2007, 23:40:44
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
Bernice: Really? some folks dont know what raisins are and they are in the US? wow, that surprises me big time. I grew up watching tv ads from the US for the California Raisins ( heard it thru the grapevine song) - In Canada we get nearly every US TV channel so we see all the US ads.

9. august 2007, 22:18:10
Has anybody heard of Mellow Yellow tomatoes....I bought one plant about 3-4 months ago... it has gotten so large at the moment I have it staked with 6 stakes to hold it is laden with tomatoes (none ripe yet) but it isnt the tomatoes that is forcing me to stake it....the bush is absolutely huge.

9. august 2007, 22:15:54
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
skipinnz: thanks for that also might be a good thing to explain what raisins are...I sent recipes to people in USA and they always ask what raisins are...Im not saying everybody but it does seem strange that they ask.

9. august 2007, 20:58:27
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
skipinnz: Thanks.. that sounds yummy!! whoo hoo.. will have some more stuff to make.. :)

9. august 2007, 09:27:25
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
ScarletRose: Tomatoe pickels
6lb green tomatoes,1qrt vinegar,.5 lb brown sugar, .75 lb onions, 1.5 teaspoons cloves, 2 teaspoons peppercorns, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, .25 lb raisins.
Slice tomatoes into a dish & sprinkle each layer with salt, leave overnight.
Boil up vinegar & spices & strain, slice onions & add to vinegar, drain tomatoes & add to other ingrediants, simmer until tender, bottle when cold.

well hope you have some success with this.

9. august 2007, 05:57:51
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To

skipinnz: Too many for the window sill.. and the plants are in the garden.. I would have to pull them out.. maybe just the heat was too much to where they need the cool air.. not sure..

But, I still would like that recipe..

9. august 2007, 05:50:20
Emne: Re: Tomatoes How To
ScarletRose: you can ripen them on a window ledge as individual tomatoes, also you can hang the whole bush/plant ina shed and they will ripen. If all else fails I've got a reciepe for green tomatoe pickle

9. august 2007, 05:47:49
Emne: Tomatoes How To

I have a question on cherry toms, romas, yellow pear.. most variety's of Toms..

How the heck do you get them to ripen up.. I have toms that are on the vine and I thought over the last 2 weeks they would have ripened.. my bushes (32 of them).. are bearing fruit like you would not believe.. but, they aren't turning ripe.. What can I do????

29. juli 2007, 14:13:13
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re: Garden Update
Modifisert av Foxy Lady (29. juli 2007, 14:14:30)
Eriisa: LOL sounds like how mine are doing.I went out with spray bottle of water and dish soap to attack the bettles,eating my grape vine.Ahem they stood there laughing at me.

28. juli 2007, 20:31:23
Emne: Re: Garden Update
Foxy Lady: LOL, I got one lone green pepper growing. All my cherry tomatoes disappeared. Guess the critters got them.

28. juli 2007, 19:06:02
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Garden Update
Finally after some crazy weather my garden is bearing veggies.I picked some zucchinni everything else except pole beans are slow this year.

8. juli 2007, 05:08:19
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: I don't like using any sprays.

7. juli 2007, 11:25:39
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Foxy Lady: Yes the traps work, i have three of them, but they are not enough :(

7. juli 2007, 06:35:46
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: I got a beetle trap hanging near my grap vines.Last year they ate most of the grapes and leaves.

7. juli 2007, 01:33:50
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: they are lovely....can they be could have yourself a beetle circus and create your own "Beetle Mania" hahahaha
seriously tho they look to be a terrible pest.....

7. juli 2007, 01:13:33
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Mousetrap: They taste good too  :)

7. juli 2007, 01:10:45
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: Wow they are pretty!

7. juli 2007, 01:09:09
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles

Bernice   Here they are

want me to send a cpl of thousands?

7. juli 2007, 01:03:13
Maybe i should teach them to play Ludo and when they fall asleep i smack them

7. juli 2007, 00:56:51
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: You could try using Shaolin Kung Fu.

7. juli 2007, 00:56:31
Emne: Re: Japanese Beetles
Andersp: boxing gloves????? sorry couldnt resist that one LOL
I dont even know twhat they are

7. juli 2007, 00:52:11
Emne: Japanese Beetles

Does anyone know a good way to fight them?

1. juli 2007, 09:57:23
I always start my tomatoes in sandy soil or sandy loam as we call enables a great strong root system :) then transplant into hevier soil and not too much compost at the start as they can be inclined to burn if it is put too close to stalks/stem

1. juli 2007, 08:30:46
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re:
Mousetrap: You had better luck last year.

1. juli 2007, 04:04:07
Foxy Lady: So far no luck

29. juni 2007, 05:01:54
Foxy Lady 
Finally were getting warm weather and some needed rain.Our garden is doing better this year than ever before.I also don't seem to be having a beetle problem on our grape vines either.

22. juni 2007, 06:07:26
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re: Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Bernice: Were suppose to be in our Summer but our temps our in the 50'sF at nite.Were also getting some storms with hail.

21. juni 2007, 06:13:55
Emne: Re: Laburnum tree
skipinnz: Requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or crossing branches in late autumn or winter. When planting incorporate lots of well-rotted garden compost in the planting hole and stake firmly....and be careful around children skipinnz....extremely poisonous :(

21. juni 2007, 04:07:58
Emne: Laburnum tree
I want to know if I should prund my Laburnum tree, when we put it in it was a small bundle of leaves at the top of a long slender trunk. Then in the summer it went wild and sent out two branches which are over one meter long. Now it is shedding its leaves I'm wondering if I should cut it back. Any thought anybody?

20. juni 2007, 23:09:16
it is so darn cold here....still raining and it looksa as tho June is going to be our wettest month on record....
Gosh only a couple months ago we were in the middle of our longest drought and now there are floods right down the east coast of australia...(except for Brisbane) I think.
shocking weather, but at least my garden is just loving it, especially the tomatoes...Zucchini arent doing at all well, hoping they will chirp up or out they go LOL.

13. juni 2007, 12:01:04
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re:
Mousetrap: They just might being the compost is very rich in nutrients.We till the compost in our garden,so far so good.

13. juni 2007, 07:01:04
Foxy Lady: Well I only put my tomatoe seeds in compost yesterday, this time I put them in compost outside instead of growing them under heat indoors. I hope they take off!

11. juni 2007, 12:28:33
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re:
Mousetrap: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's good to see ya posting here.Your yard looks good.Our garden is going to be late this year with the crazy weather.

10. juni 2007, 22:25:28
Back yard   Well I mowed the grass, you may think it still looks like a jungle though lmbo! If you click on the pics it makes them bigger, those big trees are apple trees.

8. juni 2007, 05:34:15
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re: Im freezing to death :(
Bernice: LOL we hit 75 today oh it was great,now tomorrow were going in the 90's.Were either having cool weather or it gets hot out too fast.Our Summers are very short 3 months if were lucky.

8. juni 2007, 04:05:14
Emne: Re: Im freezing to death :(
Rose: Nawww! You would soon get bored of 70 every day

8. juni 2007, 04:04:43
Emne: Re: Im freezing to death :(
Rose: that is cold for us...we dont get down too far in the winter and if it does it only lasts for a couple days....the sun is out today but the winds are cutting and darn cold :(
Im freezing my butt here LOLOL

8. juni 2007, 03:48:49
Emne: Re: Im freezing to death :(
Bernice: OMG what I wouldnt do for 70F every day.. We have had 70 once in the last month.. Its been a cool start to summer here this year

8. juni 2007, 02:34:52
Emne: Im freezing to death :(
3-4 days ago it was 30-34 degC here (about 90degF) and the weather was in the last few days we have had some much needed rain and yesterday it never got above 20degC (70degF) freezing my fingers off LOL

8. juni 2007, 00:30:31
I managed to cut the grass today, it was like a jungle out there! I have some beautiful roses out.

6. juni 2007, 05:58:49
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Gardening
Well our temps went from in the 80's and 90's to a cool 60's.Right now its 42 F thanks to Barry coming up the coast.We covered our plants just in case.
ajtgirl how are your temps running?

28. mai 2007, 04:22:19
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re:
Bernice: Oh that sounds so good.

27. mai 2007, 00:02:28
Emne: Re: Roses help
Eriisa: keep the water away from the leaves.....sounds like black spot to me...pick all the diseased leaves off and burn them or take them away from your garden.....DO NOT leave them lying around.

26. mai 2007, 15:49:06
Emne: Roses help
ok, I think I remember reading about this a couple of years ago and I'm just too dang lazy to try and look back.

My roses have the leaves getting big black splotches and turning yellow and then all falling off. At one point, one bush has NO leaves left, although they do seem to be growing back.

Any easy solutions or home remedies for them?

26. mai 2007, 15:47:00
Emne: Re:
Bernice: ooo that sounds good!

26. mai 2007, 07:52:31
Emne: Re:
Foxy Lady: when I loaded up my new freezer yesterday I didnt realize that I also had 10 trays of mangos, which I had sliced the cheeks off and frozen them...
A nice way of eating them is as follows.

take a square of puff pastry and lay a mango cheek on it and place on a tray and bake at 200degC until pastry is all puffy....about 15-20 minutes...serve with fresh whipped cream or ice cream or even both ROFLMBO......

26. mai 2007, 05:42:29
Foxy Lady 
Emne: Re:
Bernice: My sister lives in Florida and has the glory of picking fresh fruit like babanas,oranges lemons and limes.She also has pecan trees that she sends me for baking.Not the trees just the pecans.Mangos are another fav.of mine from there.

25. mai 2007, 10:33:31
Emne: Re: Summer
Modifisert av Bernice (26. mai 2007, 05:37:45)
Foxy Lady: hahahaha....I wouldnt take the glory away from ------- HAHAHAHA....I hope he gets stuck with it LOLOL

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