Time to plant BULBS everyone! I bought some Tahiti Daffodils, Forbessi Blue Chionodoxa, Gladiator and Ivory Queen Allium, Muscari and Anemone
It helps me get through the New England winter knowing I have something to look forward to in the early spring. It's like a little gift when they come up.
Modifisert av Mousetrap (28. september 2006, 12:47:33)
ajtgirl: These were in the camera, I forgot they were there. Only 3 pics added to same album but it looks different in winter. Well crikey! Would you beleive that? It worked the first time I tryed it but it does,nt now okey dokey. I just refreshed the link and so far it is working.
I give up, I found out what is causing it, the source keeps changing and adding extra letters, every time I delete what should not be there it works for a while then the extra letters appear in the source and I get a server error. Never mind.
ajtgirl: I'll tell ya i'm really leary on buying any veggies right now.One store pulled all the bagged spinach and lettuce.It's really scary with everything going on today.
Groucho: Thank you for posting them for me.I got those in Florida out of my sisters yard,they were little than.Of course i'll never see any fruit but i wanted to show how well they do in pots.The bigger one is ready to be re-poted.
Modifisert av Eriisa (18. september 2006, 02:10:51)
The FDA said late Friday that the outbreak had been linked to bagged spinach products distributed by Natural Selection Foods, based in San Juan Bautista, California. The company has agreed to recall its bagged spinach products and has stopped shipping them.
*edited to fix the link. Whenever there are commas in a link, it cannot be posted unless one uses the rich editor (unless someone else knows a trick I don't know) ;)
Modifisert av Mousetrap (17. september 2006, 05:35:09)
BerniceC: I find that lettuce actually keeps fresher in a plastic bag in the fridge if I add a little water to the bag and keep it wet it last longer too. If I don,t use water and just put it in the fridge it will go rotten. As Foxy said, you are damned if you buy in bags and damned if you don,t.
A report I heard on the radio stated that the e-coli comes from the manure that the spinach was grown in. E-coli is apparently an animal by-product, meaning it comes from the intestines of the animal which the manure is used to grow the crops. Gross! Where I work we use horse manure all the time but it is steilized at extreme temperatures for many weeks to kill all bacteria. Perhaps these food companies weren't taking that extra step
It's interesting to me thjat we haven't heard the name of the producer of these bagged spinach products yet.
I am guess it's a big manufacturer and they are being protected so far by the media
BerniceC: I think they have to wear gloves like any food handler.We checked some bags at the store and found some that looked like it was rotting.Where we shop all the bagged veggies and salads are being pulled from the shelves. Here we have strict state health rules and they do check and publish which failed the inspection,stores and restaurants.
would it be the vegie that has the e-coli...or has it been handled by someone with the filthiest hands etc...I mean the garden isnt the cleanest of places either if you thinks of birds pooping, cats digging and dogs spraying, but if you wash it, there isnt a problem....I never buy bagged vegies...i used to but found that in the centre of the bag it was all starting to break down, so now I dont buy that way....If I cant put it in a paperbag myself, i sure as hell dont want anything in a plastic bag.
Mousetrap: It's a risk know matter what whether bagged,frozen or fresh.We also have some cases in NY the news said today.I always ran and picked up bags of lettuce not anymore.Last i checked on the news there was 94 cases of E-Coli.
The sad thing is that the only way to buy fresh spinach is in bags most of the time It's pretty hard to find around here any other way, except frozen which is yucky, imo
Bagged salads are so convenient but I guess they're risky now too
ajtgirl: its not a bulb or a tuber its got the hairy looking roots id like to transplant some in a pot to bring inside so i can plant it again next spring
They sound a little like a polka dot plant but I have never seen them flower, ever Perhaps it is a variety of Rex Begonia No, now that I re-read your last message it cannot be a rex because their leaves are large
my cousin bought me a pretty plant last spring it has small green leaves round with a point and they look as if some one splashed pink paint on them they are now sprouting tiny purple flowers i cant find the name stake that was in it its a folige plant I dont have a picture but was wondering if anyone had an idea and how to transplant it
Foxy Lady:That is so true. I like beefsteak, as the name suggest big and large. Foxy question for you when you fry up your green tomatoes do you slice them or just quarter them?
Modifisert av Mousetrap (12. september 2006, 21:23:43)
Mousetrap: I am just playing about with this to get used to it. I added a view of front garden but the front belongs to downstairs. Took that link off here as I added a pic of myself at a request of someone and I,m sure you do not wish to see my ugly mouse mug as it is not pretty lol so the link is now as below
we had rain last saturday and sunday :)....very unusual in winter. But it was so nice to get sunshine on monday and even nicer to see mushrooms growing in the yard this morning.
My garden is in full producing stages at the moment.
Cuecumbers are hanging on the vines...heaps of them, silver beet is producing like it is going out of fashion but no matter I love silverbeet. Zucchinis arent doing as well as I would like and neither are the beans :(
Tomatoes are going great guns as are the cherry variety....chokos are starting to climb the fence and the pumpkins are also doing well....My potatoes are in flower and the sweet potatoes are growing quite prolifically.
Grapes will be the best season I have ever had :) but apart from all that nothing exciting is happening here HAHAHAHAHA.
Steve Irwan"bought" it of course...very sad, but he did put his life (and that of his children) in the way of danger.
Apparently the whole thing was filmed and they didnt realize that he was in trouble until he came to the surface on a "cloud of blood"
all very sad and I feel for his wife and the young children
Modifisert av Mousetrap (12. september 2006, 21:24:45)
Foxy Lady: Hiya! Unfortunately I have an aversion to sending pics in e-mail lol and I have not got a link to send to you or Groucho either, I could just post it here if I had. I will work something out. Thanks very much! Okey dokey lets see if this works