rabbitoid rocks this is a thank-you pond to recognize rabbitoid for doing such a fine job of keeping the boredom away. thank you, rabbitoid! Tilbake til listen over dammer
Type Dam: Løpe rundt dammen Dam ID: 1516 Minimum antall spillere: 16 Maks antall spillere: ubegrenset Tid pr. flytt: 1 dag 1 time Start: 10. november 2005, 08:00:00 Slutt: 6. desember 2005, 00:05:00
(4. desember 2005, 01:34:25) woohoo! third place (which is as well as i've ever done in a pond)! but now i'm ready for a nice swim. *blub blub*
Flytt: 9
(19. november 2005, 00:13:25) there You go!
(do You smoke??)
Flytt: 7
Foxy Lady:
(17. november 2005, 10:17:43)
Flytt: 6
(15. november 2005, 19:40:09) but You love to dance! is Your tum still not ready to wiggle and jiggle and leap and bound?
Flytt: 5
Foxy Lady:
(15. november 2005, 08:35:06) Oh no no dancing.
(14. november 2005, 20:31:02) yowza! :D *grabs Ms. Foxy and dances Her around*
Flytt: 4
Foxy Lady:
(14. november 2005, 13:40:56) whoooooo hoooooooo
Flytt: 3
(12. november 2005, 12:06:49)
Flytt: 2
(11. november 2005, 14:33:00) lol!
(11. november 2005, 10:08:20) this is so bizarre. i am sure this pond already started and i fell in on the very first round. did i dream it?? am i spending *that* much time on brainking?? (never mind - i know i am!)
Flytt: 1
(11. november 2005, 04:50:33) Hi everybody. Good luck!
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