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Turneringsleder: TC
Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2009-05 (Anti Backgammon - vis reglene)
Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2009-05

This traditional monthly tournament brings the best and fast players to the same area who plays Backgammon Games.

For the previous tournament winners please click at the following addresses:

Here are the tournament winners of 'Top 10% Faster Backgammoners' from the beginning of 2006 to May, 12nd, 2009 - (alphabetical orders)
aaru: (18), afella: (2), alanback: (1), aledates: (1), AlliumCepa: (4),
Anencephal: (1), bazari: (2), chessik: (6), CryingLoser: (1), dresali: (1), ennukene00: (1),FOTBALISTA: (3), gambler104: (7), gfeisty1: (1), Gammonator: (1), grenv: (3), Hannelore: (43), Harassed: (2), Helena: (1), imsoaddicted: (1), jopie2002: (2), Kardinal: (2), Konrad: (1), LADIESMANINNY32: (1), ljubisa popovic: (2), Marfitalu: (1), Mary Jo: (2), Mirda: (1), masino: (2), MsDelete: (1), mukali: (1), nobody25: (1), Pason69: (2), pedrored: (5), qusar: (6), Resher: (6), Rex Nihilo: (2), rod03801: (1), skipinnz: (5), Snoopy: (1), Somelaughs2: (1), Sveno: (1), swelle: (2), TC: (53), Tutagil: (12), UzzyLady: (1), vic: (3), Vikings: (13), WakeUpPeople: (2), Zach: (1),

Here are the tournament winners of 'Top 10% Faster Backgammoners' from the beginning of 2006 to May, 12nd, 2009 - (counts of the tournaments winner)
53 times TC,
43 times Hannelore,
18 times aaru,
13 times Tutagil, Vikings,
9 times gambler104,
6 times chessik, qusar, Resher,
5 times pedrored, skipinnz,
4 times AlliumCepa,
3 times bazari, FOTBALISTAgrenv, vic,
2 times afella, Harassed, jopie2002, Kardinal, ljubisa popovic, Mary Jo, masino, Pason69, Rex Nihilo, swelle, WakeUpPeople,
1 time alanback, aledates, Anencephal, CryingLoser, dresali, ennukene00,gfeisty1, Gammonator, Helena, imsoaddicted, Konrad, LADIESMANINNY32, Marfitalu, Mirda, MsDelete, mukali, nobody25, rod03801, Snoopy, Somelaughs2, Sveno, UzzyLady, Zach

If you interested who were the best and fast in the previous Gammon Tournaments, please click to following addresses:

2009-04, 2009-03, 2009-02, 2009-01,

2008-12, 2008-11, 2008-10, 2008-09, 2008-08, 2008-07, 2008-06, 2008-05, 2008-04, 2008-03, 2008-02,

2007-12, 2007-11, 2007-10, 2007-09, 2007-08, 2007-07, 2007-06, 2007-05, 2007-04, 2007-03, 2007-02, 2007-01,

2006-12, 2006-11, 2006-10, 2006-09, 2006-07, 2006-06, 2006-05, 2006-04, 2006-03, 2006-02, (Invited)

Please read carefully: Your BKR rating is not enough to join to this tournament! If you are the player inside the top 10% of any type Gammon games (Back, Nack, Crowded, Race, Hyper, Anti, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga), have the right to join, all of the games in this Tournaments before the begin time. (May 24th, 2009).

To check where you are in the ratings click to the related links:

Backgammon, Nackgammon, Anti Backgammon, Backgammon Race, Crowded Backgammon, Hyper Backgammon, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga

Others, outside of top 10% players, will be deleted before the tournaments begin without excuse...

Tilbake til listen over spilltyper

Match type: 3 poeng kamp med doblingsterning
Turneringstype (?): ett spill mellom alle par av spillere
Minimum antall spillere: 4
Maks antall spillere: ubegrenset
Maks antall spillere pr. avdeling: 20
Siste match type for to-spiller seksjonen: 5 poeng kamp med doblingsterning
Tidskontroll (?): Tid: 3 dager, Bonus: 3 timer, Begrensing: 9 dager, ingen fridager
Spiller rating: 1400 <= BKR <= 4000
Uratede spillere: ja
Uten rating (BKR påvirkes ikke av denne turneringen): nei
Privatturnering (du sender personlige invitasjoner): nei
Sortere etter BKR: ja
Alle spillene i denne turneringen er generert med autopass aktivisert (i de spillene der autopass kan benyttes).
Status: ferdige
Startdato og -klokkeslett: 24. mai 2009, 22:04:39
Sluttdato og -klokkeslett: 24. juni 2009, 13:05:05

Vinneren av turneringen: Vikings


Avdeling 1 BKR1234PoengS-B (?)Plassering
1 Vikings2079  1  1  1 3.03.01.
2 TC2060 0   0  1 1.01.02.
3 aaru1920 0  1   0 1.01.02.
4 Hannelore1888 0  0  1  1.01.02.

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