Jaak: In my opinion, it is necessary to apply the following rule specified in the rules of Checkers: “If, after jumping, it is possible to jump over another opponent's piece, the player must capture this piece too.” It is the fundamental rule of all variants of checkers and the mere fact that it is not expressly stated in the rules of all variants here at BK does not exclude its application. After all, the implementation of Czech Checkers, Corner Checkers, One-Way Checkers, as well as a number of other variants played here at BK, do honor the rule, even though it is not provided for in the rules of these games.
Mysterio619: The rules do not say anything specific about this situation, so the rules of Czech Checkers will apply analogously. Since the rules of Czech Checkers do not allow an umpromoted piece to continue jumping after promotion, the situation in your game has to be considered a bug.
It really confuses me: This is what the checkers rules say: "However, when a queen (in variants with long jumps) can make a jump, the player cannot select a pawn to jump with". THERE IS NO QUEEN IN CHECKERS!!! How can I make a move when I don't know what my opponent is allowed to do and what not???
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