This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
I think it would be a good board as a "find a person" board - even if not by tragidy, but even normal "Hey, I have not seen XXX around lately - anyone heard anything about them" or something like that.
NOT a floosie: That is actually pretty smart - since if they do get computer access, checking E-Mail would probable be something they would do. (With signing on to a game site is probable the last on the list.)
lukulus: I've actually had a few people tell me what they thought goodfoods name was, and they all matched. Fencer won't give that information out since it would be wrong to give out a players private information, and many of us also do not want to post his full name on the boards here - again since it is his private information.
I've done many searchs on his (and wifes) name on many different "people search" boards, along with some local newspapers that I have found - and have found nothing.
The people taking the pictures tried to take many pictures of "people", but never got any names. Don't know if anyone here knows what they look like....
alexlee: Yea, I've been doing a new search every couple of days on the name that Rod gave me, but nothing yet. Again, we are not 100% sure if the name we have is correct.
alexlee: Yes, he gave me what he thinks the name is, and I did a few more searches in a few other places and found nothing yet.... again, if that is his real name - he was not sure if it was.
I have to go now, but will dig a little deeper later. I'm pretty good at finding things on the internet.
As soon as I post something, I keep reading something different.
Just read a news article about Bush who I believe visited P'ville on Tuesday - plus the story said this about the area:
"Poplarville, located in one of the most rural counties in Mississippi, sustained substantial storm damage and at least 17 storm-related deaths. But it also was one of the few areas to receive quick federal aid in the form of Federal Emergency Management Agency feeding centers staffed by National Guardsmen."
alexlee: Did some quick research into the Poplarville area, and they had no electricity and phones were down. The local school system is trying to be ready to open Monday, Sept 12th.
rod03801 - If you could PM what you think his name is, I can do a little more searching - I'm good at finding things
volant: I don't think that is in place yet. (It was talked about, possible on Fencer's to-do list, but not done yet.)
As it is now - the auto vacations will keep going until they run out. If Goodfoods does not return before his vacation days are up, we have to make sure to ask Fencer if he can add a few more.
Yea, I looked at where goodfoods would be - and it does look like he would have been in the "path" of the storm.
He sould have not been involved in the MAJOR damage done to the coast, but even 70 miles inland - the wind would have still been pretty bad, and someone said he livse in a mobil home.... which of course usually do not stand up to wind as well as a house would.
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