Assunto: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
gekrompen hoofd: you know what.. you are the only one who has a problem with what was posted from the beginning on This board.. I refuse to let you sour the attitude here.. if you wish to continue ranting about rights and freedom of speech. Do it in a notebook.. I am tired of that topic.. and I wish for it NOT to be on here.. You have given me no alternative other than to ban you from this board.. just as you are creating on most other boards.. that means all ids as well..
Assunto: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
gekrompen hoofd: First of all, censorship does not exist on BK. Second, we aren't entitled to Freedom Of Speech. It's a game site. We're free to use our accounts to play our games. We're not free to cheat at our games and if we do, we get banned.
This is not a discussion site. It's a game site. The discussion groups are added on. The expectations are set the way they are because this is a world community. Not everybody's thoughts on how the site should be run can be implemented. There has to be a boss. We're free to post within the guidelines. We're not free to set our own rules.
We can't just post anything we want here. There are standards. If someone can't agree to the standards, then they can't post. That seems fair to me.
This isn't the US so the Constitution is invalid here. It's a privately owned game site and he could easily delete all the discussion boards and say, "just play games folks."
We've gone on about this censorship thing long enough in my opinion. The case has been made here as well as other boards. I'd like to see us get back to something more positive.
Michaelangelo's David is fine for this board. I don't think anyone would have a problem with a post to that. However, if one goes looking for problems, it's likely to be found. Some art IS offensive to others and that must be respected. If someone has a problem with that, I can offer them plenty of other discussion sites where the rules are more open. Here the lines are rather specific.
I hope we've heard the last of the censorship threads.
Assunto: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
gekrompen hoofd: Exactly where is this happening? I'm not seeing it. Are you speaking of BK or the "world" in general.
Seems to me you have strong opinions and are rather "set" in them. To me, this is a good thing.
But with freedom comes responsibility. When certain laws are in place, it's the responsibility of free people to obey those laws. Without free people following the laws, you'd have anarchy. No one that I know is in favor of that.
I don't know where any of this censorship you protest so strongly is happening. If anything, the problem is the other way around. There are those in the art world that use the freedom they have for artistic expression to offend and degrade the beliefs of others. Often their actions are defended by the US courts.
This art board is for sharing "all things art." It's a casual board and mean to be a relaxed place where "fun" is the key.
Assunto: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
Anna LyzeThis: in this current world the media throws so much at us & at kids.
shielding them from it all is impossible,its unrealistic to think we can.
I think it is better to see things with you kids talk about it.
it prepares them better to deal with this world.
Assunto: Re: The Suppression of Uncomfortable Ideas Is a Dangerous Thing Indeed
gekrompen hoofd: ty science & art good combo
hey,hi people,this is photography again,but this is truly really cool:
This photo has 2,487,227,305 pixels in it,and the producers call it "the largest digital panoramic photo in the world.
If this photo were printed, it would measure 6.67 m by 2.67 m (300 dpi). The photograph shows Delft and its surroundings in the autumn of 2004. It was taken from the top of the Electrical Engineering faculty of Delft University, at a height of about 100 m, by TNO