To find out what stairs you can currently challenge someone in, first go to the Main Stairs Page, then click on "Show your stairs only" link. The ones in BOLD are ones you can make a challenge in. .
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BIG BAD WOLF: I was in a stair but went out of it when I see. that I can't challenge every player. But I think the answer before yours is a good help: "...challange anyone in your step that isn't currently involved in a stairs match..." But thanks for your help!
scratch that, I didn't read it right, the only 2 ways I know to remove them from the stair would be to 1. pm them and ask them to remove themselves. or 2. ask fencer
pauloaguia: I was talking about how people are saying things about being informed when there are challenges available, without having to go to that list and check.
rod03801: There's a link on the Stairs page that displays only the Stairs you're in. If you can make a challenge in any one of them, that Stair is displayed differently... Or are you talking about fellowships? I wouldn't know how those are displayed, then... :/
MadMonkey: I suggested a year ago or so, having a red number in parentheses next to the Stairs link, that would be clickable. This number would be the number of stairs you are in where you can make a challenge. When clicking on it, it would take you to your personal list of stairs. (The same page you get when clicking "Show me my Stairs Only"), where you would see those you can make a challenge in, in bold. Obviously, there will be occasions (relatively rare, I imagine) that you click on this number, and there may no longer be a challenge available. I guess that depends on how often that red number can be updated. I imagine pretty quickly, since the other red numbers are updated instantly.
BIG BAD WOLF: I like that idea, i put that in my Brainking DB post. There has to be a time limit somewhere before they are removed or retired. I could not possibly challenge on all the Stairs i am in, although i do try to keep up. I think that Brainking should still run a script once a week to see what ones you are open for a challenge on. Sometimes i finish a game & go to the Stair in question and there is no one to challenge, but who is to say 2 hours later there wont be ? To save having to check all the time we could have a message sent to us listing what Stairs we can make/except a challenge on.
BIG BAD WOLF: agreed, but in my case, I never challange anyone below me, only equal to me, that does not make me inactive, just in waiting for someone who has earned the privillage of the challange, if someone is above me, then I don't expect them to play me, I have to work myself to their level, ladders in reverse
I don't like the idea of it punishing someone who does not challenge - for example, myself - I'm not challenging anyone until I get my total number of games down, but I will take any challenge.
I think if a person is not on the site for 1 month, then they should be placed in retirement so no one can challenge them. That would be my vote. (And if the person comes back to the site, they can unretire and continue from where they were at.)
Modificado por MadMonkey (10. Novembro 2006, 22:58:27)
Vikings: I understand what you are saying, in that case they would have to be an exception to the rule, but they would still be in-active. There has to be some sort of rule set i think. Maybe they have to challenge if someone is one step below them & available. Something would have to be there though to check they still are an active player on Brainking. Until Fencer gives us his views or what he intends to do with the Stairs(if anything) all we can do is come up with ideas lol
MadMonkey: why should someone at the top have to challange someone 3 steps below them, they have already earned the top spot and only have to defend it when someone reaches them
Vikings: I did put on the Brainking DB earlier that the script could also check if a person does not have anyone to challenge, then it would not effect them, hence if you are at the top, you stay there, but when a person becomes available you should have to challenge someone after a certain time.
Vikings: Or that new people starting on a stair have no option other to battle those that are already inactive (waiting sometimes almost a month before climbing up and maybe playing a game for real).
Also, with all the inactive players pilling up in the first level, the staircase may grow articially longer than it should be...
actually people who are inactive (either from the site or the stair) will take care of themselves over time, they will fall to the lowest step and the stair will grow well past them, the only real problem is the fact that many people don't like cheap wins
MadMonkey: Fencer was already going to impliment taking away of empty stairs, I believe he said monthly, but your suggestion punishes the person who makes it to the top and then wants to wait for someone to catch up, he should not have to play until someone proves worthy
MadMonkey: Probably easier to implement: If you timeout all your games in a match you get automatically thrown out, with a message telling you why.
Only exception - you have already retired from the stairs (to prevent the case that you legitimatelly retired for going on holiday or something but had already a game running that you timed out). In that case you get to stay in the Stairs.
Vikings: Brainking should be able to check each player/step to see if there are people for them to play. Maybe an automated message could be sent to them. If they do not play anyone after a certain time of being available then, either removed from the stairs or dropped a place. It could all be done automatically after Fencer writes the code
King Reza: that can be a little tricky as there are some people who have reached the top of the stairs and are inactive waiting for someone to catch them