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A game by any other name....

I Love Ludo Hall of Fame...How many passes have you had in one game?

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15. Abril 2008, 08:29:01
Assunto: Re: Feature request
mctrivia: Having Autopass off is fine if you want to watch the AI stomping round the track on its way to victory - again! - but, when everyone's at home and there's no 6, it makes no sense to require the player to sit there clicking away with nothing happening (especially when the server's being slow). It would be much better to just flip a coin and give the winner a 6.

15. Abril 2008, 00:37:39
Assunto: Re: AI Ludo - Animation
mctrivia: should I use javascript to make the pieces move 1 step at a time.

Lol, I guess I'm missing something. Isn't it already one step at a time? (unless you've got the auto-finish-the-game options on)

14. Abril 2008, 20:40:07
Assunto: Re: AI 2.3
aaru: 4-6 in home ;)

14. Abril 2008, 16:00:43
Assunto: Re: AI 2.3
mctrivia: 33-27

14. Abril 2008, 15:11:19
Assunto: Re: AI Ludo - Animation
playBunny: should I use javascript to make the pieces move 1 step at a time.

14. Abril 2008, 15:10:30
Assunto: Re: AI 2.3
aaru: that is pretty impressive.

14. Abril 2008, 12:31:37
Assunto: AI 2.3
aaru vs AI 2.3
20 wins 10 loses :D

14. Abril 2008, 10:06:07
Assunto: Re: AI Ludo - Animation
mctrivia: I'm not quite clear on what you're saying.

14. Abril 2008, 00:21:16
Assunto: AI Ludo
To Animate or not to Animate that is the question?

Would you like to see the pieces disappear from were you select reapear in new location then have opponents do the same? Or keep as is?

13. Abril 2008, 23:39:10
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: that is true. I don't like the 3 die limit rule. There is no limit in my game though it will only show correctly up to x6 as there is no x7 image yet

13. Abril 2008, 23:36:27
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: There is a difference between yours and BrainKing's. Yours seems to give as many sixes as are rolled (I've had [6] x5 + [?] a couple of times) whereas BrainKing limits it to three usable dice ([6] x2 + [?]) as far as I remember.

13. Abril 2008, 23:33:45
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: thanks. it has taken a few revisions to get it to this point. I want it to be as chalenging as possible. I am thinking about doing backgamon after 4 player ludo.

13. Abril 2008, 23:20:05
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
mctrivia: I've played three 11-wins "matches" against it and won two. Whoopee! But, as the scores were 7-4, 2-9, 6-5 = 15-18, it's ahead of me in games. Booooo!

It's a good player. Your English might be adrift but your programming certainly isn't.

13. Abril 2008, 22:08:42
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: ok. I got 30% in grade 13 english :( I will change it to ticket. Still do you like the game? If so please make sure fencer knows I am proposing it be added to brainking when you play all your games. I am currently working on 4 player ludo.

13. Abril 2008, 19:57:38
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
mctrivia: Typo that I will have to fix(Ballet)

Lol, I think you mean ballot, but that's not the right word anyway. A ballot is a vote in a selection process. When you're in a prize draw it's tickets, eg. "Would you like to buy a ticket for the raffle at the church bazaar?"

13. Abril 2008, 03:04:24
Assunto: Ludo
anyone else wish the white rock in ludo was a different color? I find it hard to see.

13. Abril 2008, 02:13:13
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: Typo that I will have to fix(Ballet) as for showing win/loss I found the problem and fixed it.

13. Abril 2008, 00:43:32
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: the facebook version does say who won. Can't figure out why this one is not but I am going to start trying to figure it out now.

12. Abril 2008, 16:36:06
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
mctrivia: What on Earth's a "balit"?

12. Abril 2008, 16:33:55
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
mctrivia: With autopass and automove it's possible to do just a couple of moves, wait ages and then a new game starts. It really needs to say who won and lost!

12. Abril 2008, 16:31:24
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
rod03801: Ah, thanks Rod. I remember mention of it now. It's used so that other people can't play using your id (unless you've given them your access code).

12. Abril 2008, 15:56:49
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
playBunny: I haven't used it, but if you go to your profile page, there is a box labeled "access code" or something like that. If you haven't used it, it will have an empty box next to "reset". Put a check mark in the box, then click "reset", and it generates a code.

As far as what you do with the code, I have no clue! But I'm pretty sure that is what he is talking about.

12. Abril 2008, 15:24:33
Assunto: Re: mctrivia.com version
mctrivia: 3rdPartyCode?

12. Abril 2008, 02:28:34
Modificado por mctrivia (12. Abril 2008, 02:30:12)
not on facebook and want to try out my AI Ludo player you can by going to the following URL


Make sure you change values in bold to correct values

9. Abril 2008, 03:36:24
Modificado por mctrivia (9. Abril 2008, 03:44:10)
Well I have done some number crunching. My AI Ludo Player Version 2.2 is sitting at 52.3% win rate playing against humans and always being black. This actually beats BKs average of 48.07% for black playing human against human.

6. Abril 2008, 03:52:58
My AI player is starting to get prity good. It just beet me. Currently on version 2.1 of the AI code. Working on version 2.2 Is it bad to be adicted to your own creation? Now all I need is to make it use AJAX so I don't have to reload each time and implement an animated autoplayer option. Any other features people want? It even works on cell phones though the board is made up of ascii

5. Abril 2008, 18:58:08
well my server was down for a little bit. It got rebooted though and is back up and running now.

Try out the AI player at: http://apps.facebook.com/brainking/ludo.php you need to be on facebook first

5. Abril 2008, 17:28:31
Assunto: Re: AI Player
mctrivia: Ahah. Lol, I looked for Player and Ludo but not AI.

5. Abril 2008, 17:01:39
Assunto: Re: AI Player
playBunny: well ther is mctriviaAI is a pawn here but it does not work yet

5. Abril 2008, 05:35:33
Assunto: Re: AI Player
nodnarbo: Thanks, I just wanted to make it clear. "AI Player" suggests a player at BrainKing. ;-)

5. Abril 2008, 05:28:59
Assunto: Re: AI Player
playBunny: the one on the Brainking Facebook Application

5. Abril 2008, 05:27:14
Assunto: Re: AI Player
mctrivia: What AI Ludo Player?

5. Abril 2008, 03:55:47
Assunto: AI Player
Well the AI Ludo Player had a rough start. But the code is stable now in both computer and mobile versions(go to the link below to try on your cell) and I have vastly improved the intelligent level of the AI Player. It is far from the perfect player but I will keep working on it.

As a promo I have decided to give away 3 bishop memberships(I would give more but I have no paying advertisers yet). Each time you win a game against the AI Player you are entered into the draw. The draw will be held on May 1st. If you win and do not need the prize you can chose any pawn to receive it on your behalf.

If anyone wishes to donate memberships to this draw contact me and I will show your banner for free.

Happy Playing all improvement requests are wanted please tell all your friends:
http://apps.facebook.com/brainking/ludo.php (must log into facebook first)

10. Março 2008, 01:17:32
Assunto: Re: Can you believe it.....
Modificado por mctrivia (10. Março 2008, 01:18:15)
AbigailII: check out bk.mctrivia.com I have writen two autoplayers for brainking.

http://www.mctrivia.com/autoplayer/login.php is the easiest one to use as all you have to do is sign up

9. Março 2008, 13:49:53
Assunto: Re: Can you believe it.....
crosseyed: That's why I don't play Ludo. A significant number of moves in Ludo are either "pass" or forced (that is, there's only one move you can play - typically when you have only one man racing and you throw anything but a 6). There's no fun in that - that's why they have computers.

Another gamesite I play will make any automated moves directly, and keep the game "current" (that is, you make as many moves as you can until there's a situation on the board that actually requires an opponent with a brain cell). If only Brainking had this as well.... then I'd consider playing Ludo again.

9. Março 2008, 12:48:57
joshi tm 
Assunto: Re: Can you believe it.....
crosseyed: Mens-erger-je-niet (Jason - joshi tm)

First 17 moves of mine were all passes, still managed to win.

9. Fevereiro 2008, 04:44:02
Herlock Sholmes 
Assunto: New Ludo
well, I like this gammonlike ideas for Ludo ... but when saying A and B, why not to say C ... what I mean is just incorporate doubling cube into new rules ... it will make this game complete ... I support this new version.

9. Fevereiro 2008, 02:11:20
Assunto: New Ludo Variant Ideas
Today Fencer posted 3 ideas that I proposed for 3 new Ludo variants (based of my ideas plus ideas I found on this board and such)

Ludo Variant #1: (since "faster" games seem to be very popular)

Name Idea: Ludo Express

Same board and pieces as regular Ludo.

Get out of start with either a 1 or a 6.

Roll 2 dice each turn. Each turn, 2 dice rolled. (doubles are nothing special)

Each dice is separate. Like Backgammon, you first make a move with Dice #1 – then make a move with Dice #2 (or swap and move first with Dice #2, then Dice #1 – order is up to player) You can move the same piece twice, OR move 2 different pieces – 1 with each die

So for example, first turn of the game, you roll a 1 & 6 – you have 2 options. Use the "1" to get out of start, and then use the "6" to move 6 spaces – or use the "6" to get our of start, and then use the "1" to move 1 space.

You can split the dice up between different men. You can use the "1" to get a piece out, and use "6" on a different piece on the board.

NOTE: If you own man is sitting on your "start space", you have to move it BEFORE you can get another piece out of the board.

If you can move – you have to move. (only pass if you have no move) Plus it is possible to move with 1 die, and then pass the other if there is no move with that one.

The rest are the same rules as regular Ludo.


# Ludo Variant #2:

Name Idea: Ludo Strategy

Same board and pieces as regular ludo. 2 main differences:

1. You can place your piece on top of another one of your own pieces to form a "block". This "block" will block the board an NO pieces (yours or opponents) can move past the block. To get rid of the block, you simple move the "top" piece from the block just as a regular turn (leaving your bottom piece still sitting there in danger of a capture)

2. You can move forward like normal, or backwards. If you roll something like a 6, then bonus 3 – you must either move a piece forward a total of 9 spaces, or backwards a total of 9 spaces. There is no "splitting" the dice up and going forward 6, then back 3.

NOTE #1: You can NOT move backwards past your starting point. You can move backwards all the way to and on top of the starting spot, but not any further

NOTE #2: You can NOT move backwards out of your own "home" area. Once you enter your home (last 4 ending spots), you can no longer move those pieces backwards.


# Ludo Variant #3:

Name Idea: Ludo Strategy Express

As you can guess, it would be a combination of the 2 variant ideas above. Have the "fast" with the ability to block & move backwards.

The only difference would be because you roll 2 dice each time, you CAN split the forward/backwards decision up. Move with 1 die forward, and then move with another die backwards. (same or different pieces)


This would be a great place to comment. I think the only thing I would add to it is for #2 & #3, that I would say blocks would be allowed anywhere EXCEPT for the 2 start spaces (your own & your opponent) - so that way you can block your opponent, but you can't block them at least getting 1 of their pieces on the board.)

Any other comments - ideas? Ludo is the 2nd more popular game (as for current running games), so would be nice to have a variant or 2 (or 3)

19. Dezembro 2007, 05:06:42
Assunto: Ludo Team tournament
Anyone looking for a Ludo team need look no further!
The FAST PLAYERS CLUB is just the team for you, if you are not a member now is the time to get on board, you will be welcomed with open arms. So come one come all, for the best time around!

10. Dezembro 2007, 06:01:18
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
janajana: Thank you. It's very kind of you to say so.

9. Dezembro 2007, 04:00:00
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
playBunny: wow. havent seen something so nicely summed up in ages!

13. Novembro 2007, 03:46:46
Assunto: Free programs I have writen to make brainking more interesting:
Free programs I have writen to make brainking more interesting:

AutoPlayer - Plays all games with 0 or 1 choice unless oponent sends a comment.

BK CSS Maker - Creates your own custom CSS file to make BrainKing look different

13. Novembro 2007, 02:39:30
Assunto: Re:
joshi tm: yah I think that is a record

12. Novembro 2007, 21:18:10
joshi tm 
Modificado por joshi tm (12. Novembro 2007, 22:00:26)
Mens-erger-je-niet (Jason - joshi tm)
What do you think about 17 pass moves in a row (and still going on) using three dice instead of one? Counts as 51 pass moves uhu? Is that a new record?

EDIT: 55 passes total in a row.

27. Outubro 2007, 18:09:52
Assunto: Auto-play
Good news to all those that want auto player but do not want to install anything on there computer. You can now go to:


And create an account. The system will automatically play your games as quickly as possible. The only down side is you need to have some faith in your fellow man because you are giving me a hashed copy of your password(I do not keep the actual password) for this reason I let you chose what servers(brainking members with the server software) you trust and witch you don't.

This new system currently has 2 servers that play all the games and I am looking for more servers so if anyone is interested in becoming a server send me your e-mail and I will send you the necisary files and instructions.

26. Outubro 2007, 16:16:53
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
playBunny: Well that was a very helpful post I will have to take your recommendations and make some changes. I have a 3 hour flight tomorow so I will do it then. Today I will spend programing the web interface for my new always running autoplayer. Much like the old one writen by hexkid but my server is not the one making the moves.

26. Outubro 2007, 08:26:47
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
mctrivia: Well, let's just say you'd better stick to the programming for now, and forget that dream job as a marketing man!

Consider what's important to your prospective user.

"Open source program" - Nope. That's not a selling point as it provides no functionality. It's even a sticking point for some. Joe User: "Ooh, it's an open source program. Does that mean I have to do XYZ? Does open source mean it won't run on Windows? Does it mean <other strange ideas>?"

"games on brainking.com were you don't have to think to play". Joe User: "Er, but I have to think in all my games, don't I?"

BrainKing Java Auto Player

What is it?

This is a program which you can run on your computer at home to automatically make the passes and other forced moves for you in certain games.

These are the games that you'd rather not have to waste your time visiting: Ludo, where you need a 6 but don't roll one and have to pass, or where you only have one piece that can move. Backgammon games where you're stuck on the bar but your opponent won't allow the Brainking autopass to work. Or when bearing off and there's only one possible way to do so [If you've implemented that] .. [And another example or two of whichever games apply.]

The program can do automatic clicking for you in all of these games: Ludo, Backgammon, Nackgammon .. [and all the rest]

How does it work?

When you want the program to watch your games and make move for you, you start it running. It'll then log in as you every X minutes and check your game sheet. If there are games which need to be played then it'll check those. If there's a pass or a forced move then it'll click the [Move] button and send the game back to your opponent, saving you the trouble. When it's checked all your games then it'll go to sleep until it's time to check again.

Does it always make moves?

Not always. It won't move if your opponent has left a comment for you to read. The game will be left untouched so that you can read it and respond. It also won't move when .....[whatever conditions]

Etc. Tell the story, spell it out. An hour or two on this stuff will be of more benefit than the same time on a piece of code if it encourages more users. Each user multiplies the value of your coding time.

The privacy reassurance, open sourceness, license information and technobabble are irrelevant until the user knows why they should become interested in them. These things should come after the installation instructions. When they do get that far, put the privacy part in a FAQ section, the license and open sourceness too, but down at the end because most people really don't care. That is, if you change the licence and open sourceness how does it affect your users? Not at all in 99% of cases, so don't bother them with it.

Privacy concerns are interesting. For some people it's reassuring to hear that information. For others it brings to mind something that they may not have thought of - and suddenly they're not sure, despite what you say. I think it's best to have it available but not make an issue of it.

The technobabble should be on a separate page "Programmers this way -->". When there's a whole chunk of Source Code and Archive and other such stuff, it can scare off people who don't know what it's about. If they're concerned that they might have to understand what it's saying and make some decision about it then they might just back off, needlessly.

25. Outubro 2007, 21:11:39
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
playBunny: Is it beter now or would you like more?

25. Outubro 2007, 21:06:37
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
playBunny: Well it does say what it does but it is only 1 line in the whole page I will have to put it up top.

25. Outubro 2007, 19:50:54
Assunto: Re: Auto-play
mctrivia: There's a section missing from your page - the bit about what it is and what it does!

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