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    15. Março 2014, 16:10:40
    Assunto: Re: Pokerstars
    puupia: I am really sorry for that. Due to some unexpected events I had no time for anything and I admin that I was just passively waiting for the club to fill itself. Hopefully this will be changed in the near future.

    I have just created 2 tournaments there ($1.10 and play money), so let's see what happens.

    22. Outubro 2011, 09:11:46
    Assunto: Re: poker not for nothing fencer
    mook53lhd: Your keyboard does not have a Shift key or you never learned that sentences usually start with capital letters?

    Although I don't like people of you type (who try to tell me what I should do and go crazy if I don't) but, what the hell, hopefully you will understand this explanation:

    1) Our poker model had been thoroughly tested many times and nobody every complained about any unusual behaviour. Yes, some people reported that they cannot see they hole cards etc., but that's just a common problem of browser based applications (Javascript). The model itself works correctly, always shuffles the card deck before dealing and the cards are always random. When I mentioned that sometimes in the future I would rewrite the model, I referred to the client side because the current Javascript table had been used mostly as an experiment, not a flawless and full featured engine.

    2) Have you ever tried to play on, say, PokerStars or any other major poker site? The number of fish players that continuously complain about unfair conditions and "that moron always completes his straight" or "there is a miracle river card every second hand" is enormous, yet nobody does anything about it. Why? Because it is just a poor excuse for a bad play or misunderstanding of basic poker nature. Read discussion forums, you might learn something.

    3) If you don't like poker on BrainKing, please go and play elsewhere. Our site is focused mostly on turn based games and if I occasionally experiment with other technologies, it does not mean that I am prepared to spend every free moment on fixing them. It is my site and I have my own priorities.

    And above all, please stop acting like a jerk. Thank you.

    21. Outubro 2011, 16:15:33
    Assunto: Re: poker not for nothing fencer
    mook53lhd: I seriously doubt it. More like there seems to be a problem with your browser's cache.

    25. Setembro 2011, 14:42:28
    Assunto: Re:
    beadle: I will probably rewrite poker from scratch because it is not well coded anyway. I didn't know too much about online poker when I had created it. Now I do.

    29. Junho 2010, 21:03:15
    Assunto: Re:
    Dreda: Why should it be a problem?

    24. Junho 2010, 22:10:41
    Assunto: Re: Anyone care to play?
    Bwild: And?

    24. Junho 2010, 08:58:32
    Assunto: Re: Anyone care to play?
    Bwild: I am sure there will be much more interest in BrainKing poker when I add multi-table tournaments with interesting prizes. However, it won't happen until the next version of BrainKing is done. Anyway, it is definitely planned to do.

    19. Novembro 2009, 11:18:02
    Assunto: Re:
    Brainwave: That's my point.

    19. Novembro 2009, 08:47:50
    Assunto: Re:And I have a right to ignore them.
    Bwild: Of course I do. And before I start to call you names you won't like, let me make one more attempt of, er, explanation:

    1) Paid membership is not mandatory, nobody is forced to pay here to play. Especially poker is (and always will be) free for all.
    2) The page of membership level benefits clearly specifies what you get when you decide to upgrade. It says nothing about our duty to fix all possible bugs, add new features or discuss with people who don't want to accept the site rules.

    I am sure it is clear enough for everyone, mostly because it is not the first time I post this kind of response. No more off topic responses here, please.

    18. Novembro 2009, 23:15:24
    Assunto: Re:instead of useless posting about "crap".
    Bwild: So what? Can't you just live with it? Please don't take it THAT seriously, it's just a game.
    Yes, you have a right to voice your concerns. And I have a right to ignore them.

    18. Novembro 2009, 21:18:09
    Assunto: Re:
    Bwild: Because it's my site and my decision. I have very good reasons.
    If you are not happy here, you are free to play elsewhere, instead of useless posting about "crap".

    12. Agosto 2009, 16:16:14
    Assunto: Re: how many
    Hrqls: After the site is rewritten.

    12. Agosto 2009, 14:59:04
    Assunto: Re: how many
    Hrqls: 132416 and counting.

    5. Junho 2009, 10:28:53
    Assunto: Re: Poker tournaments
    nodnarbo: A couple of issues must be resolved first. But I didn't forget about it.

    23. Abril 2009, 14:33:12
    Assunto: Re:
    Czuch: That's correct.

    31. Março 2009, 22:02:41
    Assunto: Re: Problem report
    JPS: Released.

    26. Março 2009, 17:12:06
    Assunto: Re: Less Than Big Blind Kicked Out.
    bobwhoosta: I am always grateful for a clarification of the rules because I am not aware of all details and special situations. But everything can be done, sooner or later.

    26. Março 2009, 16:45:46
    Assunto: Re:
    puupia: Why should you be allowed to play if you don't have at least BB number of chips?

    26. Março 2009, 16:32:41
    Assunto: Re:Furthermore, I am busy with something else at the moment,
    Bwild: That will be a followup.

    26. Março 2009, 07:23:14
    Assunto: Re:
    Modificado por Fencer (26. Março 2009, 07:23:32)
    Czuch: There is nothing to comment yet. My local tests show that pot limit poker is OK and if something wrong happened recently, I hope you can imagine how difficult and complicated it is to reproduce such situations and pinpoint possible problem sources.
    Furthermore, I am busy with something else at the moment, so you must be patient and wait. As far as I know, the majority of users has no problems with limit and no limit poker here, so I can say that there is no critical issue which would require my immediate attention.

    11. Março 2009, 20:24:01
    Assunto: Re:
    Czuch: Separated chips.

    26. Fevereiro 2009, 17:46:28
    Assunto: Kickers
    Very well, the "5 top cards" rule is enforced now, regarding flushes and kickers.

    26. Fevereiro 2009, 17:45:25
    Assunto: Re: Tournaments
    Czuch: Yes. But the plans must be synchronized with other plans, it is not just about tournaments.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 22:07:41

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 21:08:42
    Assunto: Re: Final notes
    Summertop: Later. I will not forget.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 21:08:24
    Assunto: Re: Kicker
    coan.net: If you are sure about it, it will be implemented this way.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 20:29:42
    Assunto: Re: Kicker
    emelin: Thank you, it's clear now. And what happens if two players share the same pair (as the winning combination) and the same kicker as well? Would the second and third kicker card come to a consideration?

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 20:22:08
    Assunto: Re:
    Czuch: It works for limit games. There is no limit at no limit ones, of course.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 17:56:22
    Assunto: Re: Final notes
    Summertop: Since my Pocket PC is not the best option to write long texts, I will respond to your points later today. Meanwhile, I would like to say that we do not want to compete with other poker sites and our goal is not to create the best possible poker game ever. Take it as a new addition to this site, not as a new trend which should change the style of BrainKing at all.
    Furhermore, as I was receiving reactions of other users, the majority of them does not care if the graphics is outstanding or not. The playability is always more important and although I definitely plan to improve the poker graphics in the future, it is not the highest priority task (and never will be).

    More details later.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 17:14:58
    Assunto: Kicker
    Speaking of bugs, I would like to clarify the kicker card problem because I was searching the web for a proper definition and some sources say that a kicker card must be always taken from player's hand (hole cards), while others describe a kicker as the highest unused card, no matter if it belongs to the table cards or not.

    Currently, we use the first approach. But if there is a reliable and official source which proves that a kicker card can be any card (not used in the winning combination), I would like to know about it.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 17:09:09
    Thanks everyone for valuable comments and suggestions. I have been already thinking of a reward system and I think that Brains could be used in some way as well. All details will be closely described soon when the remaining bugs (flush comparation etc.) are fixed.

    25. Fevereiro 2009, 17:04:58
    Assunto: Re:
    Czuch: Pot limit version is not implemented yet and fellowship tables are not supported either. Everything will be added soon.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 19:08:58
    Assunto: Cash games
    Of course. The only type of cash games would be similar to tournaments with Brains entry fee. Nothing else. We are not a gambling site.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 18:25:27
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: Good question. Would people be interested in real cash games here?

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 17:57:20
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: Your goal is to help BrainKing to locate and fix remaining bugs. After the test period is done, you can change the priorities.
    The chips reset will be properly announced.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 16:50:51
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: The sense is to test, not to win all possible chips. But nobody is forced to participate, of course.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 14:40:49
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: The fix has been just confirmed by Pedro and me, no limit heads up.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 08:26:57
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: Ah, I've found it (fortunately Pedro Martínez knows how to make a quality bug report, you should follow his example next time).
    Under investigation.

    24. Fevereiro 2009, 08:08:17
    Assunto: Re: Poker bug
    Czuch: 1) It is designed to give the winner only a multiple of his own bet (multiplied by the number of remaining players) and the rest is moved to the side pot. If you think that it didn't work in some situation, please post the table URL and the round number.
    2) This is a known bug, caused by my wrong understanding of this rule. It is going to be fixed soon.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 21:26:25
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: Sorry, my fault. This is a real bug, will be fixed tomorrow (I am already too tired to make any changes today).

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 21:22:04
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: Huh? clearTimeout is one of fundamental JavaScript functions and must be supported everywhere. Does it happen with other browsers too?

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 21:12:24
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: Try it now.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 21:04:30
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: I think I have a solution. It should be active soon.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 20:47:59
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: Ah, I've got it. For some strange reason, your browser tries to validate XML but no XML is used, of course. It is not a right behavior and if it happens with other browsers as well, something is wrong with your system at all.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 20:36:56
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: I have no idea why a "D" should cause a syntax error. Especially when it works for others.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 20:06:52
    Assunto: Re: Poker Tournaments
    AbigailII: Nice tournament tips, thank you.

    23. Fevereiro 2009, 20:06:20
    Assunto: Re: Poker on Brainking - random thoughts
    Gordon Shumway: Good tips. I will take them to a comsideration. And no, there is no problem with table refreshing, I've just checked all of them. It might help if you have a look at the error console of your browser.

    21. Fevereiro 2009, 18:59:10
    New features always mean new bugs. Take it easy.

    21. Fevereiro 2009, 15:00:41
    Assunto: Re: MInimum raise
    puupia: If there is a commonly accepted way.

    21. Fevereiro 2009, 12:23:24
    Assunto: Re: MInimum raise
    puupia: If there are no official rules, we can do it our way.

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